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Archived Intends to scam

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Xióng WaterBalloon, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Xióng WaterBalloon

    Xióng WaterBalloon New User

    |steamID: ㋛Snape㋛ - Jaraté Master -
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52727526
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065720781
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065720781

    So, i'm a craft 1007 collector and I found him while looking at random people's backpack in tf2outpost.com
    I found that he's the one with the craft 1007 quackenbirdt which I'm looking for and so I added him as friend to see how much he may be selling it for. And when he came online he told me that what am I looking for, and then I said I would like to buy his quackenbirdt and asking how much is him looking for. At first I offered an exchange, which is my quackenbirt for his + 2rec and he said he wanted more so I added a rec and see if he would like it, later he said he like my Gold painted Veil and the Apparition's Aspect ( both are around 1-2keys ) but I rejected the offer since its abit too high for me and he suddenly said that he had an offer of 4keys from his friend! And here is the chat. This is the first time I'm reporting so please tell me if i need to add anything :)

    Attached Files:

  2. [Gent] Jeremy

    [Gent] Jeremy New User

    First off, you're going to want to include screenshots of all the conversations of future reports (as well as pasting the log out so nobody has to download any files).

    Second, unless I'm misreading, this doesn't sound like a scam. Did he attempt to steal from you in any way? It sounds to me like he valued his item slightly higher than what you valued it and asked you for more. The 4 key offer may have been fake, but it also could have (just as easily) been real. The reason I'm asking is that if you have any more information that you'd like to add that clears this up you will want to add it as soon as possible so the report staff can efficient handle this.
  3. Cuttlefish

    Cuttlefish New User

    You'll need a large amount of evidence to get the guy marked if it was fake, as one of his friends must have 4 keys. He can easily give you their profile.
  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    I dont really see a shark nor scam, its common practice that people expect collectors of kinds to pay more for a certain craft / level.

    However he asked a bit too much wich is commonly reffered to as greed.
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