1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198025289277 The Great and Tasty (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by The Great and Tasty, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. The Great and Tasty

    The Great and Tasty New User

    |steamID: The Great and Tasty TF2 [A] TKE
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32511774
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025289277
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025289277

    Okay, I'd like to start with saying that I didn't know any of these guys were scammers. I checked them, and they WERE NOT marked at the time of any of the trades I made. I never traded with any marked scammers, I never bought anything from marked scammers, and the only time I dealt with these "alts", that I later found out, and exposed to the community was when Quarian set me up through them, and introduced me to them.

    I never bought from any marked at the period of trade account.

    I never bought from accounts that were private when I added them, they must've been friends only for that.

    I never scammed, duplicated, participated in a duping ring, facilitated the duping of hats, or knowingly aided any scammers in their moving, or trading of their items. The paypal email given to Mattie was real, as I held the items (like I told him.), and paid for them at a later date when I sold the bonk boy as part of a combo to Jayrod@Home. Much to my exasperation, he didn't seem to understand that I had the items well before any marks came into account, and was simply paying the debts like a good person would.

    I never bought from a scammer who was marked at the time, I never touched a scammer account knowingly, and blocked / removed them the moment they were made marked.

    I operated through who I thought was a reputable trader, but apparently I'm being fed down the same barrel of the same gun as those who did knowingly do it, and I hope whomever reads this sees the light of reason and understands given my history, the work I've done to help communities, and my general behavior that this is not something I would do, and that it's also not alright to get infromation from people under threat of a scammer tag, telling them things wouldn't escalate explicitly, and doing it anyways. THAT should be a markable offense.
  2. The Great and Tasty

    The Great and Tasty New User

    I would like to add, that I have been hijacked within HOURS of reporting and working through OG's alts to find them, and report them to higher authorities.

    I'm obviously working with him in a knowing manner, A+ steamrep. A+.
  3. Nova ♥

    Nova ♥ New User

    Bookmarking for long reply.

    Long story short vincent is innocent, he would never work with scammers
    . Punishing him specially because vincent is ruining an innocent man. Especially awful because vincent has strong morals and a sense of justice about protecting traders.

    I also find matties conduct to be pretty reprehensible.
  4. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    This isn't a rep thread, sorry, Redline. :( Please keep this thread only focused on specific evidence and not on vouches, etc. As a TF2-T admin, we are well aware he has had many positive dealings and helpful positive actions in his trading career.

    Tasty, if you were hijacked and support has not reclaimed your account for you, please paste your Support ticket number. It may not matter or help, but there's a chance it could be expedited since we can confirm you posted on this account/IP combo yesterday and again today.
  5. The Great and Tasty

    The Great and Tasty New User



    WHY WOULD HE DO THIS IF I WAS WORKING WITH HIM? Please explain the logic of someone who was knowingly working with, and profiting off, and with someone who was duplicating items, why would said person's account be stolen by that supposed "partner"? Please, explain to me, how that logic works in any meaningful way. If the person was really helping him facilitate his product, and trading high end items with this scammer's alts. Why would he hijack him? Rhetorical Question. He wouldn't.

    I trusted the word of a fellow admin, and a long time friend as to who was reputable, and trusted his word. I never knowingly dealt with scammers, and would NEVER knowingly do so. I've explained my position here, and I'll do so again if need be. I've always strongly maintained my views, and my ACTIONS have always reflected this. I had a lapse in judgement when I decided to have too much faith in my friends, and in their judgement. Forgoing my normal precautions in good faith of their decisions, because it was something I had assumed had already been done, and checking steamrep they seemed to be clean. That is why those trades happened, and if we're going to ban every player who's ever traded with a potential scammer, all of one or even five times unknowingly, then you're not perpetuating fair trade. You're perpetuating the very cycle you seek to end, by doing so, you perpetuate your own idea of just decisions rather than the idea that the community you represent seeks to uphold. You're using retroactive punishment in order to punish me for an action that wasn't punishable at the time of a transaction due to natures that were exposed AFTER the transaction. That's not right, that's not justice, that's not even cleaning up the community. It's wrong.

    There are NUMEROUS new traders with high value items that I've gotten negative rep on sourceop for rejecting in the past BECAUSE of their lack of hours. Which I found silly, but learned my lesson from. There are traders out there who don't even have the game installed, or are Free to Play. There is no "obvious" definition of a scammer alt, and claiming there is one is fallacious.

    It is not in my personality, it is not in my business policies, it is not in any way, shape, or form in anything I do, or ever have done resembling my conduct. You have accused me based upon evidence as flimsy as your claims, you had to get what evidence you did use FROM ME under false pretenses. Which I can prove

    I am not a man who willingly exploits others, I am NOT a man who scams, or deceives under any circumstance, and I am NOT a man who goes around behind people's backs, wearing a mask of smiles while lying to their face. I am a man who wakes up at 4 in the morning to go help people in a medical clinic, I am a man who when he gets home, he thinks of the greater community and what he can to do help it rather than taking a break after spending a day doing just that. I liked the hats I had, I was just about done once I sold the Harvest Moon Flamenco, and I decided as part of my little last hurrah I was going to help finish off what had taken a friend out of one of my favorite communities by finding some of this hijackers alts, and the people he worked with.

    Your only claims are that of trading with "obvious" scammer alts. How do you define obvious when you're lied to by someone you trust? How do you define obvious when there are legitimate traders in this community with low hours? I had no way of knowing that these were anything but storage accounts as I was told, and the person who gave me this information was trustworthy at the time. How can you be certain that your own definition applies to all circumstances, universally, and without consideration for those who were deceived in the process.

    Is it punishable to have had faith in your friends? Is it punishable to believe in truth, and honesty from those you know, and care about? Because that is what I'm seeing here. A man who's cowed me in our initial conversation with his status, and power in the communities I cherish, used his ability to levy statuses on my name that I worked hard for to get private financial information from me that he twisted to showcase me in a way that wasn't true at all, and if you check my steamrep mark. You'll also notice that there's no attached evidence.

    And you know why? Because there is none. Nothing is concrete. There is no damning smoking gun. There is no implications that I knew that these people were alt accounts of someone villainous. There is no red hand in the cookie jar, catching me in the act of it all.

    There is only a man, wrongly accused, and scared that the people he used to trust turned upon him like a pack of wild dogs the moment he got a little too close to their den. His belongings robbed from him, his friends abandoned thanks to that status levied on him wrongly, and a man too proud to admit he could be wrong this time.

    You've thrown the baby out with the bathwater on this one, and I hope you find some small shred of reason to see this, and know that a mistake was made. That some part of the community I used to admire, and approached harshly because I admired it, is still here. Whomever looks at this please take a look into your heart and see that this isn't the way, that this isn't how things should be, and that there stands an innocent man accused of debauchery that is out of character, without motive, and without evidence. It is innocent until proven guilty. A concept which I'll pray you consider.
  6. Rob

    Rob New User

    Is this like that time you told the 14 year old burning TC unboxer you were an FBI agent? Oh wait, you're a medical doctor with 3 specialties now?

    Not everybodies memory extends an hour into the past. I might not be an Admin type anymore, but I strongly suggest you calm down with the circus act.
  7. The Great and Tasty

    The Great and Tasty New User

  8. Rob

    Rob New User

    I put a hat on my dog once, it didn't make him a person.
  9. Rob

    Rob New User

    Also that's a sub-graduate level reference book....
    [Gent] Jeremy likes this.
  10. Rob

    Rob New User

    Well, you have claimed to a 14 year old kid that you were an FBI agent in the past. Now you claim you're a Medical Doctor with not one, or two... but 3 specialties.

    And you somehow expect anybody to believe ANYTHING you say? I mean you're honestly one of the worst liars I've ever seen. I mean as proof of your job as an MD, you show a sub-graduate level medical reference book? Good lord man...

    TF2-Trader really knows how to pick 'em. I mean even beyond the whole working with OG and claiming hijacks and whatnot... you must have seriousy been the worst admin there has ever been.
    Pretender and AcesGamer like this.
  11. The Great and Tasty

    The Great and Tasty New User

    That "Sub graduate reference manual" has served me well since Anatomy and Phys II 189, I've yet to need another medical reference book for anatomy in specific so I don't quite know where you get off calling me a liar on that.

    Honestly, I don't get see where you get off posting in this thread at all, and the certification for Raidography was only a 2 year program that had few enough specific classes that I took it along with my current cancer treatment specialization. Which just so happens to include Oncology, and Hematology.

    Please, shut up, get out of this thread, and learn your place. I posted manuals as opposed to degrees because you would've claimed that I just edited my name on to it no matter how legit it was, so I provided one of the manuals I've kept around and STILL USE. Why the hell would I have them if I wasn't smart stuff?

    I never worked with OG knowingly, the hijack is REAL and I've already been informed by some people who has my stolen items, and MINUTES before Mattie added me I was reporting OG's alts so they could be shut down THE MOMENT I FOUND OUT.

    You don't know me.

    You don't know the work I've done to earn that position, or my degree.

    Please stop coming in here specifically to troll and stir things up. The fact that you're allowed to post through your ban means that it means all of nothing, or one of the admins allowed you to post through it.

    I do everything in my power to help people, ask anyone I've ever worked with, I've always been helpful, always dedicated, and always done my best to help people even at cost to myself, repeatedly.

    The difference here, is that you are an intentional scammer, you did what you did on purpose, and knowingly. I never f✿✿✿ed anyone, I never moved hijacked items, I never even knowingly paid for items from the scammers I'm being told I worked with.

    I'm not responding to this thread again till I see it change to under investigation, I'd appreciate it if an admin would handle Rob's posts if he wont handle them himself.
  12. Rob

    Rob New User

    Oh, so you're actually a doctor? You just felt like pretending to be an FBI agent before? Because.... the internet?

    You and I had a conversation where you made the same claim to me. You probably don't remember that. When you make up stuff sometimes it's hard to keep track.
  13. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    He isn't banned, "Banned" is his custom title.
    [WP] VenGanZa likes this.
  14. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Indeed, Rob Requested the custom title actually

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  15. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    robs title has been removed to prevent any more confusion, stay on topic or the thread will be locked until an admin addresses the appeal.

    OG*, [WP] VenGanZa and Mattie! like this.
  16. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    I have attempted to get a hold of you since Dec 1st, 2015. I prefer not to archive this appeal so hopefully you can get in touch within the next month.
  17. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Despite you not following up after attempting to contact you since 2015, (and SR not following up sooner since 2012) I am processing your appeal as-is.

    It is clear you were knowingly dealing with obvious and or scammer alts, you absolutely knew based on your past experience, prior warnings from both users you knew and ones who attempted to warn you off. I am not going to allow you to say otherwise as part of your case as anything else is simply not true. You have lied countless times to different community admins and SR about your dealings with said users, specifically about hijacker alts and duper accounts and your bonk boy trade. Lying and or lying by omission are grounds for an appeal to be instantly denied. I believe your exact words back then were “I came clean about everything. There is nothing I lied about in the end.” In your shady dealings with said users, against the policies of your former community, you kept it secret from your own co-admins until discovered, casting a shadow of illegitimacy and mistrust over the community you represented. If your fellow admins can't trust you, then why should any other regular community member trust you?

    After checking/reviewing everything I could find, I cannot determine you were directly involved in hijackings or item duplication. The price fixing scheme is not really an issue that SR is interested in either. Since this tag was issued, our TWS policy has changed so trading said users per-se is not taggable now. Brokering/laundering on the other hand, its an extension of the original offense and is still taggable. On further review, I cannot prove/show you were knowingly directly brokering for these scammers (tho you absolutely were and knew or reasonably should have known)

    A banned tag is therefore not warranted based on current (TWS retroactive) policy. However, between you otherwise lying/lying by omission (as noted above) and the fact comm admins are/were always held to higher standards, something you also acknowledged as much at the time “I understand that my trades are going to be held to stricter standards than others”. A caution tag is warranted. I am also not going to allow any further downgrade of the tag under the circumstances. Avoid any further issues, no matter how trivial you think they might be. You used up every last drop of goodwill, patience, benefit of doubt you may have had with SR, you wont ever get any again.

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