1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted 76561198064366026 =USE= Mr. Pyro (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by =USE= Mr. Pyro, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

    steamID: =USE= Mr. Pyro
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:52050149
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064366026
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198064366026

    Hello SteamREP Staff and I hope your having a good day,
    Back in September I ran from a Spycrab in which I was offering a Team Spirit Bills and Mr. Pancakes (At the time of the Spycrab his accounts name was ~T4P~ IChugWindex) was offering a Vintage Physician's Procedure Mask and a Vintage Mining Light. So we did the Spycrab and I lost. Franticly I had left the server and blocked him because out of every 13 year old was affaid of losing. In which I regret completly doing what I did. About 30 to 45 min later I unblocked him and added him after I had sold the Bills hat. I talked to him for awhile and he had already sent a ticket in and it was accepted by Helen. So I decided that it was fair enough to give him my Genuine Balloonicorn. We talked with Helen (In which I lied to which I am sincerely sorry and hope that she can accept my apologies.) to see if she could take off the SR Scammer. I also had told Mr. Pancakes that my "brother" had done this whole thing and I had no clue what was going on. ( I do have a Brother but he is to young to really do anything.) I did have a clue what was going on and should have just gave him the Bills. I then did the trade and gave him my Genuine Balloonicorn and tried to apologize to Helen but she blocked me. ( I also had said that Mr. Pancakes post was a lie.) I do believe that Mr. Pancakes still has the Genuine Balloonicorn and has renamed it. I regret everything that I did and now I try the hardest I can to stay away from any sort of TF2 gambling or high price trades. I also hope that Helen can accept my apologies. I'm Sorry for the long post but I wanted to get everything that happened in the appeal. Thank you for taking the time to read this and understanding what I did and how I regret the event. All the links to the Proof below.

    Links of proof the trade happened and the original post.

    Proof of Trade:

    Mr. Pancakes Post:

    Mr. Pancakes Steam Account:
  2. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

  3. TommY

    TommY Retired Staff

    Sorry but you should provide the whole screenshot of your trade history containing this specific trade.

    ps. the screenshot you uploaded says "Traded with MR Pyro" not the victim which makes me feel quite suspicious about this trade. Please explain this.
  4. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

    I'm sorry about that but I don't know how to do screenshots on my laptop so Mr. Pancakes took the screenshots from his side of the trade. If I can figure out how to take screenshots of my screen I'll get the trade history on here. It would be very helpful if someone could help me out with that.
  5. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

  6. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

    I looked up on google how to take screenshots and got this pic if thats what you needed TommY.
  7. Hey, Mr. Pyro. I heard that you needed some more information about this, i have the proper screenshots that should help you get your tag removed from SteamREP I will post them in order from when they happened...


  8. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User


    I wonder why you so want him to be untagged, he possibly just do it by fear to be tagged forever.

    For my own protection as well as other's protection, i don't wanna see him untagged.
    Who know if he will do again? The fact are here, the tagged users ran away from a spycrab and only paid AFTER the report, maybe if it was BEFORE but AFTER? Mostly look it was by fear.

    I have no control over Steamrep, but i want to say my opinion about this appeal and i don't wanna see a spycrabrunner being free.

    Thanks for your understanding.
    Please notice it's only an opinion and not an answer to your appeal. This is only for my and others protection.

    Have a nice day!
  9. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

    Your opinion kinda puts people down including me not just because of my appeal. Its almost like saying that no one deserves a second chance at anything. So if something were to happen to you (not saying it would) would that rule just skip you but apply to everyone else? Thats my opinion and I don't want to start any fights or agruments over this. Hope you have a nice day :)
  10. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    A second chance? You had a chance to repay him if you wanted BEFORE he make the report.

    It's not a common thing to see a scammer asking a second chance just to scam again, i'm not saying you would but it's usually what's happen so it's hard, specially on the net to be sure someone would really take this chance. Specially when you repaid him after the report...

    What if he didn't had reported you? You probably would have keeped the item huh? Well, if not you can't really prove it anyway sadly.

    Your "So if something were to happen to you" make me giggle. The fact you run away from his spycrabbing "hapenned to you"? It's a scam, not something that happened to you like that.
  11. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

    You probably think thats whats going to happen but its not going to. Even if something were to happen then someone could make a report. But I've been banned from about every single high stake trade servers so if something were to happen then someone else could deal with it. And Evanescence please don't post anything unless you have something good to say.
  12. Evan, i'm not sure why you take the chance to harass any post i happen to post on/make, i'm contacting Helen about it and i frankly feel that you are stalking me on the forums.

    You're turning the post into a flame war between you and Mr. Pyro.

    I feel Mr. Pyro deserves a second chance, he is a good person and he already told me he wants to just play and trade again and forget about this entire thing.

    Explain to me why someone who scammed, just wants to be untagged to scam again? Why would someone go through the trouble of 3-4+ weeks just to make 5$, your logic makes almost no sense at all. People who get untagged should have a probation of like 5+ months or keep a warning on their SteamREP profile, that would solve the trouble of that, because some people will notice that he has a warning.

    I just hope you quit acting like a dick before you piss off the wrong person, either in RL or online.

    *Tips Hat*
  13. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    Nowhere my message was for you.

    I have clearly stated that FOR EVERYONE protection. No ones likes scammers, not even you.

    Yeah, sure, he want to forget, but still no one will forget that he ran away from a spycrab, the fact are here, he scammed. No ones like scammers, about deciding if he's really a scammer, then it's Steamrep matters, but like i said at the end of my previous message, i can share my opinion about this situation.

    Simple logic, i was simply making my opinion when you CEARLY have proof of a scam attempt (Despite having repaid you, he paid AFTER), so if he get a second chance when he OBVIOUSLY tried to scam you, what about all the other persons that try to scam, they will possibly scam and REFERRING to that thread and saying "He got a second chance even if he scammed, so if i repay like him, it's not fair for me".

    Also, he might be a good guy, but it can also be because you try to help him removing his tag. Does that mean everyone who scam can be nice and get a second chance? No ones know and i don't want to argue with him about it.
    It's nothing against him, it's about the WHOLE scammers on the TF2 trading community and even for all the scammers, specially on the net, it's HARD to know.

    Also, the value of the item have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT on the whole thing, someone can get in trouble to steal 1$, 5$, 100$ or even a cookie in the cookie jar.
    The value of the item ISN'T a valid reason to determine if there was intend to scam or NO intend to scam. A scam is a scam.

    And please, . сила | IChugWindex, keep those insults for yourself. Insulting me will bring to nothing. Also, this isn't the first time you insult me on Steamrep.
    Also, in the thread you made, my answers were only helpful,
    in your moderator application thread, i was simply helping you to "meet" the requirement in order to do a proper moderator application (As you had MANY scammers/and you still have)7))
    in your report thread, as following you bump i was only saying that the report are handled in the order they are received.)

    Other than throwing insults at me, you can also contact me directly via Steam at www.steamcommunity.com/id/evanescence.
    Because it would be more appropriate to discuss about this matter. explaining to me WHY you hate my messages would be way more helpful if they weren't bundled with multiples offensives insults using kind of "NSFW* words.

    =USE= Mr. Pyro said, sorry buddy if you feel offended by this, my text was nothing about you, you might find it uncomfortable about this as you are in the process of a Tag Appeal. But nothing is against you but mostly about ALL the scammers.
    Don't give up buddy, don't feel offended by what i say, i have nothing against you and i can even give you a hug. I just wanted to share my thought on a "fair tagging system", like what can determine to tag or untag.

    =USE= Mr. Pyro, i'm deeply sorry if anything i said were insulting for you, but as i said nothing was aiming directly at you, but to ALL the ones who scammed.

    Good luck with you appeal!
    Regards, Ames
  14. Ahem,

    I insulted you in a manner in my last post?

    I believe that you are mistaken, you directly offended Mr. Pyro and he told me that in a Steam Chat, i never insulted you, at all. I have 7 scammer friends because i am helping a few get rid of their tarnishing tag, some of them can deal with the fact their tag won't be gone, so they don't want help. I've known a few LONG before their tag, so i feel that i don't need to delete them, i only know one of them very well. I can call him a close friend, i played with him a while ago on Garrys Mod, around 2 years ago. He got his tag around 8+ months ago, he rarely plays TF2 and i was the one in the first place to actually give him his earbuds, so in truth he is just handing them back.

    I would rather have a SteamREP moderator post a response on a moderator application than some random person i don't know, wouldn't you be mad if someone came onto your post and starting saying you would be a horrible moderator, i would believe so. You feel the need to make a thread over me having 13 scammer friends, before. That was unneeded and made almost no sense at all, most people who scam try and stay FAR away from SteamREP, so it would make no sense that if i was a scammer i would use SteamREP very often, makes no sense.

    I feel that you have offended me and that you have been stalking my forum posts, any reason that almost ALL of my threads that you happen to write a smart remark? Exactly explain that please, i may even ask a mod to lock this thread until they can respond, because this is going to turn into a bigger flame war than it already has been.

    As i say this, i can speak for Mr. Pyro and me, we don't need your opinion at the moment, we only want to know what the SteamREP moderators or admins have to say on the matter.

    *Tips Hat*
  15. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

  16. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    conditionally downgraded pending rest of appeal
  17. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

  18. Chocolate

    Chocolate New User

    [quote="About 30 to 45 min later I unblocked him and added him after I had sold the Bills hat. I talked to him for awhile and he had already sent a ticket in and it was accepted by Helen. So I decided that it was fair enough to give him my Genuine Balloonicorn.

    Links of proof the trade happened and the original post.

    Proof of Trade:

    So you paid him 4 days after the scam while discussing with him 30 ~ 45 minutes after the scam?

    Strange but Good Luck in your appeal.

    Honestly, I think this guy deservers another chance. He still might have the heart to change.
  19. Chocolate

    Chocolate New User

    So you paid him 4 days after the scam while discussing with him 30 ~ 45 minutes after the scam?

    Strange but Good Luck in your appeal.

    Honestly, I think this guy deservers another chance. He still might have the heart to change.
  20. =USE= Mr. Pyro

    =USE= Mr. Pyro New User

    Thanks for thinking I deserve another chance! :)