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Fake rep on steam profiles!

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by DataStorm, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. wic

    wic New User

    I have been following this thread ever since it has been set up, so yes, i read everything linked to it!
    You got several examples of people which have been wrongfully tagged (look in the appeal section, only first 15 posts, you got plenty there because of this "you are now marked because you are alt/helping scammers", while even a newb trader as me can see they have just been tagged because they have posted in the wrong place on the wrong time...

    I am not sh*tting on your work, neither on the effort you put into keeping this list of alt accounts as small as possible.

    Just pointing out that this way of work is a threath to everyone who posts on another ones profile, especially when it comes to "smaller" (no money) traders.
    And yes, i did read your post about how "All steam profile page is fake", thats your opinion, but read all previous posts and notice allot of us don't follow your way of thinking about this matter!

    But that doesn't even matter, to be honest. It is a fact that allot of people have been wrongfully tagged because no-one did the effort of doing a decent backup check, and as stated before, it doesn't matter you are correct 9/10, before giving anyone a tag, you should be 100% sure! You guys are the reputation of every single trader out there, and are growing at high rate, you have the responsibility of making sure about EVERY case before you tag them.
  2. Vintage Jesus

    Vintage Jesus New User

    Silly steamrep admins

    Research stuff before you go all 'LOL AL IS ALT' it's just so f✿✿✿✿✿✿ lazy
  3. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  4. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Its fake yes (and marked now, thnx). All TF2WH bots have a public note on SR saying that they are a bot of WH.

    Well, unless they have more now, it was last updated couple weeks ago.
  5. wic

    wic New User

    With all do respect, even if i do question some things about the way of tagging people, this does not help anyone forward.
    Neither the community or the SR admins... This is just a useless comment to be honest...
    Dronefly likes this.
  6. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    SR Admins do a lot of research, indeed they are trained to do it properly, which is partly why is there is always a shortage of suitable SR Mods and reports pile up. If people want half-arsed investigations and trigger happy cowboys, that would be easily solved by signing up any wannabe-ego maniac.

    Oh and in all my dealings with SR Admins, I have never come across a single one I would call "silly", and such a label is perhaps an indictment on the poster and is an altogether flippant and unhelpful remark.

    Datastorm's post should be read as an effort to educate people as to the importance of not engaging in "fake rep" on steam profiles, and all the subsequent banter distracts from this and results in confusion :)
  7. thisislame

    thisislame New User

    wow this is the dumbest thing ive ever seen. who made the admin in charge of deciding who was a scammer or not? obviously they hastily flag people so people will come to their site. why would anyone even look at the site? what a complete waste of time.
  8. Duskfall -a^DF

    Duskfall -a^DF New User

    Can I laugh at him? I want to laugh at him.
  9. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    I so want to say: Be my guest ;)

    But I think he means it serious.
    Dronefly likes this.
  10. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    We the people....

    Ehem, I mean we the community did :)
  11. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Truth is, nobody did. We started out as providing a site where ppl could look it up on Diego's private scammer list that he used to prevent to trade with scammers. This site came forward somewhere in april 2011. Before that, there where several efforts of scammer databases in a thread on SOP.

    Diego needing somebody who was better at english then himself, for communications and appeals etc, tho of me (pretty active helping ppl out in that scammer db thread) to ask for adminship. and the whole rollercoaster started to ride. SOP, UTC, ASBO, etc. As we always went for being integer about it, we slowly won over a lot of communities who support(ed) us.

    That these communities chose to work with us, is because we our job as good as we could, and we repair what went wrong diligently, and tried to handle things pro-actively.
  12. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    I am sorry I brought up this topic and have been pushing so hard. Clearly idiots have started rising out of this whole discussion. DataStorm. I respect the work you do. I did not come here to start a flame war or any sort of tarnishing of your image and the hard work you do. So I will just say that my argument here is over and I know you heard my concern. I still trust your judgements and hope you did not get offended by my discussions here. My point is closed and hopefully the idiot trolls can all go away with their useless comments.
    wic likes this.
  13. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Trolls are never wanted, but the fact that people can post here on the forum, and air any concerns they have, clearly shows that there is transparency and that the larger community has the ability to voice opinions, and that is a good thing :)

    There will always be those who grumble about SR, the majority out there are very much appreciate of the work they do.
  14. wic

    wic New User

    Yes, Dronefly, i do agree with you on that.
    DataStorm, i never meant to attack you or the work you do, although i would never take back anything I said before.
    ✿✿✿✿✿✿ed things like
    were never my intention. I do know you guys are doing a great job at keeping this entire community aware and clear of scammers! (Although, watch out you are tagging the right persons :p)
  15. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    Also, I think this thread is nearing its conclusion, I'll leave the link up for another day, and then remove that and close this thread. It has then hopefully served (at least partly) its purpose.

    The main reason for this "public" thread was to make people aware of:
    - What real reputation is.
    - Steam profile rep isn't any close to be usable for rep by anybody.

    There is only so many ppl one can reach with a action like this. While the "title" was intentionally "inflammatory" to draw people in, I do hope that most ppl that did read here, learned to see those 2 points, and will tell others. In the end, that is the only way to get this message to the people that where the intended target audience.

    I Would like to thank (already) the contributors tho, for keeping the discussion going and driving points and avenues.
  16. Mr. Trululu

    Mr. Trululu New User

    Profile rep > forum rep
  17. asiL

    asiL New User

    i can't trade This warning is You must have had Steam Guard enabled for at least 15 days before you can participate in a trade. My steam guard always open
    also This alert is SteamRep
    ALERT: Any rep on your Steam profile must be assumed to be fake! Trusted sellers will not value any Steam profile rep because it is trivial to fake.
    please help me How do I solve this problem
  18. Thomas Matthias

    Thomas Matthias Retired Staff

    You have to enable Steam Guard on your Steam account and it has to be enabled for at least 15 days before you can participate in a trade.
  19. wic

    wic New User

    Wow, you are in the wrong section of the forum for this post... But ok:
    Steam Guard has to be active for 15 days (as they did anounce awhile ago, you had to make sure you activated it before 12/12).
    I am assuming you didn't activate it, meaning you now have to wait 15 days before you can make another trade (security reasons perfectly launched together with the community market). This has nothing to do with SteamRep, the thing you read about profile rep is something we all get to see when we check someone out on SR.

    So to put it simple:
    - You had to activate SteamGuard
    -You didn't
    -You now have to wait 15 days before being able to trade again
  20. [AnB] Ferox

    [AnB] Ferox New User

    While I agree that rep on Steam Profiles and TF2OP hearts mean nothing, I do like people to leave rep on my profile if I would like to buy from them again in the future but don't want to keep them on my friendslist.