Is it just me that sees the abundance of scammers in the donators list, to be a hollow mockery of what this site is supposed to be doing?. I think scammers should be struck off the donator list, not left there to gloat about some meagre donation they gave to SR months ago, before they got busted. Just been talking to a marked scammer ona server, who was going on about the fools at SR, who still have his name plastered on their "good guys" list of donators. I think if you are leaving them there to try to point out the need for Steamrep in the first place, you may want to rethink that strategy.
I think the SR Donator list is automatic for a year or so ?. Not fully sure how it works it took 3 days from my payment untill i was tagged SR Donator but i belive it is for a year they have gotten it, doubt most people that has scammer tags did donate AFTER they where busted, so yea perhaps a system cleanup may be wise.
Its intentional to show we give no leeway or other special treatment for those who donate and then scam. Also,we do not have an automated system in place yet for donator tags tho its something we eventually intend to do.
Exactly what Starburst said. Note that SteamRep doesn't accept donations from scammers, and are quick to mark donators as scammers when evidence comes in. The fact that they donated to SteamRep is ironic in the opposite sense-- those scammers helped keep the site running so that admins are able to catch their deceit and brand them publicly as a scammer. Edit: The list shown for donators is crafted automatically for everyone with DONATOR tags, but DONATOR tags are applied manually right now by Diego when he handles their donations.
I know you don't take donations from scammers, I was just wondering why you left them in a list that you would normally associate with the good side of the coin, rather than the bad. Now I have an answer, albeit one I don't quite understand, or agree with, but it's not my site, so this is where I leave it. Thanks for the replies.
Donator tag isn't "positive" rep in our view. Its a status if somebody has donated to SR. It doesn't mean they can get legitimacy from it. As the fact remains that they DID donate before they got tagged scammer, the donator tag can remain.
This is one of the thing I truly hate. I have always donated to the community I was involved in, Noob Galore for counter strike was the biggest for me. I have moved over to TF2 and I still donate to sites I respect but there really is a 'stigma' about donating and how people view you for it. I hate it but it won't stop me from doing what I think needs done, I have the money to do this once every couple of months. I just hate that bad people can/have reduced the value of this action in perception. I donated here over a month ago and I have no tag showing that, I don't need one. Would of donated earlier but I didn't get into this part of TF2 till Nov of 2012. Thank you for what you have and are doing!
I understand SR thinking here, and I also understand the contrary view. In practice I doubt many scammers are going to get far by saying "look I donated on SR, trust me", and personally I would support SR removing donor tag of anyone tagged, but at the end of the day the SR policy is the one they uphold/
Well, the argument can also be made that by keeping the donator tags on listed scammers is proof that the donator tag isn't a positive / negative tag. Also, the donator tag is fully bound. meaning: If we would remove it, we would be obliged to give the money back. This runs into several problems: - Scammers reusing that money to "donator tag" their new account, via some way - we don't like to tag somebody "Scammer" and then reward the person by giving the money back. The money is used to host the servers/software etc. Its ironic that they helped pay for the upkeep of their mark, but thats life.