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Is it possible to not get the items after a trade?

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by aBraVoo, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. aBraVoo

    aBraVoo New User

    My friend here was trading with a guy in Dota 2 using steam, but this time the trade is so weird.

    He was trading a pudge rotten starch + pudge hook for a pudge dragonclaw hook. But after the trade was made, he did not get the hook. The trade states that he did not acquired any items from the trade. Is that even possible?

    Here's trade history the link after the trade

    Weird weird can anyone explain this?
  2. wic

    wic New User

    Hi there,
    the link is giving me an error. Nevertheless, no, it should not be possible.
    Are you sure the trader didn't take out the items before confirming, and your friend didn't notice?
    And did the trader keep the items, because if the items just vanished into thin air (which, again, should be impossible), I guess he and the trader could report it to SteamSupport...
  3. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    It seems to happen on occasion that a trade fails would have to check if the items have been moved or not.

    Make a steam support ticket, name time & timezone etc, and ask for clarification.
  4. aBraVoo

    aBraVoo New User

    The trader still has the items, I don't know how can this happen. It might be the trader taking out the items before the trade, but my friend ensures me that he saw the hook in the trade. After that the trader just went offline and blocked him.
  5. aBraVoo

    aBraVoo New User

    How do u "Make a steam support ticket, name time & timezone etc, and ask for clarification." Please help, thanks.
  6. aBraVoo

    aBraVoo New User

    As u can see in the picture, it states that my friend traded with yyyyyyyy and only those 2 items that he trades were traded, and he didn't get anything from it.

    Attached Files:

  7. wic

    wic New User

    Hi there,
    if your friend is realy sure about it (although this seems more like a scam, keeping the person busy in chat while removing the items just before they both accept the trade), he, and only he, can go here: https://support.steampowered.com/

    What Datastorm means with 'name, time & timezone' is:
    - Who did he trade with?
    - When did he trade? (Date and time, his timezone)
    - What did the trade window show when pressing "accept trade" and which items did he trade - not get?
  8. DonGoni187

    DonGoni187 New User

    Hello my friend im the guy that got scammed and i really appreciate abravoo for helping me with these forums thx to you.. And i really hope to get my items back ore get this f✿✿✿✿er banned for months. But must of all items back =,(

    We agreed to trade my rotten stache+pants for his hook. i put up my items and so did he. i saw the hook it was loading and the picture came up (hookpicture in the deal) suddently after we bouth pressed rdy to trade make trade the hook picture was loading in the trade inventory of his. Then i was like wtf and thought that it was normal to load a little bit before the deal was done. but then i dident get nothing but he got my stache and pants.

    I have pictures of all this but not pictures from the trade. This is not me trying to get some random guys items thats nunsens. I just wonna get my items back. I even offered him a free golden courier just for getting my items back. but he blocked me and couldent make any communication with him. So i keepd whriting to his screenshoot hoping he be kind and give back but he ignored me many times. and even in the channels in game that he was in i was spamming like hell so he could see. but he keepd changing name and picture of his profile i have it all on pictures.. If u can add me on steam i can show you all the pictures and inventory history. that i only have -- Rotten stache, Bloostained Britches and nothing gotten from him.. My name is DonGoni187 in steam (E|iƬ£187P|@Y£Ʀ™)

    What Datastorm means with 'name, time & timezone' is:
    - Who did he trade with?
    - When did he trade? (Date and time, his timezone)
    - What did the trade window show when pressing "accept trade" and which items did he trade - not get?[/quote]
  9. DonGoni187

    DonGoni187 New User

    even abravoo showed 1 picture to you. srsly ho gives a free rottenstache (10keys)+pudge pants(1-2keys) away not me. So its not me trying to get some random guys items for no reason. You can check
  10. Xenophobia

    Xenophobia Retired Staff

    DataStorm suggested making a Steam Support ticket, which you can do so by clicking here.

    Just be sure to include the specifics of the trade and as much information possible.