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Rejected Appeal: 76561198183507493 - (Holo <3 / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Holo &lt;3, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198183507493 (Holo <3)

    Appeal Plea: I am innocent of all listed offenses
    Appeal Reason: [Evidence] Fake - Report had falsified evidence
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    Respect GTES (Which my brother plays on).​

    Appeal description:
    I had a friend called Beelzebub. He insisted to try my knife in a game and i calmly explained that i do not want to give my 120$ knife for nothing. On top of that i knew him for a month or less. We generally talked about doing stupid stuff as destroying friendlies on casuals and stuff. I had a feeling he would try to scam me as he was really presistent about it. I told him as a joke if he lended me his unusuals and all he had on Team Fortress 2 that i would let him lend the items. (I thought he would get the same feeling i had at that time). I jokingly agreed on some stupid price as 2.2 keys of items and he added around 30 ref in items and said "I would like to keep the other ones". I told him that i do not want to do the deal unless he was serious. I was waiting for him to say that the joke if over and to stop joking around. He was still presistent on trying the knife. He went into rude mode when i again JOKINGLY said that he would need to send over his unusual also. He wanted his items first while being toxic towards me and it was really annoying. I planned on telling him to Piss off and not contact me anymore after i sent him the items. He never listened and kept being extremely toxic towards me. I blocked him and saw this as a scam fail. I completely understand that taking someones property for karma isnt really good but it just felt right. As scam failing is really common in other games i play and people that mess up while scamming dont usually get another chance. THOUGH i wanted to give him one it just didnt feel right.He added me and the way that he INSISTED to try the knife for some time was fishy. I think he cut off the toxicity he was showing towards me from his side. AND to show what really the messages said i can screenshare me going through the messages instead of showing screenshots. I do not have any screenshots as i blocked him and i didnt want to report him. As i still concidered him a friend. I dont understand how you can go from playing with someone to asking him 24/7 to try the knife EVEN THOUGH i KINDLY said that i dont know and i didnt want to lose him as a friend. THE ONLY SCREENSHOTS I CAN PROVIDE ARE THE ONES HE SENT AND WHAT I ACCEPTED View attachment 731570
    i did not expect him to accept the trade and im willing to give him items back as long as he apologizes for being toxic towards me.

    In my own opinion this ban was UNRIGHTFUL as you never heard my side of the story.

    Holo/Juan WRLD/Respect.

    Attached Files:

  2. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    On top of that. I told him twice that i was VAC BANNED.The scam he attempted was very obvious as if i asked someone to lend me thier unusual while knowing them for 2 weeks + ( not sure ) everyone would unfriend me and block me. I CANNOT RECIEVE OR TRADE OFF ANY CSGO RELATED ITEMS. (The ban was caused by a trainer that i used to break games affiliated with ubisoft and have nothing to do with steam).
  3. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    So you made a trade agreement and broke it because you though he was fishy and then kept his items?
  4. Nigel Powers

    Nigel Powers New User

    Nope. not close at all. He was trying to scam me, aaaand he did. thank god I didn't give him my unusual too. and he took my items and saying its karma -_- like wth. what are you? batman? what a shameless prick. how dishonorable can a person be to ask for appeal in this position
  5. Nigel Powers

    Nigel Powers New User

    how inconvenient right?
  6. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    Infact. I told him i was gonna accept the trade he sent but then outta nowere randomly starts being toxic and s✿✿✿. I told him multiple f✿✿✿✿✿✿ times to calm down and that im gonna accept his trade for his items back. What im saying is that he literally forces me to give him the knife THEN when confronted "oh give my items back scammer" and i told him im giving his stuff back. Im confused as to why he tried to scam me. Im gonna give his items back and thats hopefully gonna solve this shitfest of accusations. Beelzebub i've unblocked you on steam 3 days ago and tried commenting for you to add me back so i could send a trade offer lol. Ill send you a friend request right now and please dont f✿✿✿✿✿✿ make other uncomfortable saying no to you after 3 days of "please" bombardments.
    . So literally just add me so i can send you the trade + some extra for making you worried lol.

    Hopefully this s✿✿✿ solves this thing and we can go back to trading.
    -Holo <3/Respect/Juan WRLD

    10/4/2019 written at 23:36. Friend Request Sent at exactly : 23:42. Trades limited only to friends so i cant send trade offers.

    Add me back so we can talk like civilized people and dont be toxic for f✿✿✿s sake its so annoying.

    ill be waiting for my friend request to be accepted.

    Holo/Respect/Juan WRLD
  7. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    sorry for swearing alot but i cant express the stress i have rn lol

    Also im not dishonorable. You could've made any fake account but what i said there is true. Though some messages were left out i will show those if our chat saved.

    Dont block me as i cant send your items back lol.

    also asking for someones items randomly will get you nowere. Or to the Block list idk
  8. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    No. I broke the deal and i told him i would accept it and he kept being toxic and i was pissed so.
    I saw it as karma for scamming but im giving his items back as i dont think he deserves to lose them anymore.

    I am returning his items back and i dont want to be banned on SteamRep for a dumb reason as karma.
  9. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    So, yes you broke the deal and kept his items. And by your other above comment yesterday still have not repaid and only just unblocked him even tho repayment is a REQUIREMENT for any appeal on SR?
    You dont seem to understand what you did was, and still is wrong.

    You scammed him.
  10. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    i litteraly told him that if he dosent add me i cant send the trade. regardless he declined my friend request as he dosent want the messages of what he said to be screenshotted. That is really fishy isnt it?
  11. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You are the one appealing, not him. I dont blame him, for how you are acting here, to not want to drop everything and immediately talk to you. I would recommend he not talk to you at all, just accept the invite and you trade him back what you stole, and not engage with whatever you have to say at all, since its all nonsense.
  12. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

  13. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    you dont get what im saying. he didnt accept my friend request and I CANT SEND HIM A TRADE IF HE DOSENT ACCEPT IT. he declined it and didnt want to even trade with me. How do you expect me to give him his items back when he has trades from everyone off? soo.
  14. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    I do understand what you are saying, you never should have made an appeal while you still had the items you stole from him, while you still had him blocked, while you are clearly not a fun person to engage with, and while you only gave him 19 hours to accept and complaining here he has not yet and that's somehow his fault.
  15. Holo &lt;3

    Holo &lt;3 Banned on SteamRep

    you dont understand that he declined it in the 2 hour span of when i sent it.
  16. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    After a review of the report and this appeal, its clear this appeals end result will be the same no matter what at this point, you demonstrated you dont understand what you did was wrong in so many ways and victim blamed the entire way down. I should have closed the appeal Wednesday but stayed the course in hopes you would see the error in your way, change your appeals direction and attitude and repay what you stole w/o additional fuss. I was wrong.

    Firmly denied.

    PS. You are a scammer, everyone who looks you up on SR will see this thread and know you refused to repay what you stole. at least repay what you stole, that is the only silver lining left for you.