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Accepted Report: 76561197960269501 - ([Other] Other game items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Seasonal, Oct 19, 2017.

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  1. Seasonal

    Seasonal Banned on SteamRep

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [Other] Other game items

    Accused profile: 76561197960269501

    Victim profile: 76561198384061866

    What happened? Description:
    I approached him asking if I could buy some of his items, and he said that he was willing to sell, but I had to send first. He sent me some sketchy link to send a payment to (via paypal) but I used his e-mail rather than that link. I told him I would rather do a smaller payment first, before we did the bigger tier items, and he said that was fine. So I sent him a $20 payment before he sent the items (he didn't even send the items) and then when I asked him to send me the items, he refused, and told me I was trying to scam him. I told him that he was being moronic, because I had already sent him the money, and he told me the only way I was going to get it back was to admit that I was trying to scam him.
    We had made a deal, that I would send first for the lower tier items, which I did, and then he did not follow through on his end. If that's not grounds for a ban, then I don't know what is.

    I've got plenty of screenshots to document this.

    (Also, I don't understand what's going on with my account, and being banned, for an account that I have no association with whatsoever. I've submitted an appeal and I'm waiting for a response, but that's beside the point. )

    This person believes that he's exempt from being banned on Steamrep because he's had his Steam Profile for a long time. That seems completely unfair, I've got plenty of evidence for this case, so please let me know if I need to submit more.

    Screenshots Below --​

    Provide Evidence:
    See items​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Seasonal: Panzer?
    Seasonal: Do you have a paypal.me?
    PanzerKnackers: i do
    Seasonal: Okay
    Seasonal: I'd give you 285 for the shoes, 120 for the hotpants
    Seasonal: 8 for the cap
    Seasonal: 3 for the crate
    PanzerKnackers: k
    Seasonal: How's that sound?
    PanzerKnackers: perfect
    Seasonal: Do you have mobile?
    PanzerKnackers: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?toke...KXuuJWTtGVW2L9mZzo3G&country.x=US&locale.x=US
    PanzerKnackers: I do.
    Seasonal: what's this link
    PanzerKnackers: PayPal
    Seasonal: For the payment?
    Seasonal: Okay
    Seasonal: So how do you want to do this?
    Seasonal: Would you bee okay going first on some of the smaller transactions?
    PanzerKnackers: Payment then items
    PanzerKnackers: Doesn't matter to me
    Seasonal: Okay
    Seasonal: Okay well let me know whenevr
    PanzerKnackers: I'll let you know as soon as the payment goes through
    PanzerKnackers: Make sure to put the item in the description
    Seasonal: Uh
    PanzerKnackers is now Away.
    Seasonal: well I'm asking you to go first for the smaller transactions
    Seasonal: So we can build some trust
    Seasonal: for the bigger ones.
    PanzerKnackers is now Online.
    PanzerKnackers: Sure sure.
    PanzerKnackers: You send whatever payment you want first.
    PanzerKnackers: Then we'll go from there.
    Seasonal: im confused
    Seasonal: You want me to send an offer for the items I'd like to buy first
    Seasonal: Before we do the big transaction
    PanzerKnackers: Send payment for small item
    PanzerKnackers: We trade
    PanzerKnackers: Then for bigger item
    PanzerKnackers: I'll go first for bigger items if you'd like
    Seasonal: I'm asking if you can go first for the smaller items
    Seasonal: So I can be able to trust you
    Seasonal: theen I'll go first for the bigger items
    PanzerKnackers: So if you go to the store and buy a computer, do you take it home before you pay for it?
    PanzerKnackers: Doesn't work like that
    Seasonal: But how do I know you'll send the items?
    Seasonal: If I send first for the small one, you'll send first for the big ones?
    PanzerKnackers: If you're worried about losing a few bucks, then we shouldn't do a cash trade
    PanzerKnackers: This way I know your PayPal account will work
    Seasonal: If I send first, you'll send first for the big items?
    PanzerKnackers: Yup
    Seasonal: I'm recording here, just to let you know.
    Seasonal: I'm sending 20$ right now
    Seasonal: Hello?
    PanzerKnackers: Hi
    Seasonal: I'm sending you 20$
    PanzerKnackers: Kay
    Seasonal: Check your Paypal
    PanzerKnackers: Checking
    Seasonal: Alright.
    Seasonal: All set?
    PanzerKnackers is now Online.
    PanzerKnackers: Still waiting
    Seasonal: Check your Paypal
    Seasonal: https://gyazo.com/c3afc3e4edd7ad03d59c080e7bb2f4a9
    PanzerKnackers: I'm checking it
    Seasonal: Aight
    PanzerKnackers: Might take a while to process
    Seasonal: haha
    Seasonal: Its completed, don't f✿✿✿ with me.
    Seasonal: Don't play this game man.
    Seasonal: lol
    Seasonal: well you got me
    PanzerKnackers: Did I?
    Seasonal: Yeah, you're not responding lol
    PanzerKnackers: Hi
    PanzerKnackers: I'm here
    PanzerKnackers: Still waiting
    Seasonal: You got the payment
    Seasonal: Im not stupid
    PanzerKnackers is now Away.
    Seasonal: scammed?
    PanzerKnackers is now Online.
    PanzerKnackers: Did you send it via the link?
    PanzerKnackers: Because I see it now, but there is a fee attached.
    PanzerKnackers: Hello?
    Seasonal: I didn't send it via the link
    PanzerKnackers: Ah, that's why.
    PanzerKnackers: Here, let me refund it
    Seasonal: Uh, no...
    Seasonal: I just want the items
    Seasonal: I've sent a payment.
    PanzerKnackers: Nah, I don't wanna take a huge hit on PayPal fees
    PanzerKnackers: Kay?
    Seasonal: I'll pay your fees
    PanzerKnackers: Dude, fees are like 30%
    Seasonal: idc
    Seasonal: i have the money
    PanzerKnackers is now Away.
    Seasonal: so?
    Seasonal: Can I have the items please/
    Seasonal: I'll be sending a 500$ payment for all of the items
    Seasonal: and if it taxes it, i can send more
    Seasonal: i coiuld seend the next as friends and family
    Seasonal: if that works
    PanzerKnackers is now Away.
    Seasonal: ?
    Seasonal: ...?
    Seasonal: Hey, I've sent you money, I'd appriciate a response
    PanzerKnackers did not respond to the trade request.
    PanzerKnackers is now Online.
    PanzerKnackers: What's up
    Seasonal: i haven't recieved items yet
    Seasonal: And it's starting to sus me out
    PanzerKnackers: Oh really?
    Seasonal: I've sent a payment, and recieved nothing in return
    PanzerKnackers: Bummer
    Seasonal: Are you serious?
    PanzerKnackers: Yup
    Seasonal: Why dude
    Seasonal: Refund my money
    PanzerKnackers: You know why
    Seasonal: Refund my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ money
    PanzerKnackers: Admit you were trying to scam me and I'll refund it
    Seasonal: THE f✿✿✿ YOU MEEEAN
    Seasonal: I SENT FIRST
    PanzerKnackers: Kay, bye
    Seasonal: reporting you on steamrep
    Seasonal: love to see how your reputation will hold up
    Seasonal: give me my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ money
    PanzerKnackers: Admit it, and I'll refund.
    Seasonal: i sent you the money first
    Seasonal: and you' haven't sent anything in reeturn
    PanzerKnackers: That's not what I asked
    Seasonal: Well you're scamming me
    Seasonal: So I'm just gonna report you to steamrep
    PanzerKnackers: Kay
    Seasonal: You're honestly an a✿✿✿✿✿✿
    Seasonal: Send me my money back
    Seasonal: Or i'm reporting you on steamrep
    PanzerKnackers: Admit it, and you get your money back.
    Seasonal: YOU f✿✿✿✿✿✿ MORON
    Seasonal: I'm gonna ruin you
    Seasonal: If you dont give my money back now
    PanzerKnackers: Lol
    PanzerKnackers: So you don't wanna admit it huh?
    Seasonal: ADMIT WHAT
    Seasonal: HOW AM I SCAMMING YOU?
    PanzerKnackers: That you were trying to scam me out of the other items.
    Seasonal: HOW?
    PanzerKnackers: Yeah, after I convinced you.
    PanzerKnackers: Scrub bub.
    Seasonal: So you're willingly going to take a steamrep report
    PanzerKnackers: Here. I'll refund your money.
    Seasonal: Over 20$
    PanzerKnackers: I really don't think you would have any effect on my steam rep
    PanzerKnackers: My account has been around since before steam was launched
    Seasonal: I don't care
    Seasonal: they don't care
    Seasonal: you just scammed me
    PanzerKnackers: Kay
    Seasonal: you kept my 20$ without sending the items that we agreed on
    Seasonal: they don't give a f✿✿✿ who you are
    PanzerKnackers: Go call PayPal and request a refund.
    Seasonal: No, you refund my money
    Seasonal: And I won't submit this report
    Seasonal: If you don't then I will'
    PanzerKnackers: You shouldn't be requesting digital goods via PayPal anyways.
    PanzerKnackers: At least without a third party website.
    Seasonal: But that's what we did
    Seasonal: You're acting really stupid here man
    Seasonal: We made a deal, and you broke it
    PanzerKnackers: Nah, you said you weren't whitelisted for opskins
    Seasonal: we made a deal
    PanzerKnackers: Even though that makes zero sense.
    Seasonal: for paypal
    Seasonal: I'm not whitelisted to pay with Paypal on Opskins
    Seasonal: I'll give you 2 minutes to send my money back
    Seasonal: Or I'll submit this report right now
    PanzerKnackers: Go ahead and report me.
    Seasonal: Just give me my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ money
    Seasonal: Stop beeing an a✿✿✿✿✿✿
    Seasonal: You know you're in thee wrong here
    PanzerKnackers: I'll be happy to share this conversation with them
    Seasonal: THEN SAID "COOL"
    PanzerKnackers: Yup
    Seasonal: "BUMMER"
    PanzerKnackers: I did.
    Seasonal: So you admit to scamming me
    PanzerKnackers: I'm not scamming anyone. Youre the one who sent a random payment
    Seasonal: LOL
    Seasonal: Seasonal: I didn't send it via the link
    PanzerKnackers: Ah, that's why.
    PanzerKnackers: Here, let me refund it
    Seasonal: Uh, no...
    Seasonal: I just want the items
    Seasonal: I've sent a payment.
    PanzerKnackers: Nah, I don't wanna take a huge hit on PayPal fees
    PanzerKnackers: Kay?
    Seasonal: You're honestly braindead
    Seasonal: I'm about to ruin your account reputation
    PanzerKnackers: Look, I even offered to refund it.
    PanzerKnackers: Go ahead and report me.
    PanzerKnackers: Please.
    PanzerKnackers: I would love that
    PanzerKnackers: I think it will be hilarious
    Seasonal: Good thing your personal information is shown on your Paypal
    PanzerKnackers: Also on my steam page.
    PanzerKnackers: Lol
    Seasonal: 951-403-5902?
    PanzerKnackers: Try again
    Seasonal: dont think so
    PanzerKnackers: Look at where I live via my steam page.
    PanzerKnackers: Wrong area code.
    PanzerKnackers: Did you report me yet?
    Seasonal: I'm about to
    Seasonal: I'm just trying to wrap my head around why you're doing this.
    PanzerKnackers: Kay, hurry up please <3
    Seasonal: You told me to send a payment first, which I did, then proceeded to ignore me
    Seasonal: and then scam me
    PanzerKnackers: Also you should call that number
    Seasonal: and then call me a scammer
    Seasonal: I did, its some random b✿✿✿✿
    PanzerKnackers: Lol
    PanzerKnackers: Just admit you were trying to scam me from the start, and I'll refund your money <3
    PanzerKnackers: Also, are you Russian by chance?
    Seasonal: I
    Seasonal: am
    Seasonal: not
    Seasonal: trying
    Seasonal: to
    Seasonal: scam
    Seasonal: anyone
    PanzerKnackers: Kay, are you Russian?
    Seasonal: I sent the money to you first
    Seasonal: No nigga
    PanzerKnackers: Where you from?
    Seasonal: why do you care
    Seasonal: I just want my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ money back
    PanzerKnackers: Just curious.
    PanzerKnackers: Because you said PayPal.me
    PanzerKnackers: And that's a top level domain for like... Russian area stuff
    PanzerKnackers: Montenegro
    PanzerKnackers: Actually
    Seasonal: No
    Seasonal: its not
    Seasonal: you braindead f✿✿✿
    Seasonal: Its for buisness transactions
    Seasonal: they're non-refundable
    Seasonal: But you scammed me, and i think its just pathetic.
    Seasonal: You're making yourself look like a moron.
    PanzerKnackers: Ah, right
    Seasonal: I'll give you two minutes.
    Seasonal: To refund my money.
    PanzerKnackers: Kay
    PanzerKnackers: I'll wait.
    Seasonal: Or I'm uploading this to steamrep
    PanzerKnackers: Please.
    PanzerKnackers: Just do it now.
    Seasonal: lol it says im banned on steamrep
    Seasonal: because of another account
    Seasonal: sick
    PanzerKnackers: Awwww
    PanzerKnackers: Bummer.
    Seasonal: But I'm still gonna upload this.
    Seasonal: Regardless.
    PanzerKnackers: What did you get banned for?
    Seasonal: I don't know
    Seasonal: It just got added.
    PanzerKnackers: Maybe I can help you get unbanned
    Seasonal: I'll just submit a repeal
    Seasonal: an appeal*
    PanzerKnackers: I doubt that will work.
    PanzerKnackers: Any idea why they would ban you?
    PanzerKnackers: Not even the slightest clue?
    Seasonal: It looks like it was in assosiation
    PanzerKnackers: Because of an alt account huh?
    PanzerKnackers: What did you do on your alt account?
    Seasonal: My alt account?
    PanzerKnackers: Yeah
    Seasonal: which account
    Seasonal: I don't own that Shadow account lol
    Seasonal: I wish I did
    PanzerKnackers: Your alt account. The one it is trying to associate with you
    Seasonal: that's not my account bud
    PanzerKnackers: Link me to the account it says is associated with yours
    Seasonal: You grab it
    Seasonal: Im typing up this report
    PanzerKnackers: Aww, you were reported for fraud :(
    PanzerKnackers: I wonder why
    Seasonal: That's not my account.
    Seasonal: You can believe what you want to believe
    PanzerKnackers: Nah, on this one
    Seasonal: On this one?
    PanzerKnackers: Yup
    Seasonal: Where was I reported for fraud?
    Seasonal: Dumbass
    PanzerKnackers: Steam rep
    Seasonal: That's what I'm talking about
    Seasonal: Its banneed because it associated me with this account
    Seasonal: lol
    Seasonal: its funny how you think you are exempt simply because you have an old profile
    PanzerKnackers: How do you know so much about steamrep when your account is only 6 months old?
    Seasonal: Because I have another account?
    Seasonal: Called Universe?
    PanzerKnackers: Oh, lol
    PanzerKnackers: I thought you said you didnt have any alt accounts
    PanzerKnackers: Or did I read that wrong?
    Seasonal: I have one alt account
    Seasonal: If you were smart
    Seasonal: You would look @ what's going on
    Seasonal: and see the difference in the ban dates
    PanzerKnackers: Cool
    PanzerKnackers: Anyways, im still here if you wanna admit anything
    Seasonal: You're funny.
    PanzerKnackers: And get your refund pushed through
    Seasonal: I'm about to submit this report for ya
    PanzerKnackers: Kay
    Seasonal: I bet your friends would love to seee this.
    PanzerKnackers: This convo is for sure going in my discord.
    PanzerKnackers: Anyways, I gotta go buddy.
    PanzerKnackers: Message me when you change your mind about admitting anything.
    PanzerKnackers: Byyeeeeee <3
    PanzerKnackers is now Away.

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your little addition about your tag has NOTHING to do with this report - future notes about it in other reports will result in a warning as making reports isn't an alternate method to argue a tag. Use the appeal process like everyone else.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Need a FULL screenshot of your paypal activity for last several days to present - AND a new full screen of the transaction opened from within paypal.. along with a FULL screen of your inventory trade history thru steam client (url enabled) for last 48hours.
  4. Seasonal

    Seasonal Banned on SteamRep

    Any way I can post a screenshot without disclosing personal information to the public?
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Post it as requested - when I get back around to it I'll hide the images
  6. PanzerKnackers

    PanzerKnackers Banned on SteamRep

  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please do not bring up other reports in this one.
    What do you mean forward payment? Are you saying you took these funds and are offering to send them to another user for retribution?
  8. PanzerKnackers

    PanzerKnackers Banned on SteamRep

    If that is appropriate, If not I will gladly refund to OP.
  9. Seasonal

    Seasonal Banned on SteamRep

    Thanks, I appreciate the quick responses.

    Attached Files:

  10. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Need the paypal shots again - they are not full screen like the inventory shot.
  11. Seasonal

    Seasonal Banned on SteamRep


    Attached Files:

  12. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - combined with the evidence and the admission report is accepted.
  13. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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