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Archived 76561198074928526 (josephtheking & Loren491)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Repulse, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Repulse

    Repulse New User

    Victim (Not really, myself):
    |steamID: Repulse
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:27685967
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015637663
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Repulse_
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198015637663
    SourceOP forum account: http://forums.sourceop.com/members/22335-Repulse

    Victim (target):
    |steamID: I am Xeph
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:42887324
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046040377
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lvluppy
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046040377

    |steamID: josephtheking
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:57331399
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074928526
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198074928526

    Scammer alt:
    |steamID: Loren491
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:50281618
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198060828964
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198060828964


    Conversations with scammer:

    After the last picture, his status became 'Away' and 'Online' multiple times.

    Conversations with victim:

    Description: The scammer added me, with both accounts, and told me he wanted to buy my unusual and after telling him my price of 2 buds, he went AFK for some time and I closed the chat thinking nothing of it. A few hours later, this conversation took place. I agreed to be his accomplice in his scam accidentally as I wasn't sure what he was talking about. I thought he meant he got scammed, but I soon found out otherwise. His target added me and I told his target about it. The scammer got mad but promised to buy buds with PayPal, which at this point I don't believe. He also claimed that the target had scammed him, but when I asked the target about it, he said that the scammer had gave him 1 bud in items to gain his trust. While I'm typing this, he is claiming to buy buds with PayPal without scamming so that he can trade me them for my unusual.

    Scammer's Conversation:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Repulse: hey
    josephtheking: ok im going back to loren491 acount
    Repulse: so I found you I think
    josephtheking: yup
    josephtheking: u did
    josephtheking: its me
    josephtheking: o
    josephtheking: hey hows ur
    josephtheking: rep
    josephtheking is now Away.
    josephtheking is now Online.
    Repulse: good
    josephtheking: sop rep
    Repulse: but I'
    Repulse: m not doing paypal?
    josephtheking: i know
    josephtheking: i was going to ask u to be middle man
    Repulse: oh I have some SOP rep
    Repulse: not that reputable
    josephtheking: is it bad or good
    josephtheking: and can u help me with a scam
    josephtheking: possibly if done right
    josephtheking: then u will be payed in 2 to 3 buds
    josephtheking: just saying if u cant or can
    Repulse: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/109077-Repulse-s-rep-thread
    Repulse: Here's my rep
    Repulse: Erm.. sure?
    josephtheking: ok
    josephtheking: its for a whats in the conpanion cube box
    josephtheking: u know
    Repulse: uh huh
    josephtheking: now u can hold the box
    josephtheking: and give it to this acount
    josephtheking: cause the loren491 is going to maybey be u know
    Repulse: where's the guy with the box?
    josephtheking: england
    josephtheking: hes in england
    Repulse: I mean his steam profile?
    josephtheking: oh
    josephtheking: lol
    josephtheking: first i have to make sure that ur good for this cause if u tell him then i get some serious s✿✿✿ on my hands
    Repulse: er okay?
    josephtheking: all u need to do is hold the box until i get on this acoount
    josephtheking: is name is xeph
    josephtheking: dont add himm he will add u
    josephtheking: now
    josephtheking: dont tell him anything
    josephtheking: all u have to do is keep teh box
    josephtheking: then give it too me when
    josephtheking: GOD DAMMIT
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: UUU
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: UU
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: U
    josephtheking: I TOLD U NOT TO TELL HIM ANYTHING
    Repulse: dude, I'm not an idiot
    josephtheking: ok
    josephtheking: nvr mind
    josephtheking: alright
    josephtheking: well there goes 2 buds
    josephtheking: bye
    Repulse: bye
    josephtheking: but still buying that unusual
    josephtheking: for buds
    josephtheking: not paypal
    Repulse: uh huh
    josephtheking: yup
    josephtheking: tried to scam me
    josephtheking: but yeah
    josephtheking: nvr mind
    josephtheking: ok
    josephtheking: hold on
    josephtheking: i will go buy some stuff
    josephtheking: i mean buds
    josephtheking: damn son u could of got 2 buds
    josephtheking: y u tell him
    josephtheking: so will u still sell that unusual yellow belt or u dont wana trade any more
    josephtheking: by the way i will do buds
    Repulse: where would you get the buds from?
    josephtheking: paypal
    josephtheking: and not scaming
    josephtheking: acutally going first
    Repulse: are you sure? I don't really trust you at this point
    josephtheking: im doing buds
    Repulse: but if the buds are scammed, I'll be in trouble too
    josephtheking: and i only did it because he said i will sell it for 6.5 and i said ok
    josephtheking: then i fuigured out its only worth 2 buds
    josephtheking: and i gave him one bud in advance
    josephtheking: and dont worry
    josephtheking: im actually going to pay first
    Repulse: what about chargeback?
    josephtheking: no u know leave or what i was going to do
    josephtheking: whats that
    josephtheking: im sorry im like almost new to paypal
    Repulse: uh huh, as long as the buds are bought legit, then it's okay
    josephtheking: ok
    josephtheking: cool
    josephtheking: 2 buds or what u want
    Repulse: 2 buds
    josephtheking: listen i only did it cause he scamed me
    josephtheking: ok
    josephtheking: so  dont worry my rep is clean execept that that was my first scam i tried to do
    josephtheking: ok i will be back
    josephtheking: with the card
    josephtheking is now Away.
    josephtheking is now Online.
    josephtheking is now Away.
    josephtheking is now Online.
    josephtheking is now Away.
    josephtheking is now Offline.
    josephtheking is now Online.
    josephtheking: hey
    josephtheking: got the card
    Repulse: really
    josephtheking: yup
    josephtheking: i told u
    josephtheking: im no bsing this time
    josephtheking: so u want to be middle man with the buds
    Repulse: no
    josephtheking: k
    josephtheking: dont mind
    Victim's (target) Conversation:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Repulse: hello
    I am Xeph: Hello
    I am Xeph: Im the one trading with loren
    I am Xeph: he said your gonna middleman?
    Repulse: Dude
    Repulse: Don't tell him
    Repulse: he wants me to scam you
    Repulse: I won't
    Repulse: but I'm going to report him
    I am Xeph: k thanks
    I am Xeph: kk
    I am Xeph: thanks bro
    Repulse: I'll take a screenshot too
    Repulse: pretend that you're trading with me
    I am Xeph: he found out
    I am Xeph: x_x
    Repulse: oh
    Repulse: lol
    Repulse: how did he find out?
    I am Xeph: slipped off my tounge.. XD
    I am Xeph: but thanks bro
    I am Xeph: so did you get the screeny?
    Repulse: yeah but
    Repulse: he's going to scam someone else
    Repulse: and I can't stop him
    I am Xeph: hm
    I am Xeph: the screen is enough proof
    I am Xeph: just need to get him marked
    Repulse: I mean like
    Repulse: right now
    I am Xeph: mhm..
    I am Xeph: funny thing is
    I am Xeph: he gave me a buds worth of items
    I am Xeph: to get my trust
    I am Xeph: lols.
    Repulse: no no no don't keep it
    Repulse: he probably scammed it
    Repulse: nope
    Repulse: nope
    I am Xeph: sold most of it already
    I am Xeph: 9_9
    Repulse: oh no
    I am Xeph: still have one of the items tho
    I am Xeph: and he didnt scam it
    I am Xeph: he sold is unusual for the items
    Repulse: really?
    Repulse: I don't trust him though..
    I am Xeph: yea..
    I am Xeph: well i'll get you his profile
    I am Xeph: for steamrep
    Repulse: I have both
    Repulse: don't worry
    I am Xeph: good :D
    I am Xeph: can I get the link quickly?
    Repulse: quickly for what?
    I am Xeph: nvm
    I am Xeph: for steamrep
    I am Xeph: got it now
    I am Xeph: :F
    I am Xeph is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    Repulse: he says you scammed him
    Repulse: I don't get it
    I am Xeph: say what?
    I am Xeph: o-o
    I am Xeph: heres the deal
    I am Xeph: We were talking over skype
    I am Xeph: then
    I am Xeph: he gave me some items in order to i guess "earn my trust"
    I am Xeph: then this happened
    I am Xeph: So its his fault
    I am Xeph: Looks like the scamming backfired
  2. I am Xeph

    I am Xeph New User

    So yea, As it says, At the time I was on skype with loren, He first was going to get his friend to middleman which I obviously didnt fall for, I then added someone on steam to ask if they could middleman, while waiting for the person the scammer told me he found someone to "middleman", turns out he asked repulse to scam the box off me, This also shows him attempting to bribe the middleman, after that I told him I knew, He removed me on skype. With the bud of items, this is what happened, the scammer gave me some items in order to gain my trust, after recieving these items I sold them without thinking they could have possibly been scammed from people, However, good thing is they were all traded for an unusual so everything is good. After that he then attempted to frame me without any proof of me doing anything, Also notice how he told the middleman only after I told him I knew. good thing repulse told me and I am very thankful and hope the screenshots are good enough proof to get him marked!
  3. Repulse

    Repulse New User

    Don't think I can edit things so I'm going to update my previous description so it's clearer.

    Updated Description: The scammer added me, and told me he wanted to buy my unusual. I told him the price and he went AFK for some time so I closed the chat thinking nothing of it. A few hours later, this following conversation took place. I agreed to be his accomplice in his scam accidentally as I wasn't sure what he was talking about. I thought he meant he got scammed, but I soon found out otherwise. His target added me and I told his target about it. The scammer got mad but promised to buy buds with PayPal, which at this point I don't believe. He also claimed that the target had scammed him, but when I asked the target about it, he said that the scammer had gave him 1 bud in items to gain his trust. While I'm typing this, he is claiming to buy buds with PayPal without scamming so that he can trade me them for my unusual.
  4. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    Thanks for the report.