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Archived (b0mbic)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by D'effreur, Jan 25, 2013.

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  1. D'effreur

    D'effreur New User

    sorry i couldn't find the subject number :( i apologize


    |steamID: D'effreur
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:388440
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197961042609
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Khser
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197961042609

    |steamID: b0mbic
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32410028
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025085785
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/b0mbic
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025085785


    I created a thread on steamtrades looking for keys and tradable items for paypal. He added, anyway as you can see he vaguely said "most of the items on his list are not keys" anyway I traded 2.00$ for Hammerfight game thinking it is a steam redeemable key, he didn't say that it wasn't because on steamtrade i clearly indicated i am looking for keys and tradable items (and hell, even the website and client is steam, what can i do with anything else?) anyway after he got the money he send me a link from bundle saying that it is the game, then tried to blame me and said that "i have never asked if it is a key or not"...
  2. D'effreur

    D'effreur New User

    i found it but cannot edit the title now :( sorry
  3. b0mbic

    b0mbic New User

    Sorry, but you have victim as a scammer in your post.
    here is the conversation http://pastebin.com/SVMLAhfT
    I said I don't have keys for most of the games and you never said you want a steam key. Why were you thinking it's a Steam key after I said most of them aren't? Why don't you just ask "Hey, is Hammerfight a Steam key?" But maybe it's better to get a game you want and ask for a refund afterwards with "oh no, that's not what was on my mind!".

    I just think you are enjoying wasting (replying to that dispute on paypal, making account and replaying here) my time for 1.61 USD and mocking me with things like "21:04 - D'effreur: i am a premier member of paypal :) 21:04 - D'effreur: so lets see who is more trustworthy" and posting my personal e-mail and paypal.
  4. D'effreur

    D'effreur New User

    again, this is not the full conversation, and still you are trying to justify yourself with a childish reason "you did not ask". You added me regarding to a thread i created on steamtrades asking for steam redeemable keys or tradable items. and again you said "most of your items are not keys" which is not clear at all. even if you are right and even if we accept that it is my fault not to asking for if it is a key or not it is your fault too to not to verify that it is not a key.

    i really think that you are either a 14-15 years old person or your judgement is clouded by something...

    this is the full conversation.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    25 January 2013
    20:12 - D'effreur: hi
    20:12 - b0mbic: hey
    20:12 - b0mbic: you wanted games, right?
    20:12 - D'effreur: yep
    20:12 - b0mbic: Amnesia
    And Yet It Moves
    Atom Zombie Smasher
    Cave Story+
    Chocolate Castle
    Cogs GO (Netbooks)
    Crayon Physics Deluxe
    Dungeon Defenders + all DLC
    Frozen Synapse
    Gratuitous Space Battles
    Indie Game: The Movie
    Jasper's Journeys
    Lone Survivor
    Offspring Fling
    Shank 2
    Space Pirates and Zombies
    Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
    Super Meat Boy
    Sword & Swordcery
    The Basement Collection
    The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
    Zen Puzzle Garden
    20:12 - b0mbic: here is a list
    20:12 - b0mbic: + I have some games in my inventory
    20:13 - D'effreur: wow you have a lot of bundles there :D
    20:13 - D'effreur: i am interested with hammerfight
    20:13 - D'effreur: and checking your inventory
    20:13 - b0mbic: but for most of the bundle games I am not sure if I have key left
    20:13 - b0mbic: but I have download links for all of them
    20:14 - D'effreur: nation red ftl
    20:14 - D'effreur: and hammerfight
    20:15 - D'effreur: those are the ones i am interested
    20:15 - D'effreur: hammerfight is on your list
    20:15 - D'effreur: the other two on your inventory
    20:15 - b0mbic: okay
    20:15 - b0mbic: what is your offer?
    20:15 - D'effreur: i really dont know you tell me your price for each and all in one :P
    20:15 - b0mbic: start with hammerfight
    20:15 - b0mbic: you dont want anything else from that list?
    20:15 - D'effreur: nope i have most of those
    20:18 - b0mbic: so what's your offer for hammer?
    20:18 - D'effreur: i am waiting for yours
    20:20 - b0mbic: 2 bucks is enough for it I guess
    20:22 - D'effreur: 2 buck but you will handle the paypal fee
    20:23 - b0mbic: there is a paypal fee?
    20:23 - D'effreur: yep
    20:23 - D'effreur: 0.88 i think
    20:24 - b0mbic: [email protected]
    20:25 - D'effreur: sending
    20:25 - D'effreur: [email protected]
    20:25 - D'effreur: right?
    20:26 - b0mbic: yep
    20:26 - D'effreur: Payment To$2,00 USD
    [email protected]
    Personal Member
    20:26 - D'effreur: do you agree?
    20:26 - b0mbic: yeah
    20:26 - D'effreur: baran, you have sent $2,00 USD to Vlastimil Cernicek.
    20:26 - D'effreur: check your paypal
    20:27 - b0mbic: that's strange
    20:28 - b0mbic: I have 1.61 usd more than I had
    20:28 - b0mbic: but there is no payment
    20:28 - b0mbic: I received
    20:29 - b0mbic: what's up with that?
    20:29 - b0mbic: I have to receive payment before they add up money, right?
    20:29 - D'effreur: i dont know
    20:29 - D'effreur: you should have money now
    20:30 - D'effreur: if you dont i will ask for a refund
    20:30 - b0mbic: well you can see it on your paypal
    20:30 - b0mbic: if I accepted the money or not
    20:30 - b0mbic: and you can cancel the payment untill I accept it
    20:31 - D'effreur: yep
    20:31 - b0mbic: what do ou see there?
    20:31 - D'effreur: baran, you have sent $2,00 USD to Vlastimil Cernicek.
    20:31 - D'effreur: We sent a receipt to your email inbox. We also sent a notification to Vlastimil Cernicek at [email protected]. View transaction details
    You don't have this email address listed in your Contact Book. You can send money faster next time by adding it.
    20:32 - b0mbic: oh, okay
    20:32 - b0mbic: gonna check the mail then
    20:37 - b0mbic: okay
    20:37 - b0mbic: I have it now
    20:37 - D'effreur: nice
    20:37 - b0mbic: it was in the spam
    20:38 - D'effreur: so, the key?
    20:38 - b0mbic: http://files.humblebundle.com/hf-build-1.005.zip?key=ahFzfmhyLWh1bWJsZWJ1bmRsZXINCxIEVXNlchiZz9wZDA&ttl=1359225499&t=b86a9888889d6d3c075f6781fa2c26a5
    20:38 - D'effreur: it is not a key
    20:39 - D'effreur: you are simply giving me the drm free one
    20:39 - b0mbic: 19:13 - b0mbic: but for most of the bundle games I am not sure if I have key left
    19:13 - b0mbic: but I have download links for all of them
    20:39 - b0mbic: well it doesnt even have achievements or anything on steam
    20:39 - b0mbic: Single-player
    20:39 - D'effreur: i am asking for a refund
    20:39 - b0mbic: that's all it has
    20:39 - b0mbic: and you can add it to your steam
    20:40 - b0mbic: I told you before it's not a steam key
    20:40 - D'effreur: no you didnt
    20:40 - D'effreur: as you said
    20:40 - D'effreur: you talked vaguely
    20:40 - D'effreur: anyway you can prove it on paypal
    20:40 - D'effreur: i wont even ask you to return the money
    20:40 - D'effreur: i will simply open a dispute
    20:40 - D'effreur: i am not new to paypal :)
    20:41 - b0mbic: so you got the game
    20:41 - b0mbic: and you want your buck back
    20:41 - D'effreur: i dont care about drm free non steam not even a key downloadable version
    20:41 - b0mbic: so say it before
    20:41 - D'effreur: i did
    20:41 - b0mbic: you never asked for a key
    20:42 - b0mbic: and I told you it's not a key
    20:42 - D'effreur: anyway this is my last sentence to you, i don't care what you think and no you did not say that it is not a key
    20:42 - D'effreur: you said "most of your games are not keys"
    20:43 - b0mbic: and where you asked for key?
    20:43 - b0mbic: well if most of them are not keys
    20:43 - b0mbic: and you wont even ask for key
    20:44 - b0mbic: but you take the game
    20:44 - D'effreur: dispute opened, answer using paypal, or send me full refund so i can cancel it otherwise have a nice day.

    and this is the part you took out of conversation;


    and btw it is not 1.xx$;


    and i am here, calling you out, of course i will use every single information i have on you so noone else will be fooled by your childish claims.
  5. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello, after reviewing this and the accused replies I have to say that this is mostly a confusion and there wasn't a scam intent here. He sent you a game which you technically agreed on. Not perhaps in the way you wanted, but you should have asked first.

    As such I have to archive this.
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