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Archived 76561198043306395 (jumpzzzz !! trade)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by TangoAK, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. TangoAK

    TangoAK New User

    |steamID: TangoAK
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:6106321
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972478370
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/kattila
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197972478370

    |steamID: jumpzzzz !! trade
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:41520333
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043306395
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198043306395

    |steamID: mariganza
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:40651166
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041568060
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/marigansa
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198041568060

    |steamID: Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:18335640
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996937009
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197996937009

    imgur is not currentlry working for me so I will send pics later.

    jumpzzzz offered me mw 2 mw1 black ops 2 assaisn creed 3 and the ship for my tradable CS:GO. Offer seemed too good to be true so I asked for a middleman or he to go first. He choosed first a middleman who is a scammer. Then he choosed a middleman from Steamtrades. I remembered that there are no middleman at Steamtrades and asked him to provide a proof of that. I also asked that we could use a middleman from Steamtrades admins but he claimed they are scammers there. They urged me to do the trade but finally they gave up.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    20. tammikuuta 2013
    21:01 - TangoAK: Hi
    21:01 - TangoAK: You added me
    21:01 - jumpzzzz !! trade: y
    21:01 - jumpzzzz !! trade: i wanted to trade
    21:02 - TangoAK: yes
    21:02 - TangoAK: what?
    21:02 - jumpzzzz !! trade: cs go
    21:02 - TangoAK: for what?
    21:03 - jumpzzzz !! trade: i want cs go you pick what you want i have mw 2 mw1 black ops 2 assaisn creed 3 and the ship
    21:03 - TangoAK: tradables keys?
    21:03 - jumpzzzz !! trade: y keys
    21:03 - TangoAK: Can we use middleman?
    21:04 - TangoAK: Or do you go first?
    21:04 - jumpzzzz !! trade: middleman
    21:05 - TangoAK: Black ops 2
    21:05 - jumpzzzz !! trade: okei
    21:05 - TangoAK: No regionlocks?
    21:05 - TangoAK: vpn etc?
    Your chat with jumpzzzz !! trade is now a multi-user chat.
    mariganza entered chat.
    20. tammikuuta 2013
    21:05 - mariganza (2): Hello
    21:06 - TangoAK: Hi
    21:06 - TangoAK: I will use only middleman from Tradersguild
    21:06 - TangoAK: Ok?
    21:06 - mariganza (2): Hmm , http://www.steamtrades.com/user/mariganza/page/1 If u dont trust
    21:07 - TangoAK: Only tradersguild middleman
    21:07 - jumpzzzz !! trade: i will only take steamreades middlemans
    21:08 - TangoAK: Is that ok jumppzz?
    21:09 - jumpzzzz !! trade: i will only take middlemans in steamtrades
    21:09 - jumpzzzz !! trade: in tradersguild there are scammers
    21:09 - TangoAK: lol
    21:10 - jumpzzzz !! trade: and he got 82 rep
    21:10 - jumpzzzz !! trade: so what you want !
    21:10 - TangoAK: Pick a middleman from Steamtrades
    21:11 - TangoAK: Not a scammer like mariganca. I checked him at steamrep
    mariganza left chat.
    21:11 - jumpzzzz !! trade: okei i will pick a steamtrades
    Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris entered chat.
    21:11 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: Hello
    21:12 - TangoAK: Hi
    21:12 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: Who requested a middleman?
    21:12 - TangoAK: jumpzzz
    21:12 - jumpzzzz !! trade: yeah ?
    21:13 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: I ain't got all day guys
    21:13 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: Other people are in need of middlemen too.
    21:13 - jumpzzzz !! trade: yes
    21:13 - jumpzzzz !! trade: so
    21:14 - TangoAK: Where can I find middlemanlist from steamtrades?
    21:14 - jumpzzzz !! trade: omg
    21:14 - jumpzzzz !! trade: just trade
    21:14 - jumpzzzz !! trade: we already have a middleman
    21:15 - jumpzzzz !! trade: uuu
    21:15 - jumpzzzz !! trade: you there
    21:15 - jumpzzzz !! trade: just
    21:15 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: You guys are rediculous....
    21:15 - jumpzzzz !! trade: tango ?
    21:16 - TangoAK: I'm not confortable with this
    21:16 - jumpzzzz !! trade: why
    21:17 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: Are you sure? I'm trusted.
    21:17 - jumpzzzz !! trade: yeah
    21:17 - TangoAK: The first middleman you choosed was a scammer
    21:17 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: wtf
    21:17 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: i banned him already
    21:17 - jumpzzzz !! trade: tango really he was okey bye bye then
    21:18 - jumpzzzz !! trade: i deleted him
    21:18 - TangoAK: http://steamcommunity.com/id/marigansa/
    21:18 - jumpzzzz !! trade: dident know
    21:18 - jumpzzzz !! trade: ktnx
    21:18 - TangoAK: http://steamrep.com/search?q=76561198041568060
    21:18 - jumpzzzz !! trade: dayz arma is trusted guys
    21:19 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: im contacting admins
    21:19 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: so he will be banned
    21:19 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: also
    21:19 - TangoAK: where can i check him?
    21:19 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: dont pick scammer middlemen
    21:19 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: pick trusted people like me
    21:19 - jumpzzzz !! trade: y
    21:19 - TangoAK: dayz where can i check you are a steamtrades middleman?
    21:20 - jumpzzzz !! trade: omg why you need it
    21:20 - jumpzzzz !! trade: lol
    21:20 - jumpzzzz !! trade: bye
    21:20 - jumpzzzz !! trade: dont care
    21:20 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: ask admins
    21:20 - jumpzzzz !! trade: taking to long
    21:20 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: time waster....
    21:20 - TangoAK: lol to yourself
    21:20 - jumpzzzz !! trade: y
    21:20 - TangoAK: I suggested tradersguild admin
    21:20 - TangoAK: They are trustworthy
    21:21 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: i am a tradersguild moderator.. is that ok?
    21:21 - TangoAK: If you cannot provide me a link where I can see dayz is really middleman at steamtrades I don't trust
    21:22 - jumpzzzz !! trade: aa f✿✿✿ you really
    21:22 - TangoAK: You don't even belong to that group
    21:22 - jumpzzzz !! trade: ye
    21:22 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: i have rep..
    21:22 - jumpzzzz !! trade: omg
    21:22 - TangoAK: rep doesn't mean anything
    21:22 - jumpzzzz !! trade: sure okey
    21:22 - jumpzzzz !! trade: bye
    jumpzzzz !! trade left chat.
    21:22 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: sure it doesnt
    21:22 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: what a dumbass,,,
    21:23 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: missed your opportunity
    21:23 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: that guy is trusted too btw
    21:23 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: u dont even need middleman
    21:23 - Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris: time waster
    21:23 - TangoAK: I have been already scammed twice
    Dayz Arma And Stuff Kris left chat.
  2. TangoAK

    TangoAK New User

  3. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
  4. Vintage Cobra

    Vintage Cobra Retired Staff

    Marked both unmarked accounts that were reported.
    Thank you for your report.
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