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Declined Report: 76561192352543987 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Farao Ramses II, Dec 9, 2022.

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  1. Farao Ramses II

    Farao Ramses II New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561192352543987

    Victim profile: 76561198078722712

    What happened? Description:
    I left a comment on the Steam profile of the user being impersonated (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067624077) concerning their bot not working properly. A few minutes later the accused adds me as a Steam friend. I accept and notice that it is a different Steam account, I however consider the possibility of it being an alt.

    After asking me what item I was trying to trade with the bot, the accused requests me to 'first check the current price of your unusual and keys at tf2skin[dot]shop and marketplace[dot]tf so that I can compare'. I retort that this seems very much not relevant and now feel convinced that I am dealing with an impersonator. As such I report the account on Steam to Valve.

    Meanwhile the accused insists saying I 'don't need to deposit, just check and take a photo only'. I leave the conversation for what it is and continue with my report on Steam. Later they unfriend me, and change their profile name to something else.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Proof of the initial trade agreement: N/A, considering no agreement about any sort of trade was reached.

    Proof of the broken agreement or scam attempt: See added screenshot.

    Proof that you verified the identity of the person: I would like to upload a video demonstrating that the person I am chatting with in the screenshot is indeed the same as the accused, but it appears MP4s aren't allowed. So I added a screenshot of the name history of the accused. (See also: https://steamcommunity.com/id/76561192352543987/namehistory)​

    Attached Files:

  2. Farao Ramses II

    Farao Ramses II New User

  3. Farao Ramses II

    Farao Ramses II New User

    *to imitate a Steam ID or *to fake a Steam ID.
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Not enough evidence of any scam here - impersonation isn't a reportable offense here but you need clear indication they were doing so with intent to defraud and there is none there with what you provided. The ID you even reported is incorrect.

    Lastly would be invalid if one of those links they sent you was for hijacking/phishing which the first one may have been.
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