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Archived 76561198002389951 (Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™

    ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ New User

    |steamID: Karma Charger
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:17082117
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197994429962
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Crazyscout
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197994429962

    |steamID: Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:21062111
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002389951
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/stefan_crime
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198002389951

    Chat logs with Karma Charger:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Friday, 22 February, 2013
    9:44 PM - Karma Charger: hi
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: hey
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: dont do it
    9:44 PM - Karma Charger: how can i help?
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: dont talk to stefan
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he will hack your account
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i read your chat
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: about the tux
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: http://steamrep.com/
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: look here
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he is trying to get your account
    9:44 PM - Karma Charger: you sure about that?
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: throught teamviewer
    9:44 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: teamviewer lets your computer be used via wifi
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: or the internet
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: there is no c++ thing
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: if you really want the tux
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: go to steam forums
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: there are tons of tutorials
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: right now he is trying to steal your account
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: do you still have the entire chat
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: if you do make a report
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: it will get him marked
    9:45 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: and maybe banned
    9:46 PM - Karma Charger: Are you really sure about that?
    9:46 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: yes i am
    9:46 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: even tons of steamgroups related to gaming
    9:46 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: are posting about it
    9:46 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: whatever you do
    9:46 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: dont do it
    9:46 PM - Karma Charger: Well i'm not doing anything even
    9:47 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3078518
    9:47 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: there are tons of tutorials
    9:47 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: not only this
    9:47 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: diffrent methods too
    9:47 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: but just dont do teamviewer
    9:47 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: because you will have no controll over your computer after that
    9:48 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: this happened to me before
    9:48 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i lost 3 buds before
    9:48 PM - Karma Charger: i was going to type the id and pass that he gave me.
    9:48 PM - Karma Charger: than you're here.
    9:48 PM - Karma Charger: just report him?
    9:48 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: yeah
    9:48 PM - Karma Charger: you did?
    9:49 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: im reporting him to steam rep
    9:49 PM - Karma Charger: does anyone else get scammed by him?
    9:49 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: all the accounts he mention on his trades
    9:50 PM - Karma Charger: Does anyone get scammed by him?
    9:50 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: il get a list for you
    9:50 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: http://bazaar.tf/trade/139142
    9:50 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: theres a list down here
    9:51 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: most of them are even offline
    9:53 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: you do tf2 trading right
    9:53 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so i assume you heard about steamrep before then
    9:53 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: : 15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: oh ok
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: sure
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: can u give me the steam page
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: of that account pls ?
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i am demonstrating now
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: to 2 guys
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: how a
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: account gets tux
    15:49 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: after u I have another 2 guys who want it
    15:49 - Protoman64 (Ger): ok wait a minute
    15:50 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: fine
    15:51 - Protoman64 (Ger): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084248396
    15:51 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: ok
    15:51 - Protoman64 (Ger): do i have to log out?
    15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if u are using that account yes
    15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if not
    15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: no
    15:52 - Protoman64 (Ger): ok, logged out
    9:54 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he forced his victim to log out of steam
    9:55 PM - Karma Charger: i think i should ignore him.
    9:55 PM - Karma Charger: he goes to offlined after he told me the samething
    9:55 PM - Karma Charger: the message logs
    9:55 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: well could you print screen the whole chat you had with him for me?
    9:55 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so that i can report him
    9:56 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: you're lucky i saved your ass i wonder how much accounts he hijacked
    9:56 PM - Karma Charger: i closed the chat.
    9:57 PM - Karma Charger: only half logs visable.
    9:57 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: its ok il use my logs tehn
    9:57 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: then*
    10:00 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: is he still talking to you?
    10:02 PM - Karma Charger: Yes And
    10:02 PM - Karma Charger: how the hell you know i added him?
    10:02 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he sent me the chat logs
    10:02 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: that both of you were having
    10:03 PM - Karma Charger: i dont understand?
    10:03 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i added him
    10:03 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: since i knew he was a scammer
    10:04 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he said he was to lazy to type
    10:04 PM - Karma Charger: type what?
    10:04 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so he send me the entire chat logs you and him were having
    10:04 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: type what i needed to do
    10:04 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: to get the tux
    10:04 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: when he sended me the second part of the chat
    10:04 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i saw teamviewer
    10:05 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so i read all of it and added you asap
    10:05 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so i can stop whatever you are doing with him
    10:07 PM - Karma Charger: ebruary 19, 2013 , 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    10:07 PM - Karma Charger: um
    10:07 PM - Karma Charger: wait
    10:07 PM - Karma Charger: sorry.
    10:07 PM - Karma Charger: Never tell your password to anyone.
    Friday, February 22, 2013
    9:49 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: look i will give tux
    9:49 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: to this account
    9:49 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: megafanboy124
    9:50 PM - Karma Charger: Well i don't wanna lost my wiki cpa by doing this.
    9:50 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: the german guy
    9:50 PM - Karma Charger: cap*.
    9:50 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: said to give him tux on that account
    9:50 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: u wont
    9:50 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: lose anything
    9:52 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: look: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084248396/inventory check this inventory see it's empty.after 3 minutes it will have tux
    9:52 PM - Karma Charger: well it would be better if i ask some of my friends on real life to open my account on the linux
    9:52 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: it's safe mate
    9:52 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: let me do this first
    9:52 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: to this guy
    9:53 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: oh ok
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: sure
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: can u give me the steam page
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: of that account pls ?
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i am demonstrating now
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: to 2 guys
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: how a
    15:48 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: account gets tux
    15:49 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: after u I have another 2 guys who want it
    15:49 - Protoman64 (Ger): ok wait a minute
    15:50 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: fine
    15:51 - Protoman64 (Ger): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084248396
    15:51 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: ok
    15:51 - Protoman64 (Ger): do i have to log out?
    15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if u are using that account yes
    15:52 - Stefan.
    10:08 PM - Karma Charger: 15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if u are using that account yes
    15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if not
    15:52 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: no
    15:52 - Protoman64 (Ger): ok, logged out
    9:54 PM - Karma Charger: February 19, 2013 , 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    9:57 PM - Karma Charger: where the hell you been?
    9:59 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: im done
    9:59 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: megafanboy124 : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084248396/inventory/#440_2_1480340011

    9:59 PM - Karma Charger: February 19, 2013 , 0.0 hrs past 2 weeks
    9:59 PM - Karma Charger: Looks something wrong.
    10:00 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: what is that ?
    10:00 PM - Karma Charger: That is your account i know.
    10:00 PM - Karma Charger: i know what are you trying to do
    10:00 PM - Karma Charger: don't lie.
    10:01 PM - Karma Charger: i wonder how many account you just hacked.
    10:01 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: [16:51:52] Protoman64 (Ger): do i have to log out?
    [16:52:13] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if u are using that account yes
    [16:52:14] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if not
    [16:52:15] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: no
    [16:52:42] Protoman64 (Ger): ok, logged out
    [16:53:06] Protoman64 (Ger): oh yes you need the steam guard
    [16:53:21] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: ok i go now
    [16:53:25] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: does it require
    [16:53:27] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: steam auth
    [16:53:28] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: code ?
    [16:53:30] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 5 characters ?
    [16:53:39] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: no problem u will give me
    [16:53:41] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: that on steam chat
    [16:53:44] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: on my internet browser
    [16:53:50] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: megafanboy124
    [16:53:55] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: logging off
    [16:55:37] Protoman64 (Ger): hi
    [16:55:28] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i am now
    10:08 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so he is still talkin to you?
    10:08 PM - Karma Charger: yes
    10:10 PM - Karma Charger: [16:55:31] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: in your account
    [16:55:36] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: half way done
    [16:58:09] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: im done
    [16:58:10] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: megafanboy124 : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084248396/inventory/#440_2_1480340011

    [16:58:23] Protoman64 (Ger): oh
    [16:58:49] Protoman64 (Ger): ok thank you
    [16:59:04] Protoman64 (Ger): can i log in now?
    [16:59:24] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: yes
    [16:59:26] Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: you can
    [16:59:26] Protoman64 (Ger): ?
    10:01 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i didn't hacked anything
    10:01 PM - Karma Charger: it is easy to type all the logs yourself
    10:01 PM - Karma Charger: if it is real
    10:01 PM - Karma Charger: ask the guy to talk to me.
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: ok
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: enter
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: my pc
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: the
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: id is
    10:02 PM - Karma Charger: No , i wont use the teamviewer anymore.
    10:02 PM - Karma Charger: Ask the guy to talk to me.
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: ok
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: add him
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 268 671 639
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: pass 4930
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: u can come now
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: it's your turn
    10:02 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: to get tux
    10:03 PM - Karma Charger: that's alot of tutorial on steam fourms
    10:03 PM - Karma Charger: so.
    10:03 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: that s a looong way
    10:03 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i can do it simple
    10:03 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: u wan to be after mr pedosa
    10:03 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: me pedosta*
    10:03 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: or now ?
    10:05 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy:
    10:11 PM - Karma Charger: 0:05 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 20 th guy has not tux
    10:05 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: would u like to be 21st or 22nd
    10:05 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: ? :3
    10:07 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: you have to be 22nd :(
    10:07 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: me pedosta want to go before you
    10:07 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 16:02 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: or not
    16:02 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 268 671 639
    16:02 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: here is my id
    16:03 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: and this is my password : 4930
    16:03 - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: for teamviewer?
    16:03 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: yes sir
    16:03 - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: dow do you install it?
    16:03 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i installed it
    16:03 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: oh yeah
    16:03 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: teamviewer
    16:03 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: you install it
    16:05 - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: send me a link to teamviewer
    16:05 - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i cant find it
    16:05 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: sure ok
    16:05 - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows.aspx
    10:07 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: see ?
    10:08 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i also helped guys
    10:08 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: via email
    10:08 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: if teamviewer did worked for them
    10:09 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: look sir :3 http://i.imgur.com/ZpTyKg5.jpg
    10:09 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i did this yesterday
    10:11 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: Sir Karma Charger
    10:11 PM - Karma Charger: Well that's all.
    10:11 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: alright ty
    10:11 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: il screen cap it
    10:12 PM - Karma Charger: still bagging me to do this
    10:13 PM - Karma Charger: because he want my wiki cap.
    10:13 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: lol
    10:13 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: but they arent tradable tho
    10:15 PM - Karma Charger: should i tell him you're talking to me about all this?
    10:15 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: nah
    10:15 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: il let him be supprised
    10:15 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: like the time i shat myselve after watching a screamer vid
    10:16 PM - Karma Charger: are you recording this?
    10:16 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: what for?
    10:16 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i just need photos
    10:16 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: to get him marked
    10:16 PM - Karma Charger: alright
    10:16 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: damn you should no about this right?
    10:17 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: you have 4000+ hours on tf2
    10:17 PM - Karma Charger: i'm not a trader.
    10:17 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: oh
    10:17 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: comp gamer?
    10:17 PM - Karma Charger: i am a community contributor.
    10:17 PM - Karma Charger: that means i work more than i play
    10:18 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: oh
    10:19 PM - Karma Charger: my mind is very confuse right now.
    10:19 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: lol about what?
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: ok lemme simplify it
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: you want tux
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: you added him right?
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: you asked him for tux
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he asked you to download teamviewer
    10:20 PM - Karma Charger: yes
    10:20 PM - Karma Charger: yes
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: teamviewer gives the other person full controll over your computer
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he change your info
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: password ect
    10:20 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: and steam guard
    10:21 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: then ask you to log out
    10:21 PM - Karma Charger: Thats a reason why it called Teamviewer.
    10:21 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: he logs in your account
    10:21 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: and gains full controll over
    10:21 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: it
    10:21 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: then your ass gets screwed as you wont have your account anymore
    10:21 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: as it is hacked
    10:22 PM - Karma Charger: how did you know all about this/.
    10:22 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: about you adding him or the hacking thing?
    10:23 PM - Karma Charger: Hacking thing
    10:23 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i got hacked before
    10:23 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: as im a trader
    10:23 PM - Karma Charger: by him?
    10:23 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: by others
    10:23 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: i managed to get them backed by steam support
    10:32 PM - Karma Charger: i see
    10:36 PM - Karma Charger: Well thanks for the help.
    10:36 PM - Karma Charger: not really sure if hes really a scammer.
    10:36 PM - Karma Charger: so i can't own you one.
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: its ok i dont really want s✿✿✿ in return
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: but if you really want the tux
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: just search the forums
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: and if you dont know what the programs is about
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: dont install it
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: coz it might be a scam or a virus
    10:37 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: thats all i can help
    10:38 PM - Karma Charger: i am stupid , i should do a research before install that.
    10:38 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: research
    10:38 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: dude everyone is stupid before
    10:38 PM - ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ S>BP: so dont call yourself dat
    10:38 PM - Karma Charger: True

    On the 22/2/13 I was browsing through Bazaar.tf when i noticed a trade about the tux,when i clicked on it i saw an offer on how to get the tux for free so i added Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy (STEAM_0:1:21062111),when he responded he told me he was to lazy to type the instructions on how to get it so he send me his chat logs with Karma Charger (STEAM_0:0:17082117).I added karma charger about the team viewer scam and what is happening right now.

    Attached Files:

  2. Cr!m3

    Cr!m3 New User

    I didn't scammed anybody.And didn't stolen nobodys items.
    Here you report somebody for scamming you.You didn't got scammed.
  3. Omgwtfbbqstfu™

    Omgwtfbbqstfu™ Unconfirmed Reports

    while logging in remotely for something like a tux is an incredibly stupid thing to do, you seem to lack proof that he scammed anyone.
    Cr!m3 likes this.
  4. Omgwtfbbqstfu™

    Omgwtfbbqstfu™ Unconfirmed Reports

  5. Cr!m3

    Cr!m3 New User

    Well I didn't scammed anybody. I just gaved a TUX.As you can see here in the chat..
    Nobody stolen or scammed.I don't know why he reported me..everything's fine.

    Yeah,this is my first time..and I have a lot of trades done by now.I really got pissed off..
  6. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Hello! Thank you for your report! An SR admin will investigate this in a while!
    ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ likes this.
  7. Cr!m3

    Cr!m3 New User

    I didn't hijack or phishing scam anybody.
    Karma Changer has is items in this inventory,his account is perfectly active.
    So..no one got harmed.
  8. RevengeIsSw33t

    RevengeIsSw33t New User

    I have gone through Stefan's Tux giving service!
    I gotta say this report is not correct, He is NOT a scammer. HE is a REALLY Kind guy...I mean HE left his Mom's b'day to give me a Tux even though i told him to go and enjoy his mom's b'day... I didn't know he got reported until Sir "Karma Charger" added me to discuss and ask whether Stefan is really a Scammer..
    And i really didn't know he had a TF2 wiki hat and stuff and i thought he was some ordinary trader. Here is the chat we had :

    Karma Charger: Remember a guy called Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy?​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: OOH YEAH​
    Karma Charger: Okey he is marked as scammer right now.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: why?!​
    Karma Charger: i asked me to help him out.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: HE dosen't scam​
    Karma Charger: really?​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: YES​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: HE IS REALLY AWESOME​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: He has given me a tux without even taking ANYTHING from my acc​
    Karma Charger: are you guys used something called teamviewer?​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: yes​
    Karma Charger: how is it work.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: Well​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: He give's us his user and everything and I watch him while he does everything and adds a tux to my acc​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: I see what he was doing​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: he wasn't scamming​
    Karma Charger: you sure about that?​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: Yes man..​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: nothing from my ACC has dissappeared​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: i have ALL my stuff​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: he is VERY trustable​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: AND​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: Kind​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: So..what are you gonna do to help him?​
    Karma Charger: i need to make sure he wasn't a scammer , that's why i added you and talk about this.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: I mean..he is so kind..​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: he actually left his Mom's b'day and gave me a tux​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: it was his MOm's B'day the day i added him..​
    Karma Charger: Talked to him , he didn't respond.​
    Karma Charger: strange.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: He must be helping someone​
    Karma Charger: i told him to stop this.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: why is dat?​
    Karma Charger: if he want to get him self for this.​
    Karma Charger: Trade Ban.​
    Karma Charger: you know that?​
    Karma Charger: or ban steam account.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: well he just wanted to help others​
    Karma Charger: i know.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: At first even i didnt trust him​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: but he turned out a Pretty nice guy​
    Karma Charger: i found a better way to get tux.​
    Karma Charger: without asking for helpl.​
    Karma Charger: help*​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: and that is?​
    Karma Charger: it wouldn't be safe i feel if i trust him.​
    Karma Charger: you know i got a wiki cap​
    Karma Charger: right?​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: dafuq is a wiki cap?​
    Karma Charger: *facepalm*​
    Karma Charger: THIS​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: Ok..WOW​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: I can't believe i'm talking to someone this awesome..​
    Karma Charger: it could be a reason why i wouldn't do it with him.​
    Karma Charger: So​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: aaah ok​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: i get it​
    Karma Charger: just ignored him.​
    Karma Charger: when i was going to install that teamviewer​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: He ADDED you?​
    Karma Charger: another guy added me.​
    Karma Charger: that guy told me he is a scammer​
    Karma Charger: my mind was confuse.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: nope he ain't​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: Maybe​
    Karma Charger: He just get reported by this guy.​
    Karma Charger: on the steamrep fourms.​
    Karma Charger: this is why he asked me to help him.​
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: that guy who added you didn't get a TUX for his price or something so he might started telling lies and ruining Stafen's reputation​
    Karma Charger: that guy got a tux before that.​
  9. KarmaCharger

    KarmaCharger New User

    That's what i talked to {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5. i just ignored Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy after ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ told me all this , Yes my account is safe i didn't do anything with him.
  10. RevengeIsSw33t

    RevengeIsSw33t New User

    I have 930+ Hrs on TF2 and I am kinda good in trading, So i was cautious about this, I did do some research and admitted this guy was NOT going to take anything from my account...And it came out true,

    I mean look at his +rep on his Steam acc. How can you say that he is a scammer?!

    Look at his +rep

    Whirlwind the Skylander 4 hours ago
    +rep! Nice and quick!
    ๖ۣۜSWeNNN㋡ 21 hours ago
    +rep thanks for tux
    //<LasT>// EkoRmaNn Feb 24, 2013 @ 3:55pm
    +rep awesome trader
    Yadi Alpha Feb 24, 2013 @ 11:57am
    +rep trustworthy and gets it done thanks so much! :)
    Yadi Alpha Feb 24, 2013 @ 11:03am
    +rep really nice im so sorry
    Cryma Feb 23, 2013 @ 8:31pm
    +rep, he gave me tux. Everything went smooth and i gave him some sweets for it, trustable guy
    .Marshall Lee Vampire King Feb 23, 2013 @ 3:13pm
    [FTR] SlipperyPickle139 Feb 23, 2013 @ 1:14pm
    +rep :D
    d0g Feb 22, 2013 @ 10:13pm
    +rep ! VERY good trader!
    Striker99 | The Street Fighter Feb 22, 2013 @ 10:10pm
    +rep ! :)
    Striker99 | The Street Fighter Feb 22, 2013 @ 10:09pm
    ╲┃╭╮╭╮┃╲╲┃Good Trader & Player !
    PyKw Feb 22, 2013 @ 6:48pm
    +rep thank for that Tux
    Protoman64 (Ger) Feb 22, 2013 @ 6:00pm
    very nice and fast trader +rep

    L-r | -=RiP=- SamSniped Feb 22, 2013 @ 4:52pm
    +rep, great trader

    <313 reggos> Big ]lVl[ ike Feb 22, 2013 @ 4:37pm
    great, fast, friendly trader +rep

    [NL][Delta18] EclipseApocalypse Feb 22, 2013 @ 12:28pm
    +REp awesome dude.Trust him i got a tux from him,nice trader and patient even though i lost connection.

    bnk .# JB.CS1.RO [TF2 TUX] . Feb 22, 2013 @ 12:39am
    +REP . I got TUX from him,everything went good. Recomend traiding with him to have the penguin .

    67jamie67 Feb 21, 2013 @ 11:11pm
    +rep, very patient and trustworthy.
  11. Cr!m3

    Cr!m3 New User

  12. Fixxxer

    Fixxxer New User

    This guy added me out of the blue to offer logging into my account to get me a Tux. I don't know who he is. While i was not scammed, i find adding a stranger to get them to give you access to their account to be highly suspicious.

    Tuesday, February 26, 2013
    12:10 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: hello sir
    12:10 PM - Fixxxer: Hello
    12:10 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: would you like
    12:10 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: to have a tux
    12:10 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: :3 ?
    12:11 PM - Fixxxer: Is that why you added me?
    12:11 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i was just wondering
    12:11 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: cuz i saw you in my list
    12:12 PM - Fixxxer: Yea you added me the other day
    12:12 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i think that is why i added you
    12:12 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: so you to be the 32nd person to have a tux from me
    12:13 PM - Fixxxer: Do strangers seriously give you their account?
    12:13 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: yes sir
    12:13 PM - Fixxxer: f✿✿✿✿✿✿ morons
    12:13 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: 31 of them did
    12:13 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: and they have their things safe
    12:13 PM - Stefan.B*friendly TUX giving guy: i didn't touched a thing

    he then proceeded to give me a bunch of "references" to prove he was trustworthy enough for me to let him log into my account.
  13. Cr!m3

    Cr!m3 New User

    Well,nobody who came at me got scammed or hijacked..
    You should talk to people more nicely.
    If I add people to steam friends list,you can't report them for doing that.We didn't opened any trade system .
    I am not a scammer or a bad guy.Please check all my +REP from the steam profile I have: http://steamcommunity.com/id/stefan_crime/allcomments and the guys who recived the tux item from me.

    Thank you.
    and Gob bless you all even if you are bad with me.
  14. ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™

    ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ New User

    Look even if my account and karma chargers account didn't get hijacked doesn't mean you are completely innocent, you might have hijacked others using team viewer.And dafuq is with all these new members trying to support you are those alts or what?
  15. Cr!m3

    Cr!m3 New User

    I did NOT hijacked anyone.I am a good guy.
    If I were bad with people,I already had other reports here on steamrep.com or vac banned on steam(traiding system) or something like that,sir.
    All the other comments come from diffent persons.You can check that out,if you want too.(I think administrators can check the IP address of every post)
  16. TimTum™

    TimTum™ New User

    He isn't a scammer, I made a risk by giving my (changed) password. But I saw on his profile positive comments, and here on this forum. With teamviewer I could see what he was doing, and did nothing wrong. When he was finished, I got the Tux and changed my password again. And nothing went wrong.
  17. Mrs TS

    Mrs TS New User

  18. Mrs TS

    Mrs TS New User

  19. gencobra

    gencobra Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Adding notes:

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  20. ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™

    ๖ۣۜMe Pedosta™ New User

    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: he actually left his Mom's b'day and gave me a tux
    {R}evenge{I}s{S}w33t™ #R!5: it was his MOm's B'day the day i added him..
    seems like alot of bullcrap if you ask me who is the right mind would skip their family members birthday just to help someone from the internet and for god sakes stephen stop adding me