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Accepted Report: 76561197964192457 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by 5L4DE, Nov 5, 2017.

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  1. 5L4DE

    5L4DE New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197964192457

    Victim profile: 76561198001282072

    What happened? Description:
    Attempted to trade scam through a false Valve Employee Middleman. Scammer randomly added me, and offered to overpay for an expensive TF2 item. After we agreed on the amount, he asked if I minded "item assurance". They then asked if I could add someone I didn't know, with a ton of false information in their profile, claiming to be a valve employee. I proceeded to ask simple questions that they could not answer, or lied to me about. I asked for a screenshot of this "item assurance" process, and they gave me a screenshot of the MS Paint program with a screenshot of them trading a few items to the middleman.

    I was not convinced, I asked for a screenshot of the conversation between the two, and then proceeded to call them through steam. I asked again what the problem was, and he said he couldn't provide a screenshot. He hung up, called again, and said he could, and I told him to either trade now normally, or you'll have to call me another time. He then got enraged and said some death threats over the call, and I told him what my prior occupation was. He immediately hung up, and unfriended me. He sounded like an American teenager, and from the screenshot he sent me, living somewhere on the Eastern United States.

    I would hate to see anyone fall for this silly scam.

    The "middlemans" url was http://steamcommunity.com/id/AlirezaOfficialRazmpoosh/, but it has been renamed, or removed. Sorry!​

    Provide Evidence:
    I've uploaded evidence below using the "upload a file" button below.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    23:16 - SL4DE: helo, what can I help you with
    23:16 - ->2000keys: hello ? are you busy?
    23:17 - SL4DE: Little bit, in the middle of a match
    23:17 - SL4DE: I can respond between rounds or deaths.
    23:17 - ->2000keys: just wondering if you open for trade?
    23:18 - SL4DE: I don't trade too much anymore.
    23:18 - ->2000keys: i give you overpay if you want for your item
    23:31 - SL4DE: Which one did you want?
    23:31 - ->2000keys is now Online.
    23:32 - ->2000keys: im looking your unusual item did you trade it?
    23:32 - SL4DE: no not yet
    23:32 - SL4DE: How did you want to pay?
    23:32 - ->2000keys: tf2 key
    23:32 - ->2000keys: i can make my offer 80-85 tf2 keys
    23:35 - SL4DE: Give me a few minutes, but that sounds like a good offer
    23:35 - ->2000keys: ok take your time
    23:44 - ->2000keys is now Online.
    23:55 - SL4DE: 85 keys for the Unusual green energy blast defense, correct?
    Sunday, November 5, 2017
    00:00 - ->2000keys is now Online.
    00:00 - ->2000keys: yeah
    00:00 - ->2000keys: deal?
    00:01 - SL4DE: Sure, let's do it.
    00:02 - ->2000keys: ok before we trade do you mind item assurance?
    00:02 - SL4DE: Define "item assurance"
    00:03 - ->2000keys: i file my steam token to contacta any active steam employee so that he can help us
    00:03 - ->2000keys: ok??
    00:03 - SL4DE: Alrighty.
    00:03 - ->2000keys: please wait a sec
    00:04 - SL4DE: Any reason why your inventory is private?
    00:05 - SL4DE: And the links in your profile link to someone elses backpack?
    00:05 - ->2000keys did not respond to the trade request.
    00:05 - SL4DE: Alright, here's the deal, we trade normally. I have a rare item, only a few of it's kind in the world, and you are either going to trade normally now, or deal's off.
    00:05 - SL4DE: I'll give you 5 minutes to come to a decision.
    00:06 - ->2000keys: but we need to item assurance
    00:06 - ->2000keys: ok ??
    00:06 - SL4DE: Assurance for what, that I own it?
    00:06 - SL4DE: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/440/2/6043343466/?l=english&o_url=SL4DEStreams

    00:06 - SL4DE: Mouse over, and see that it is mine.
    00:06 - ->2000keys: can you help me to add him http://steamcommunity.com/id/AlirezaOfficialRazmpoosh/
    00:07 - ->2000keys: so that can help us to item assurance
    00:07 - ->2000keys: did you add him ?
    00:07 - SL4DE: Why would I need to add someone completely different to trade something between us?
    00:08 - ->2000keys: steam check we need the assistance of steam admins because they have a system that even it we send our offer to them they can touch ot ir steal it because steam locked offers as we send it as a pending offer, we need to send in to them so they can check it, after that everything is green then we trade direct one on one without no doubt to each other
    00:09 - SL4DE: There isn't such thing as a pending offer if you've been on steam long enough, and you have a steam guard on your phone.
    00:09 - SL4DE: How long have you been trading?
    00:10 - SL4DE: Because your steam account is 13 years old.
    00:10 - ->2000keys: yeah
    00:10 - ->2000keys: i have alot of tf2/csgo keys
    00:10 - ->2000keys: did you add him ?
    00:10 - SL4DE: Then, lets trade normally, because I have 2 other people offering.
    00:10 - SL4DE: You know that guy isn't a steam admin right?
    00:11 - SL4DE: If you've been trading with them, and haven't lost anything, you've only gotten lucky so far.
    00:11 - ->2000keys: im already send my token to assist us
    00:11 - SL4DE: Prove it, send me a screenshot that you've done this.
    00:11 - SL4DE: I want to see it.
    00:12 - ->2000keys: ok wait
    00:16 - SL4DE: I'm waiting...
    00:19 - SL4DE: This is unprofessional, you have 5 minutes.
    00:22 - ->2000keys: https://snag.gy/Fzo8Vg.jpg
    00:23 - ->2000keys: https://snag.gy/0axRDu.jpg
    00:23 - ->2000keys: https://snag.gy/0axRDu.jpg
    00:23 - ->2000keys: check it that
    00:24 - ->2000keys: https://snag.gy/0axRDu.jpg
    00:24 - SL4DE: Did you seriously take a screenshot of paint.
    00:24 - ->2000keys: https://snag.gy/0axRDu.jpg
    00:25 - SL4DE: Also, this doesn't show me anything.
    00:25 - SL4DE: You just showed me a screenshot of you giving items away.
    00:25 - SL4DE: A key and two kits, thats barely anything.
    00:25 - ->2000keys: that is my proof
    00:26 - SL4DE: How about a screenshot of your chat conversation?
    00:26 - SL4DE: Full screen
    00:26 - SL4DE: No paint program
    00:26 - ->2000keys: lol
    00:26 - SL4DE: ?
    00:26 - ->2000keys: that verify item is not now lol
    00:27 - ->2000keys: last time
    00:27 - SL4DE: So, you'll take the screenshot then?
    00:27 - ->2000keys: already delete?
    00:28 - SL4DE: You deleted your screenshot of the chat conversation?
    00:28 - SL4DE: Can I speak with your manager, or whoever is in charge please?
    00:28 - ->2000keys: no i mean
    00:28 - ->2000keys: delete chat box
    00:28 - SL4DE: Is english your first language?
    00:29 - SL4DE: Just open up a chat, and screenshot whatever is left.
    00:32 - Call from ->2000keys started.
    00:32 - Call with ->2000keys ended.
    00:32 - SL4DE: You mic is too low for me to understand you properly
    00:32 - SL4DE: Please fix it before calling again.
    00:32 - Call from ->2000keys started.
    00:32 - ->2000keys: call
    00:35 - Call with ->2000keys ended.
    00:35 - ->2000keys has ended the call.
    00:35 - ->2000keys is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. 5L4DE

    5L4DE New User

    If you need any other information, feel free to contact me here, or on steam using the credentials above.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Well @5L4DE for starters NEVER give us custom URL's...always full sR profile blocks to any user involved!
    Because see now the custom URL does not work...so I have no idea who that account belongs to and we can't get it...so do better next time.
    Looks like this user anyway whom I'm looking at on another report.
    | steamname: Alireza Razmpoosh
    | steam3ID: [U:1:106062930]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53031465
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066328658
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/AlirezaOfficial
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066328658

    Ohh and NEVER go to voice...NEVER discuss steam trading outside of steam chat!

    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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