Victim: |steamID: libsubs.nbu |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:57183096 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: Scammer: |steamID: BlenderS |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:28618164 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: Screenshots: screnshots of chat, and trade history and paypal chargeback and attacked chat in txt format Description: saw him on and offered him demon for keys, after some speaking we agreed with paypal, he did first payment for flail+demon, and i gived it. After he asked for hook, he sended money and i gived hook, all was fine. after min he deleted me, and i saw dispute on paypal about hook.
That was a missunderstanding from both sides. Some how I did not recieve the item after the trade. (20/11/2012) so i decided to report imidiatly. Today (21/11/2012) I see the item in my invetory. I deleted the case. Have a nice day.