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Rejected Appeal: 76561198040554266 - (breh / BANNED BY SR)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Marvin The Yellow Octopus, Oct 26, 2019.

  1. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    Appeal for BANNED BY SR

    Steam profile: 76561198040554266 (breh)

    Appeal Plea: I committed the offense(s), I admit it
    Appeal Reason: [Change of Heart] I will never scam again.
    Victim Repayment: No, but I will repay. I need help finding the victim(s)
    Previous Appeals: No, this is my first appeal here

    Alternate or Related Accounts:
    | steamname: ZeroAchievements
    | steam3ID: [U:1:53954097]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:26977048
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014219825
    | customURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/75436345346346
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198014219825

    Appeal description:
    It has been 7 or 8 years and I was a little kid at the time and honestly can't even remember what even happened, but I'm still an active member on steam and it has been nearly a decade of no bad behavior.​
  2. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    You have not explained anything other then "unban plz, been awhile". That wont cut it for any appeal be a SOP or SR banned tag.
  3. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    What else can I do to fix this?
  4. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Explain, with detail, what happened. Explain, in detail, why the appeal should be considered.
  5. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    Well for my offenses it says I tried to use a phishing link, which there's no real solid evidence that I actually was trying to use a phishing link. For another report of mine there are screenshots there's no evidence I tried to steal trollinginthedeep's unusual but I did admit to try to take one from somebody not mentioned in the chat. Even though I did admit to trying to scam there was still no real evidence of me actively trying to scam anybody.
  6. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    Oh and by the way, I had made a mistake on the appeal plea. Should I make a new one?
  7. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    Well for my offenses it says I tried to use a phishing link, which there's no real solid evidence that I actually was trying to use a phishing link. For another report of mine there are screenshots there's no evidence I tried to steal trollinginthedeep's unusual but I did admit to try to take one from somebody not mentioned in the chat. Even though I did admit to trying to scam there was still no real evidence of me actively trying to scam anybody.
  8. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    So you are saying that you never tried to steal an unusual from a user named dissonancell on or about Jan 29th 2012? (this being your SOP tag appeal)
    As for the phishing link, it appears to have been a copycat of tf2items.com (slightly altered) Why did you send another user such a link? (SR tagged but SOP related tagging none the less)
  9. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    I sent him the link for sure but since it's been from 2012 when I was literally 10 years old at the time I have absolutely no idea why I sent in the first place. Where can I go to find proof of trying to steal dissonancell's unusual?
  10. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    I'm just trying to be a good and honest tf2 player. I've had a change of heart and I'm definitely not the same person I was 7-8 years ago. I'm still an active team fortress 2 player and want to finally get rid of my bad steam reputation because I know I absolutely do not plan to scam anybody in the future. I do admit I had attempted to scam back in those days but I honestly hadn't tried to phish anybody. It's been many years and I'm just trying to enjoy everything that game has to offer.
  11. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    I'm also no longer the same greedy 10 year old kid back in 2012, I've matured since then and know how to respect other people's stuff. I'm hoping you guys understand and would be willing to work with me on this. Thanks.
  12. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

  13. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

  14. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin


    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Avoid making deals that involve more than a single trade. Scammers may not follow through on the successive trades.
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: hi
    Dissonancell: hi
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: show me the unusuals
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: tell prices again
    Dissonancell: in order
    Dissonancell: 2 4 2 3
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: the order they are in right now
    Dissonancell: yup
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: hmm
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: i think i got a good offer for u
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: i got 2 accounts and
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: i can give u this one
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: its 2 buds and it has alot of hats and weps
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: so more then 2 buds
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: maybe 3 or almost 3
    Dissonancell: emm what do you want for the 2 buds?
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ummm
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: this account without the items
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: on it
    Dissonancell: oh
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: so i can trade my tf2 items to my other one and u give me the unusual and i give info sound good
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ?
    Dissonancell: emm
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: the other account used to be my brothers
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: not this one
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: the other
    Dissonancell: so just gimme the acc info and i'll add it
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: he quit so i took it
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ill add u and link u to it
    Dissonancell: k
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: not letting me
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: here is account name
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ScrottyMcBoogerBallz
    Dissonancell: what is his public name?
    Dissonancell: steamadding has been messed up lately
    Dissonancell: as in the past few months lol
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: the avater has 2 creepers and a kitten
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: well
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: go to ur profile
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: and click the bar that says search for players and groups
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: type in this
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ScrottyMcBoogerBallz
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: it should be there
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: its not working for me
    Dissonancell: i do that before it was messed up
    Dissonancell: is he in your friends list?
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: yep
    Dissonancell: name in friends list is?
    Dissonancell: that?
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ScrottyMcBoogerBallz
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: thats the name
    Dissonancell: found it
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: good
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: add it
    Dissonancell: done
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ok
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: now
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: first say yes to add
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: ok u did
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: now trade me the suntan with bubbles
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: and after trade i give info
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: good?
    Dissonancell: nope
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: oh
    Dissonancell: how does that work?
    Dissonancell: seems a bit off
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: well
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: we cant just
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: trade at same time
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: impossable
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: lets do it
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: wait
    Dissonancell: hold on
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: first
    Hä®d¢Ø®ë pÍ?yë®: i gotta log on to the other account
  15. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

  16. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Last chance to answer for the unusual hat scam attempt, your other replies are currently irrelevant.
  17. Marvin The Yellow Octopus

    Marvin The Yellow Octopus Banned on SteamRep

    This evidence seems pretty weak. I cannot confirm or deny I had attempted to actually steal his unusual, because I can't remember what my intentions were at the time of this event. This trade obviously would have been a poor decision on my part, but it could have been entirely possible I could have traded the account had he agreed, which is why I view this as a weak case. This isn't solid evidence I was actually trying to steal it with that given information, as it could have gone either way. This event took place nearly 8 years ago so please trust me when I say I really do not remember this event. My appeal reason states [Change of heart] I will never scam again, and being as how it's been such a long time it holds true. Regarding trollinginthedeep's report, I had admitted to attempting to steal another person's unusual, but there wasn't any evidence of me actively trying to steal it by the person I admitted to trying to get it from. As for the phishing report, I can only tell you honestly that was not my intention, but I know the evidence on that one is kind of against me.
  18. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    I am declining your SOP appeal tag for the unusual scam attempt. Their is sufficient evidence to indicate your involvement in the report and SOP in general, does not grant any appeals for scamming. Edit: also failed to disclose all alternate accounts per appeal guide #7.

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