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Accepted 76561198065412545

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Soroush, Jan 12, 2013.

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  1. Soroush

    Soroush New User

    |steamID: [JETS]Combustion
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:29455289
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019176307
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/PsychoPCG
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198019176307

    |steamID: sK!!Lzz
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52573408
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065412545
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/18081994555
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198065412545?t=1358015126


    Description: He supposed to give us FarCry 3 (Key) for FarCry 2 (Gift) and Castle Crashers (Gift). Of course we was conservative enough to give gifts one by one; and as he disappeared after trading of Castle Crasher, we still have FarCry 2.
    His steam rep profile was clear and there was number of +rep comments in his profile and that was why we trusted him. Any way now after we added one of his friends, his friend said that they wrote in his profile by his request and never traded with him directly.

    I think everything is clear enough.
    Here is complete text of conversation:

    [JETS]Combustion: Hi
    sK!!Lzz: hey sir
    sK!!Lzz: are you still trading?
    [JETS]Combustion: which one were u ? :D
    sK!!Lzz: i dont know? :)
    sK!!Lzz: i just added you to trade
    sK!!Lzz: could you remind me your offer again please?
    [JETS]Combustion: Dirt Showdown for RAGE?
    [JETS]Combustion: it was u ?
    sK!!Lzz: u have dirt showdown?
    [JETS]Combustion: no
    [JETS]Combustion: so...
    [JETS]Combustion: Modern Warfare 3 (x2) | Castle Crashers (x2) | Just Cause 2 | Far Cry 2 | Rage
    [JETS]Combustion: this was the offer
    sK!!Lzz: ahh right
    sK!!Lzz: i wanted just cause or castle crashers
    sK!!Lzz: are they tradable?
    [JETS]Combustion: all tradeable
    sK!!Lzz: ok
    [JETS]Combustion: but Just Cause 2 is out
    sK!!Lzz: i have these
    sK!!Lzz: castle crashers then :)
    sK!!Lzz: i got these keys
    sK!!Lzz: max payne 3
    sleeping dogs
    hitman absolution
    Darksiders I & II (1 key)
    borderlands 1
    borderlands 2
    walking dead
    bioshock 1 & 2 (1 key)
    COD mw 2 & 3
    mass effect 3
    call of juarez the cartel
    arma x & arma 2 (2 keys)
    dead island
    AC III
    duke nukem forever
    GTA 4
    deus ex HR
    far cry 3
    civ V + gods and kings
    Doom 3
    warhammer 40k space marine
    NFS most wanted
    ghost recon future soldier
    fear 3
    batman AC GOTY
    starcraft II
    diablo III
    binding of isaac
    [JETS]Combustion: on Steam ?
    sK!!Lzz: all steam
    [JETS]Combustion: Mass Effect 3 on Steam ?
    sK!!Lzz: except the games not buyable on steam
    sK!!Lzz: NFS and ME 3 arent on steam
    [JETS]Combustion: i understand
    [JETS]Combustion: so u wnna trade one of these
    [JETS]Combustion: for CC ?
    sK!!Lzz: not the uber expensive ones ;)
    sK!!Lzz: unless CC + far cry 2
    [JETS]Combustion: i'm interested in Far Cry 3 mostly
    sK!!Lzz: would you do CC + fc 2 for fc3?
    [JETS]Combustion: just a sec
    [JETS]Combustion: you hand in the key first ?
    sK!!Lzz: second please
    [JETS]Combustion: it's a key
    what if i trade my games and yours doesn't work ?
    [JETS]Combustion: you go first and we have a deal :)
    sK!!Lzz: second, trading someone else
    [JETS]Combustion: how about i give u the CC, u hand in the key, and i give u FC2 ?
    sK!!Lzz: seems fair, but atm im busy with activating fc 3 :)
    sK!!Lzz: need to complete this trade first
    [JETS]Combustion: alright
    [JETS]Combustion: whenever u're ready
    sK!!Lzz: okay ready
    [JETS]Combustion: alright
    [JETS]Combustion: u got the FC3 key ?
    sK!!Lzz: yup
    [JETS]Combustion: u got a Steamtrades account ?
    sK!!Lzz: only steamprofile
    [JETS]Combustion: then how can i trust the key ? :)
    sK!!Lzz: check my rep on my profile
    [JETS]Combustion: alright
    sK!!Lzz has accepted your request to trade.
    sK!!Lzz: u give me the fc2 key after yes?
    sK!!Lzz: after i give u key
    [JETS]Combustion: FC2 is tradeable as well
    [JETS]Combustion: not a key
    sK!!Lzz: ok
    sK!!Lzz: but ill give you fc3 key first
    sK!!Lzz: then u give me fc2?
    [JETS]Combustion: yes
    [JETS]Combustion: u can already see the Castle Crashers
    [JETS]Combustion: u can give it to me now
    sK!!Lzz: lol im not trusting a low repped
    sK!!Lzz: repped guy with my game
    [JETS]Combustion: i dont see any rep from u either :D
    [JETS]Combustion: any links ?
    sK!!Lzz: check my steam profile
    [JETS]Combustion: steamrep ?
    sK!!Lzz: hurry
    sK!!Lzz: i got another trade
    You cannot request a new trade while you are still in another trade session.
    [JETS]Combustion: u got it
    sK!!Lzz: oh i did
    sK!!Lzz: ok here is the key
    sK!!Lzz is now Offline.
  2. Soroush

    Soroush New User

    Sry. Title is incorrect. Unfortunately I can't edit it now. It must be 76561198065412545 (sK!!Lzz)
  3. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, can you provide a screenshot of your trade history?
  4. Soroush

    Soroush New User

  5. Soroush

    Soroush New User

    Also it seems that he has a long report list too: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/1359321/?q=76561198065412545&o=date

    I even tried to talk with him as an other person for trade and then i showed him that i know him. This was what he said:

    DarkPlayer (IR): What about this?
    DarkPlayer (IR): http://forums.steamrep.com/search/1359298/?q=76561198065412545&o=date
    DarkPlayer (IR): then?
    DarkPlayer (IR): They are people and it is stealing
    DarkPlayer (IR): :|
    wazzaaap monkey: =/
    wazzaaap monkey: its an addiction
    DarkPlayer (IR): oh
    DarkPlayer (IR): :|
    wazzaaap monkey: =/
    DarkPlayer (IR): What can i say
    DarkPlayer (IR): Thanks god i didnt traded
    wazzaaap monkey: agreed
    wazzaaap monkey: :/
    wazzaaap monkey: 30 tradables and 100 games in 2 weeks
    DarkPlayer (IR): He is asking why you dont have the balls to speak with him al least
    DarkPlayer (IR): Oh good profit then :|
    wazzaaap monkey: opkay fine
    wazzaaap monkey: tell him i unblock
    DarkPlayer (IR): He told me to tell you please add him again from
    DarkPlayer (IR): http://steamcommunity.com/id/PsychoPCG/
    DarkPlayer (IR): He want to talk with you
    wazzaaap monkey: added

    Here is screen shot:
  6. Bruto_detests_SB

    Bruto_detests_SB New User

    He just offered me your Castle Crashers, I'm sorry for you friend and I won't trade with him. Next time don't trade with steam profile like this.
  7. Sjru

    Sjru User

    That would work, an SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  8. Soroush

    Soroush New User

    It seems he decided to end scamming and returning all games to their owners. Here is what I and my friend told him. I hope all scammers stop this s✿✿✿. There is no good in this.


    Bruto_detests_SB likes this.
  9. K-Boom

    K-Boom New User

    One user who I'm suspicious about talked to me and gave me exactly the same list as the OP posted on the chat log even with the same spelling minus Max Payne 3 and Borderlands 2. Borderlands 2 happened to be the game the user was interested in.
    His profile - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198019796626

    He's still got pending reports here on SteamRep:
    76561198019796626 (Zigakos)
    76561198019796626 (TiNoLM)
    76561198019796626 (TiNoLM)

    And then when I said we should no trade because I wasn't confident, he asked me if he should invite a Middleman, I said it would not work since we would be trading keys I don't believe middlemen can help because there is no way (that I'm aware of) to check if the key is valid or not. He insisted and then he invited a guy to act as middleman, and this guy happens to me the one reported by the OP and was already blocked on my list. I recognized him immediately. He has been reported several times here on SteamRep, just search the forums: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/1361094/?q=76561198065412545&t=post&o=date&g=1

    I think I should open a report even if the scam didn't happen.
    I suspect these guys could be working together to scam people.

    I'll just add the chat log here:

    TiNoLM: hey
    TiNoLM: hi
    TiNoLM: yes
    K-Boom: Hi
    TiNoLM: sorry for my late
    TiNoLM: answer
    TiNoLM: i was afk ^^
    TiNoLM: aam
    TiNoLM: damned i forgot
    K-Boom: Yeah, I thought so
    TiNoLM: what you offered
    TiNoLM: have added 2 more guys
    TiNoLM: can you please tell me again what you have?
    K-Boom: You must have seen my post somewhere, I don't remember seeing your name.
    TiNoLM: i think on steamtrades
    TiNoLM: you're the guy with borderlands 2?
    K-Boom: Yes
    TiNoLM: you still own it?
    K-Boom: Yes
    TiNoLM: ok i have some keys
    TiNoLM: sec
    TiNoLM: i have
    TiNoLM: these keys here
    TiNoLM: -----KEYS----
    sleeping dogs
    hitman absolution
    Darksiders I & II (1 key)
    borderlands 1
    walking dead
    bioshock 1 & 2 (1 key)
    COD mw 2 & 3
    mass effect 3
    call of juarez the cartel
    arma x & arma 2 (2 keys)
    dead island
    AC III
    duke nukem forever
    GTA 4
    deus ex HR
    far cry 3
    civ V + gods and kings
    Doom 3
    warhammer 40k space marine
    NFS most wanted
    ghost recon future soldier
    fear 3
    batman AC GOTY
    starcraft II
    diablo III
    binding of isaac
    TiNoLM: and 3 more let me give you my screenshot
    TiNoLM: you there?
    K-Boom: yes
    TiNoLM: except these keys i have these too http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/1527/captureac.png
    TiNoLM: purchased from gamefly
    K-Boom: You still have Mafia II? Is it normal or deluxe?
    TiNoLM: deluxe
    TiNoLM: with dlc
    TiNoLM: why?
    TiNoLM: joes adventure
    TiNoLM: and jimmy vendeta
    TiNoLM: i think
    TiNoLM: its with DLCS yes!
    K-Boom: I'm looking for Mafia II Deluxe, but afaik it doesnt come with joe's and jimmy's. It's other bonus stuff
    K-Boom: just a sec, brb
    K-Boom: ok, I'm back
    TiNoLM: my mafia
    TiNoLM: conteins
    TiNoLM: Joe's Jimmy's DLC
    TiNoLM: and these special offers
    TiNoLM: Made Man Pack: Free access to in-game downloadable pack that lets players get behind the wheel of two different luxury automobiles modeled after classic cars from the period. In addition, Vito will look the part with two new “made man” suits, including a vintage tux.
    Digital Art Book: Get to know the families of Empire Bay with a photo album-style Digital art book that takes fans through the artistic design process of the game.
    Orchestral Soundtrack: Immerse yourself in Empire Bay’s symphonic masterpiece with the Mafia II score recorded by the Prague FILMHarmonic Orchestra.
    Digital Map of Empire Bay: Get familiar with the neighborhoods and own the streets with the Digital map depicting the 10 square miles of Empire Bay and all the hangout spots.
    K-Boom: Yout got it with a good price I guess. I missed this Mafia II sale on GameFly, remember when was it?
    TiNoLM: 6-7 months ago
    TiNoLM: :/
    TiNoLM: i think i bought it
    TiNoLM: at summer sales
    K-Boom: Mafia II and DLCs interest me, but the problem with mafia keys is there some are region restricted
    TiNoLM: Its not..
    TiNoLM: its not ROW
    TiNoLM: only ROW keys are restricted to some countries
    TiNoLM: even if it was region restricted
    TiNoLM: it will be restricted to :China,phelipiness,spain,chele
    K-Boom: hmm
    K-Boom: What's your idea then. I think Mafia II and DLCs are just a bit low for Borderlands 2 1:1 trade
    TiNoLM: yes i know
    K-Boom: Considering sales prices of course
    TiNoLM: do you use paypal?
    K-Boom: Yeah
    TiNoLM: i can add some funds to your account
    K-Boom: What's your offer then
    TiNoLM: +15$
    TiNoLM: ?
    K-Boom: You're willing to trade Mafia II + DLCs and $15 for my Borderlands 2 or just $15 for Borderlands 2?
    TiNoLM: Mafia II Deluxe + 15$ for your Borderlands 2
    TiNoLM: thats the only i can give sorry!
    TiNoLM: nothing more nothing less!
    K-Boom: hmm... and how you supose we complete this trade?
    TiNoLM: By most rated rules from administrator..i guess when it comes with keys...the guy with less rep should start first....
    TiNoLM: sec
    TiNoLM: you can check my rep here : http://steamcommunity.com/id/12342134112424/
    TiNoLM: please send me the link ..so i can check yours!
    K-Boom: You can view my stream profile, there're simply no comments regarding trades there. I don't trade a lot, and the few trades I did people forgot to leave comments.
    TiNoLM: You should tell them to leave rep
    TiNoLM: some of the top rules!
    K-Boom: I know, but...
    K-Boom: Can't force them
    TiNoLM: Force who?
    TiNoLM: the guys to leave rep?
    K-Boom: Force them to leave rep, yes
    TiNoLM: Nah dude there is no force
    TiNoLM: :)
    TiNoLM: Its just a simple comment
    TiNoLM: they leave rep to your profile and you leave to'em
    TiNoLM: also many people have forgot to leave rep to my profile too
    TiNoLM: so i understand
    TiNoLM: i have done more than 40+ trades...so i guess ,having only 24 +reps....means someof them didn't add em
    K-Boom: Yeah...
    K-Boom: Hmm.. do you have a profile on steamtrades?
    TiNoLM: No
    TiNoLM: how do i make onw?
    TiNoLM: one*
    K-Boom: I think you have to go there http://www.steamtrades.com/ and log in throuch steam community, it will ask e-mail I think. Then you register.
    K-Boom: through* steam community
    TiNoLM: aaah yes!
    TiNoLM: There is sign in through steam
    TiNoLM: should i press it?
    K-Boom: Yes
    K-Boom: If you are not logged in Steam Community it will ask you to log in in steam with your login details, and possibly confirm the code for Steam Guard
    TiNoLM: Done it...
    TiNoLM: it sais that i have to wait
    TiNoLM: 48 hours to sync my games
    TiNoLM: something like that...
    TiNoLM: whats that?
    K-Boom: You can go to Account / Sync Account
    K-Boom: I don't remember because I registered a long time ago
    K-Boom: So
    K-Boom: Back to our business
    TiNoLM: Back!
    K-Boom: Given what you said about the rep and going first, you want me to give Borderlands 2 first, so you will give me Mafia II + DLCs and $15 PayPal next
    TiNoLM: Yes..
    TiNoLM: Since you have les rep you should go first..
    TiNoLM: and then im going to send you the gamefly key of Mafia 2 Deluxe
    TiNoLM: and paypal money 15$
    TiNoLM: plz tell me your email of your paypal account
    TiNoLM: so i can have it rdy
    TiNoLM: and don't make time
    TiNoLM: im a little bit hurry :)
    TiNoLM: may i ask where did you get the borderlands 2 key?
    K-Boom: I got it from GamersGate
    K-Boom: There aren't any region restrictions
    TiNoLM: Okey...!
    K-Boom: I understand you are in a hurry, but we should not rush trades :)
    TiNoLM: yh i know!
    TiNoLM: can you give me your paypal email?
    TiNoLM: Saying in hurry...bcause have to go at work ^^
    K-Boom: I must tell you I'm not comfortable with giving BL2 key first and then waiting for Mafia II + DLCs + $15 PayPal
    TiNoLM: I know that
    TiNoLM: and i know it very well!
    K-Boom: You work Sundays? That's bad :(
    TiNoLM: But if you don't want to do it
    TiNoLM: i don't force you
    TiNoLM: yes im guard
    TiNoLM: security :p
    TiNoLM: Anyway
    TiNoLM: if you don't want to do this i understand
    TiNoLM: and i don't force you to do it!
    K-Boom: I'm thinking :D
    TiNoLM: Its ALWAYS your option
    K-Boom: Okay
    TiNoLM: sec
    TiNoLM: Ok im back!
    TiNoLM: Do you want me
    TiNoLM: to let you think about it/
    TiNoLM: a little bit more ?
    K-Boom: No, I already made up my mind
    K-Boom: But before we go, care to explain me something?
    TiNoLM: Ok!
    TiNoLM: yes anything
    TiNoLM: about probation?
    K-Boom: Yes
    TiNoLM: haha
    TiNoLM: why everyone asks that!
    TiNoLM: It was from one of my trades!
    TiNoLM: I Activated a game (Rock Of Ages)
    TiNoLM: that wasn't avaialbe in my country
    TiNoLM: and i got that!
    TiNoLM: It happenes to most of us
    TiNoLM: if you activate a region restricted game
    TiNoLM: so you must bcarefull with keys!
    TiNoLM: and gifts
    K-Boom: Hmmm, never head of someone getting a probation status for that. Well, at least as I said, I'm not aware of this
    TiNoLM: There are many thinks you can get prob!
    TiNoLM: Even by....trading
    TiNoLM: ingame items!
    TiNoLM: you can get trade banned!
    K-Boom: I know
    TiNoLM: But for keys
    TiNoLM: WC
    K-Boom: There was something else I wanted to ask you when you return.
    TiNoLM: yes?
    K-Boom: I don't mean to be rude but what do you say of this:
    TiNoLM: shoot it!
    TiNoLM: yes and what about that?
    K-Boom: Three complaints about trades that didn' t go well with you, two people said you are a scammer?
    TiNoLM: The guy said
    TiNoLM: that was miss understanding
    TiNoLM: as you can read at the buttons
    TiNoLM: as for the other 2
    TiNoLM: The guy who reported me said that :)
    TiNoLM: i added him and talk
    TiNoLM: if i was a scammer
    TiNoLM: i wouldn't tell yout
    TiNoLM: to think before doing that
    TiNoLM: read this
    TiNoLM: Ok, he's not a scammer, I believe. It may just a lot of misunderstandings and unfortunate coincidences with the key from Gamefly and him talking with the other guy. I think he should not be marked as a scammer.
    TiNoLM: Thats the "words" that the guy who reported me said
    TiNoLM: :)
    K-Boom: Yeah. I see that...
    K-Boom: But there are other two different complaints
    TiNoLM: exact the same
    TiNoLM: 1-2nd
    TiNoLM: and the 3rd
    TiNoLM: the guy resived his item
    TiNoLM: but there was region restricted to him
    TiNoLM: and i send him
    TiNoLM: paypal instead
    TiNoLM: also
    TiNoLM: if it was a scam
    TiNoLM: i would have been marked
    TiNoLM: but since this posts are from 2-4 months ago!
    TiNoLM: they will get rejected!
    K-Boom: Yes, possibly. But it's bad for you having those posts still pending review over there.
    TiNoLM: Time to accept a steamtrep is about 1-2 weeks
    TiNoLM: yes i know
    TiNoLM: :/
    TiNoLM: i contact with steam rep
    TiNoLM: adminsitrators
    TiNoLM: but not replies
    K-Boom: You should register there, make your case on the topics that involve you
    TiNoLM: nah
    TiNoLM: Waste of time
    TiNoLM: Steamrep sucks in many thinks
    TiNoLM: you must know
    TiNoLM: and one of these thinks is this case
    TiNoLM: with me!
    TiNoLM: They don't reject their posts
    TiNoLM: and having them open
    TiNoLM: just to leave me bad reputation
    TiNoLM: since i didn't scam em
    K-Boom: Yes, the posts are still pending, that's bad for you
    TiNoLM: i know
    TiNoLM: thats why steam rep sucks
    TiNoLM: but the 1 good think that steam rep has
    TiNoLM: is
    TiNoLM: the best place to report a scam
    TiNoLM: anyway!
    TiNoLM: If you don't want to do that im fine with it!
    TiNoLM: its your call
    TiNoLM: sec WC again
    TiNoLM: damned
    K-Boom: OK
    TiNoLM: Im here!
    K-Boom: Hi...
    TiNoLM: Have to go in 30minutes
    TiNoLM: just letting you know
    K-Boom: OK
    K-Boom: So I want you to know I'm sorry I don't feel confident with our trade at the moment
    K-Boom: But if you want to keep me on your friends list, and if situation changes and we still have the games, we could trade in a later date
    K-Boom: Sorry
    TiNoLM: Do you want to use
    TiNoLM: a middleman?
    K-Boom: Can a MM be helpful with trading keys? There is no way to tell if the item is valid or not
    TiNoLM: yy thats what im thinking right now!
    K-Boom: Yeah, I thought about a MM but since it involves keys, it sucks. Keys suck. I'm never going to buy keys again unless I want to use them right away
    K-Boom: They are a pain to trade
    TiNoLM: Yes i know!
    TiNoLM: The think is that know own
    TiNoLM: gives Borderlands 2 with such a good deal
    TiNoLM: and it would be hard for me to find a guy that wants only mafia 2 deluxe and 15$ paypal for it
    TiNoLM: since all of them ask for games more than 30$
    TiNoLM: dont know*
    TiNoLM: anyone***
    K-Boom: Yeah, and I really wanted Mafia II and DLCs and would be fine with the $15. It would be fine for me considering price point and the games I wanted
    TiNoLM: Yes
    TiNoLM: its good for both of us sincei h ate mafia
    TiNoLM: have it on my library..and haven't played it only a little bit
    K-Boom: Meh... I just wish there was a safer way to trade keys or keys + $ for both of us...
    K-Boom: Anyways
    TiNoLM: im trying to find a middleman
    TiNoLM: that does that
    TiNoLM: do*
    TiNoLM: Do you have a screenshot proof?
    K-Boom: Yes.
    TiNoLM: i found one
    TiNoLM: he wants screenshot proofs
    TiNoLM: He can check the keys online
    TiNoLM: sec
    TiNoLM: can you send the screenshot?
    TiNoLM: im talking with him and he doesn't respond im starting to get angry
    TiNoLM: :/
    K-Boom: What's his profile?
    K-Boom: You won't want to trade Mafia II + $15 with me when I show you the screenshot, I got BL2 for real cheap :D
    TiNoLM: f✿✿✿ this c✿✿✿ he doesn't reply!
    TiNoLM: i deleted him
    TiNoLM: Send it don't worry
    TiNoLM: if we manage to do that
    TiNoLM: i promise you i willl
    TiNoLM: You're afk?
    K-Boom: I'm here, taking the screenshots
    K-Boom: I'm wondering how a MM can help, because I'm not aware of a way that a key can be checked
    TiNoLM: when you took em
    TiNoLM: let me know
    TiNoLM: i really don't know how can he help
    K-Boom: uploading them
    K-Boom: http://i.imgur.com/iTSP0.png
    K-Boom: http://i.imgur.com/mP4fK.png
    TiNoLM: JES
    TiNoLM: 5$?
    K-Boom: :D
    K-Boom: I told you. It was really cheap. $30 worth game for $5 :)
    K-Boom: Now you don't want to trade with me anymore
    K-Boom: :p
    TiNoLM: im thinking of it
    TiNoLM: :S
    TiNoLM: Ok sec
    Your chat with TiNoLM is now a multi-user chat.
    TiNoLM: you there?
    K-Boom: Yes
    TiNoLM: im inviting him to chat
    The chat room has been unlocked (opened to anyone) by TiNoLM.
    K-Boom: Ok. But I still don't see how can this work with keys
    Pr!Me' mistah elitica has changed their name to OMG da BawZz.
    OMG da BawZz entered chat. (Blocked.)
    K-Boom: Hah.
    K-Boom: This trade is off
    K-Boom: This guy is a known scammer
    TiNoLM: what?
    K-Boom: OMG da BawZz is a known scammer
    TiNoLM: ??
    K-Boom: Yep
    OMG da BawZz was kicked by TiNoLM.
    TiNoLM: you're kiding me?
    TiNoLM: sec
    TiNoLM: he sais he was middleman
    TiNoLM: said*
    K-Boom: You have to pick someone known or who is on the MM list
    TiNoLM: im triing
    TiNoLM: to search on steam rep
    TiNoLM: his name
    K-Boom: Never mind man, I don't think this can work because it involves keys, there is no way to tell if either my keys or yours are valid or not
    K-Boom: Keys are valid only at the point you activate them.
    TiNoLM: omg
    TiNoLM: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/1359321/?q=76561198065412545&o=date
    K-Boom: I believe you can use a middleman when it involves GIFTs/items and money
    TiNoLM: http://forums.steamrep.com/search/1359321/?q=76561198065412545&o=date
    TiNoLM: look at that
    K-Boom: Yeah
    TiNoLM: dude
    TiNoLM: thanks
    K-Boom: I know that because this guy added me 2 days ago
    K-Boom: When I looked up his name it scared me, and he's still not marked
    TiNoLM left chat.

    Btw Soroush, in the thread title I believe you typed the wrong Steam Profile ID.
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