1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Does everyone get a warning?

Discussion in 'Discussion Archive' started by gukingofheart, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. gukingofheart

    gukingofheart New User

    If you purposely trade with someone and know they're a scammer, do you get a warning?
    Someone I know wants and unusual and it's owned b a scammer. He knows that he shouldn't trade with a scammer but this is his first time.
    Will he get a warning or be marked if caught?
  2. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    If you "purposely" trade with a scammer, you will in all probability get caution tagged.

    Warnings are generally given to those who unknowingly trade with scammers (and usually do so more than once).

    SR is not a priest's confessional where you get absolved for sins you willfully engaged in.
  3. takethepants

    takethepants New User

    Since it would be tedious I know we generally mark them with a caution and they have to prove innocence. Granted it's a bit backwards, but since it's only a caution it's a lot easier to just reverse it then make a private note that they've been warned. I think our rationale is that marking them with a caution will hopefully force them to realize and investigate why they were marked and if they didn't know about SR before or that the person was tagged, it's a wake up call. It's more effective than adding them and giving them a warning which they may or may not heed. If they see we're willing to mark them, then they're less likely to continue.
  4. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    if you have a reasonable explanation for why you traded with a scammer you will get AT THE LEAST a caution tag as I got. However if you trade with a known scammer knowingly AND for own selfish reasons, expect a red flag to which you MIGHT get an approved appeal but you have to sing quite the tune. The bottom line is ANYONE who is KNOWINGLY trading with a scammer (even if you can prove the scammer got such said item for legitimate price and selling to you for legitimate price) is still supporting scammers and their "laundering" of stolen goods. And such actions are punishable by a red tag (again, this is always up to the acting admin to decide at time of case review).
  5. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    While the rest of your post is more or less fine, the above is not, "explanation" here is misleading.

    Traders who are unaware of SR or its policies and had no knowledge that a person was a marked scammer, receive a WARNING only, and I can tell you from my experience with SR Admins with the many players and issues related to trading with scammers I have reported, that a great many players who are aware of SR, yet were not found to have any knowledge a player was tagged also received official warnings. Caution tags are not handed out like confetti.

    It worries me sometimes when I hear comments on servers and on fora that only serves to scare people, from my experience with many SR staff, they are not monsters and are very mindful to only tag individuals when there is sufficient evidence.
  6. BTM | Mrthesologamer

    BTM | Mrthesologamer New User

    Im pretty sure there evidence has to be beyond reasonable doubt to tag someone.
  7. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    As I said before, SR in my experience is careful to not give anyone a caution tag without sufficient reason.

    In fact HelenAngel replied to a query about tagging in another thread only a few minutes ago......

    "Nope- they would not get a caution for that from us. Trust me, you have to do a LOT of trades with scammers before you even get a caution. That would be a warning at best."
  8. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    Let me begin by saying VERY clearly. THIS IS NOT AN APPEAL REQUEST, however, in my case. It was my first incident and I "traded" with a "known" scammer as my only time doing so yet I STILL got a knowingly trading with scammer tag. I always assumed that when you are KNOWINGLY trading with a scammer you get a tag of caution on your first offense as I did. If this is wrong then I apologize and would like to point out that this was not always the case, even if it is now.
  9. Zyddie

    Zyddie New User

    a talked to a SR Admin about this some time ago and was given the answer.

    Any trades above the value of a bills even if it is just item to item or paypal trade check them on steamrep, if they are tagged scammer back out or they will tag a scammer tag on you.
    The larger traders who has like 200 trades up on OP at all times wont check for every little hat we sell for 1.33 or 1.66 which is not the question here, the question is if it is the major things.

    So yea stick to that rule and you should be fine.
  10. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    Wrong... Of all the trades I have made, I have been caught trading with a scammer, once... A trade that wasn't even of 10 bud value and I got a caution tag. It doesn't have to be a lot of scammers, in fact, MCT declined my appeal and said that I should be marked as a scammer and that i was lucky to get only a caution. Seriously? LOL
  11. TradingCo

    TradingCo New User

    Before trading with anybody in general, you should check if they are a scammer or not. ONE trade can get you marked with caution or worse.
  12. Dronefly

    Dronefly Caution on SteamRep

    hate being the one to stir up the pot but helen clearly said that for a single trade they will give a warning. yet there are now 2 cases brought up where the first time got a caution tag. Can we get an honest, discussed and agreed upon ruling on this policy from an admin with power to answer this clearly?
  13. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Dronefly, don't fret. Policy is clear, it is just that Forte loves to troll and skew things at times.
  14. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    I am absolutely serious, though. I traded with one scammer ever and got a caution tag. Just because my reputation is such that people claim I have traded with more doesn't mean it's true.
  15. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    Forte, in the real world there is no such thing as black letter law.

    There are many players in this game who do not have any form of tag and yet are known to engage is untoward practices. I am certain SR reserves the right to impose a caution tag straight up depending on the individual (player may have tons of private notes and or reports which are not public for example).

    That does not change the fact that a new player who is not familiar with SR and who did not knowingly trade with a marked player, will receive a warning, and anything else would be rare as rocking horse s✿✿✿. This has been my experience, and you know very well that I have regular dealings reporting people to SR.

    The point here is that too often people comment on matters (not just this one) without a full understanding of the facts and it leads to confusion and scare-mongering.
  16. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Clarification- For an SR tag (SR Scammer/SR Caution), that is the case.
    In order to get an SR Scammer or SR Caution tag for trading with scammers, the following needs to happen:
    1. You are reported. Please remember that we get direct reports as well, so your report may not show up on these forums.
    2. The report is investigated. This usually involves a conversation with a SR staff member.
    3. If the trade has occurred, several things are taken into consideration: a) how long the person has been actively trading, b) whether or not the person knew it was a marked scammer, c) any previous offenses, d) the value of the item in question, e) the method by which the item was obtained (i.e. Paypal, trading, etc.)
    4. Based on the above, which is also clearly outlined in our FAQ, the admin makes a determination of the tag.

    With that said, our Affiliate & Associate sites have their own policies regarding this. Some have adopted this policy, some have not, some have adopted it and modified it- it is entirely up to the community & the community's management. I am not a MCT admin so I can't speak for their policies. For TF2 Outpost, however, I can tell you that our process is a little bit different than SR's. We will often send the person a temporary ban with a warning or caution so that they can discuss their tag with us directly on our site or forums. Every community is different and has their own policies and procedures. When it comes to tags displayed on SR, we have guidelines on what a community can and can't tag for but the specific policies surrounding those are determined by the community itself.
    Oz' dak1ne and DataStorm like this.