Ok so ill admit i used to scam, a longgggg time ago and i changed my heart but this isnt about an appeal, just curious if im making PUBG youtube videos will people attack me for having a SR ban?
How is this not about your tag? Even if you say not about the appeal its still clearly about the tag...so how is it not about the tag?
Your tag isn't a systematic "nobody shall ever acknowledge your existence anywhere again punishment" but a warning to those who might trade with and trust you not to scam them. It doesn't prohibit you from YouTube, other streaming/gaming activities, or even trading itself per se. Your reputation will become important for your followers on YouTube, and and it may come up from time to time, hurting your credibility, so it's probably in your best interest not to be marked. However, being a marked scammer on its own won't earn your channel anywhere near the infamy or notoriety of Phantomlord or tMartn. If your videos aren't about trading, and you focus on gaming, the impact will probably be negligible. In short, your reputation as a trader is trashed, but that doesn't necessarily preclude you from reputation as a gaming personality or whatever you're aiming to do on YouTube.
Okay thanks, I never had issues trading with people since iv had the SR ban because as long as you send 1:1 offers id be fine, im not really gonna talk about trading and what not but anyways thanks for help really mean a lot especially you patience willing to even talk to me!