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Accepted 76561198068762086 (TheFriendlyHipster)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by T3D, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. T3D

    T3D New User

    |steamID: Cheeky Unicorn
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:33346761
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026959250
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cheekyunicorn
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026959250

    |steamID: TheFriendlyHipster
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:54248179
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198068762086
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thefriendlyhipster
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198068762086

    Screenshots of him raffling away his unusual:


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Screenshots of him having his unusual up for trade before or at the time of the raffle.

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Screens of the trade

    Screenshot of him posting his bp.tf id
    Screenshot that shows he still has the unusual in his bp.

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Alright. So here's the thing. I admin a TF2 Trading group on Facebook known as "Trade Fortress 2" (roughly 200 members strong). Here's the link of the group if anyone needs to check it out.


    So our friend Mr.Joshua Tan a.k.a Thefriendlyhipster here put up his unusual Stormy Storm Attendant up for raffle in our group. The entry fee was a key and he had 30 slots open. Naturally, many people entered the raffle since the hat is pretty awesome and 1 key is a measly amount, even if its for a raffle. He was supposed to hold the raffle on the 20th .. but instead of holding up his end of the bargain,he ran away with the 20 o so keys that he got from different people, he unfriended all the members of the group who were in his steam friends list, made his profile private(he changed it again though... he made it open and set his privacy settings to "you-cant-say-anything-bad-about-me-on-my-wall." So yeah, we cant post anything on his steam profile.) Anyway, I ve been busy these past few days and because of that I couldn't monitor the group's activity as well as I would have if I hadn't been so busy. And I'd also like to point out that the profile of the victim i posted above is not the only one, he was one among many who were scammed by this bastard.

    p.s This is the doc where he posted his backpack.tf url ,


    Some relevant links :

    Link to his trade:

    Link to his backpack:

    As you can see he still has the hat and he prolly thinks he got away with what he did. I hope to prove him wrong. I've asked the people who were scammed by Joshua to post screenshots of their trade history here in this thread. I'm sure that will be enough proof to get this prick marked as scammer.

    That is all.
  2. nobodyuknow

    nobodyuknow New User

    Although not a victim myself nor participate in this raffle. I witnessed the entire scene unravel and can 'vouch?' for this report. I'm not the most active member of this community, but I've been in this group for quite a while now.
  3. cheekyunicorn

    cheekyunicorn New User

    Here's a screenshot from my inventory history, trading 3.33 ref for a slot in the raffle:

  4. groovypanda

    groovypanda New User

    Well even i am an active member in the group and i still remember when asked for any proof he simple ignored it and said if you want you join. People like him think they can scam and run away and no one would notice. Many people there dont even do much of trading just regular players with nothing much more valuable than the weapons they use and this rat bastard even scammed those.

    I request for a BAN on this guy as i m sure if given a chance he will again do a same maybe causing a lot more damage than he has caused now
  5. wic

    wic New User

    Hi there,

    When providing a screenshot of your trade history, please make a screenshot of the entire page. These kind of "snippets" will probably not be looked at as valid evidence.

    Please keep this thread clean of these kind of messages and only use it to post evidence. Otherwise it will only take a Mod/Admin longer to process this case.

    Good luck!
  6. cheekyunicorn

    cheekyunicorn New User

    Will this do?
