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Accepted Report: 76561198052773549 (Bls.키위)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Ken Masters, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Ken Masters

    Ken Masters New User


    steamID: Bls.키위
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46253910
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052773549
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198052773549

    who is an alt of

    steamID: D:D
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:24811039
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009887806
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198009887806

    Hello there SteamRep, I am here to report Bls.키위 on the account of being a Bait Scammer, aswell as being an alt of a scammer ( http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009887806/ )

    Here is my proof of him being an alt of http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009887806/ D:D.
    As you can see on http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009887806/ , there are 19 videos. The videos lead to SpyKiwi frag vids, by some Korean dude on youtube. As you can see on Bls' page, he has a link to these very same videos.

    Bls bait scammed me into buying his moon tossle (which is duped, if I may add, which I knew). He claimed that another person, D:D: . I am on probation , and am not allowed to trade with scammers, so I knew this wasn';t gonna work from the start, but I took the tossle anyway on the hopes of selling it to someone else using this guy as proof of the current offer. Here are the chat logs between me and D:


    Here are the chats between me and Bls just recently (I closed the chats from before :/ )


    I hope this is enough proof. He also approached another of my friends trying to sell the same hat for his Beams AA. If more information is needed, my friend and I will gladly help bring justice upon them.
  2. Ken Masters

    Ken Masters New User

    Entire chatlog between me and Bls
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Tuesday, March 13, 2012
    12:45 AM - Bls.키위: ?
    12:45 AM - Ken Masters: Hey there, just letting you know, you're being marked as a scammer on sop.
    12:45 AM - Ken Masters: *steamrep.
    12:45 AM - Bls.키위: ?
    12:45 AM - Ken Masters: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009887806 is your alt account
    12:45 AM - Ken Masters: SpyKiwi
    12:45 AM - Bls.키위: arr
    12:46 AM - Ken Masters: I caught you.
    12:46 AM - Ken Masters: You bait scammed me. Anyway, I've already got an offer of Beams AA + 3.
    12:46 AM - Ken Masters: my friends beams aa has current offer of 10 straight
    12:47 AM - Bls.키위: k
    12:47 AM - Bls.키위: but
    12:47 AM - Bls.키위: that account is
    12:47 AM - Ken Masters: already a scammer.
    12:47 AM - Ken Masters: I know.
    12:49 AM - Ken Masters: So, he is your alternate account?
    12:50 AM - Ken Masters: Bls.?
    12:51 AM - Bls.키위: no
    12:52 AM - Bls.키위: he is my firends
    12:52 AM - Bls.키위: real firends
    12:52 AM - Ken Masters: So, you admit to the offer being fake?
    12:52 AM - Bls.키위: no
    12:52 AM - Ken Masters: Then?
    12:52 AM - Bls.키위: he want it tossle for 7
    12:52 AM - Bls.키위: but i think that is low
    12:52 AM - Ken Masters: He is your real friend. Why didn't you trade?
    12:53 AM - Bls.키위: not close firend
    12:53 AM - Bls.키위: he live another city
    12:53 AM - Bls.키위: just know
    12:53 AM - Ken Masters: Well, you will be marked as a scammer for tricking me with a fake offer / baitscamming me.
    Bls.키위 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    12:55 AM - Bls.키위: not scam
    12:55 AM - Ken Masters: It is a scam.
    12:55 AM - Ken Masters: Baitscamming.
    12:55 AM - Bls.키위: he willbuy
    12:55 AM - Bls.키위: for 7buds + bill
    12:55 AM - Bls.키위: so ?
    12:55 AM - Ken Masters: He already has a scammer tag. I cannot trade uwith him.
    12:56 AM - Ken Masters: Why don't you trade with him?
    12:56 AM - Ken Masters: Then give ME the stuff.
    12:56 AM - Ken Masters: That would have been much better, simpler.
    12:56 AM - Bls.키위: 7 is low
    12:56 AM - Ken Masters: The way you did it , it was fishy, and an obvious sham.
    12:57 AM - Ken Masters: why do you have his youtube on your profile.
    12:57 AM - Bls.키위: ill sold my account my firend
    12:57 AM - Bls.키위: i intrduce
    12:57 AM - Bls.키위: tf2 game
    12:57 AM - Bls.키위: so
    12:57 AM - Ken Masters: sure thing
    12:57 AM - Bls.키위: ill call him
    12:58 AM - Ken Masters: I must sleep. Good night, you have made a big mistake by going down the road of evil.
    12:58 AM - Ken Masters: Shame.
    12:59 AM - Bls.키위: arr ?
    12:59 AM - Bls.키위: why im scam
    12:59 AM - Bls.키위: wait a sec
    12:59 AM - Ken Masters: You bait scammed me. You got your friend to falsely offer.
    1:00 AM - Bls.키위: wait a sec
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: waiting.
    1:00 AM - Bls.키위: he say buying 7 buds + bill
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: Yes.
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: If you weren't a scammer
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: you would have
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: Traded the hat then traded me just pure promos
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: Like I had asked.
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: But no, you attempted a baitscam.
    1:00 AM - Bls.키위: k
    1:00 AM - Ken Masters: Good night.
    1:01 AM - Ken Masters: Stay on my friends, we can speak more later.
  3. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Just a quick note to let you know that I'm investigating this, specifically on whether they are alts or not. Feel free to respond to this thread with any more information you might have as well. :)
  4. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Both are marked as scammers and accounts are linked. Thank you for the report! :)