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Accepted Report: 76561198065200114 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ✪ Alex | CS.MONEY, Jan 7, 2018.

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  1. ✪ Alex | CS.MONEY

    ✪ Alex | CS.MONEY New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198065200114

    Victim profile: 76561198100349329

    What happened? Description:
    The scammer asked me if I wanted to sell my knife on PayPal, after I was done playing a competitive match on CS:GO. I said yes and he proceeded with a fake email of a PayPal recept, trying to trick me to think that he had sent the money.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Scammer_1 and Scammer_2 are the screenshots of the chat history. Chat log is below. Scammer_3 and Scammer_4 are evidence that he attempted to send a trade offer to me. Scammer_5 is his profile with the link on the top and other information with proof that this is the person. Scammer_6, Scammer_7, and Scammer_8 are the screenshots of the fake PayPal recept he sent to me via email, impersonating PayPal. Scammer_9 is further proof that this is the guy scamming me, not an impersonation of any kind.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: yo
    ✪ Alex: yo
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: you willing to sell your knife?
    ✪ Alex: yeah
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: would you take 480$ for it?
    ✪ Alex: yes
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: whats your paypal?
    ✪ Alex: [email protected]
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: ok mr spear man ;)
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: or
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: mrs pear man ;)
    ✪ Alex: mrs. pearman
    ✪ Alex: its my wifes
    ✪ Alex: this really helps out alot man
    ✪ Alex: my sons in the hospital and the extra money could really help
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: xD
    ✪ Alex: ?
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: idk if ur serious or not
    ✪ Alex: im serious.
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: oh
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: well thats good :)
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: im glad
    ✪ Alex: thanks man
    ✪ Alex: and you went first, thats awesome
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: ye ye
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: B)
    ✪ Alex: u sending?
    ✪ Alex: man?
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: mhm
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: sorry my google chrome was taking forever to load
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: lol
    ✪ Alex: ok
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: okay i sent the money
    You have accepted the trade request from [BipO] EntroPy [Trading].
    ✪ Alex: let me check first man
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: ye ye, check ur email. itll show up :)
    ✪ Alex: i cant click the links?
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: ?
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: i sent the money
    ✪ Alex: who is wes.luna800@gmail
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: my email
    ✪ Alex: man pick up
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: paypal sends it from my email
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: no, unsecure
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: you can get my ip
    ✪ Alex: what is unsecure
    ✪ Alex: what why
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: steam chat
    ✪ Alex: ok
    ✪ Alex: i accpet now
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: okay
    ✪ Alex: accpeting on phone
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: okay
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: thankyou, i really dont want to lose 480$
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: accept
    ✪ Alex: i am trying man one second
    ✪ Alex: i am getting this message now https://www.google.com/search?biw=9...c.1.64.psy-ab..0.7.796...0i67k1.0.TSOUnwXwNqI
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: it says gay sex lol
    ✪ Alex: You're really f✿✿✿✿✿✿ ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed man. You think you're slick. f✿✿✿ off scammer. You would still scam me even though my son is in the hospital, sick f✿✿✿. End your life.
    ✪ Alex: Enjoy your Steamrep ban.
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: what?
    ✪ Alex: Ypi
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: you are scamming me
    ✪ Alex: You're f✿✿✿✿✿✿ ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed. lmao you didnt send any money
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: i just sent you 480$
    ✪ Alex: I'm so sure.
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: yes i did
    ✪ Alex: Mhm.
    ✪ Alex: Then you should file a Steamrep report on me
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: i can show you my bank statements and paypal
    ✪ Alex: I'd love to see that
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: lol
    ✪ Alex: Okay, you do that.
    ✪ Alex: "Unsecure" my ass
    ✪ Alex: You're sick
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: it is unsecure
    ✪ Alex: End your life, f✿✿✿✿✿✿ idiot.
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading]: you know how easy it is to wireshark an ip?
    ✪ Alex: lmao you don't even know what you're talking about
    ✪ Alex: What are you afraid of?
    ✪ Alex: Enjoy the ban buddy.
    [BipO] EntroPy [Trading] is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. ✪ Alex | CS.MONEY

    ✪ Alex | CS.MONEY New User

    I accidentally added multiple unnecessary screenshots and .txts as my browser would not show the screenshots I uploaded.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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