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Accepted 76561198062125089 (CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by pBratva | Green Arrow, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User

    I just got scammed by him, he was supposed to give me payday the heist for bastion and beat hazard.... after he lied about my key being duplicate he IMMEDIATELY blocked me.
    Now after scamming me he set his profile on private.

    Attached Files:

  2. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User


    |steamID: pBratva | Green Arrow
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:48033794
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198056333317
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/d4rks3id00
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056333317

    |steamID: CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50929680
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062125089
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198062125089

    Chat Transcript:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    pBratva | Green Arrow: hello
    pBratva | Green Arrow: if you are interested in games from me, i'd only want PAYDAY™ The Heist, which games would you want?
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: o hello. what games do you have, btw do you have bastion?
    pBratva | Green Arrow: yea i have bastion, beat hazard, nightsky and solar 2
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: you trading all of those?
    pBratva | Green Arrow: yea
    pBratva | Green Arrow: i am looking for offers for all of them
    pBratva | Green Arrow: they come as keys
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: oh keys? like steam redeemable codes?
    pBratva | Green Arrow: yup
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: so you want payday for those games? or not all?
    pBratva | Green Arrow: hmm, how about beat hazard and bastion for payday ?
    pBratva | Green Arrow: i'm new to trading but i guess it's ok
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: yes i was thinking about that too, solar 2 and nightsky didnt interest much. anyway . how to do trade now with your keys?
    pBratva | Green Arrow: hmm, give me your steamtrades account link so i can see your rep
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: oh i do not have steamtrades account yet. i just new to browsing the steam trades. i came from trading in traders guild and steampowered forums. i can agree to middleman though i think. i know how it works. sorry i have been scam last week so more careful now
    pBratva | Green Arrow: well middleman can't check keys...
    pBratva | Green Arrow: so i still would be able to scam you if i were a scammer
    pBratva | Green Arrow: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198056333317
    pBratva | Green Arrow: you can see here that i am not a scammer
    pBratva | Green Arrow: also the comments on my profile
    pBratva | Green Arrow: http://www.steamgifts.com/user/k0zmo
    pBratva | Green Arrow: and here you can see that i am a nice dude and i also gave away some free stuff
    pBratva | Green Arrow: :P
    pBratva | Green Arrow: is this enough to convince you ?
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: middleman or alternate trade . i can agree . like yo usend bastion first then i foloowend and so on. oh ok. i already saw them. sorry, a guy that scam me has hundreds of rep scammed me for duplicate, warhammer codes. anyway i will find someone else for now that has a tradable copy or willing to trust.i f i didnt find someone else i will come back to yo uand send my game first
    pBratva | Green Arrow: how about, i send you beat hazard, then you send me your game, and then i will give you bastion ?
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: hmm, i can agree to that  but my main prority is bastion. i can take the risk if it is send first, bec beat hazard is just like a sweet. well if your bastion ius tradable i can only go with that even without beathazard
    pBratva | Green Arrow: both are keys... ok i will send you bastion first, but i will have more risk to get scammed
    pBratva | Green Arrow: ok
    pBratva | Green Arrow: ?
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: well i will send you  the gift once i activate your game
    pBratva | Green Arrow: ok
    pBratva | Green Arrow: TGFL7-W3K78-GJD07
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: wait i will try
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: tnx
    Your state is set to Offline.
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph is now Online.
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: hmm. what you have is duplicate code too, it is not working,. i will find other traders now with tradables. really hard to know keys if they work
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph is now Offline.
  3. Fiez

    Fiez New User

    Yup this guy gave me the same crap 2 days ago saying my key is duplicate. He obviously has another steam account where he redeems the so called *duplicate* keys on
  4. Fiez

    Fiez New User

    Chat transcript:
    Fiez: hi?
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: hello. i do not have ac3, and you might have problems getting it since xcom is free from preorders .but i have some good games in inventory that you maybe interested?
    Fiez: i'll check your inventory 1 moment :D
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: tnx :)
    Fiez: I'm kinda interested for max payne 3
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok i think i can agree with that. anyway  i kinda forgot, i closed your tab earlier. is it a key or tradables as well that you are trading?
    Fiez: key from bioshock infinite bundle
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: oh ok, steam redeemable? . anyway how will we do this trade? want to get a middleman if you don't trust me yet?
    Fiez: yes its for steam
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok as long as i can play it on steam i can trade you max payne3 for it. how to trade now?
    Fiez: okay
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: how do we trade now? can i try the key first? or you prefer other options?
    Fiez: actually i'll wait around for abit more see if anyone else offers me
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok i understand . just let me know. bec i might get a deal sooner too. but i will still wait tnx.:)
    Fiez: okay
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph is now Online.
    Fiez: I'll trade now
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph is now Online.
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: oh ok, so deal on max payne 3?
    Fiez: ya
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok then, if it is ok with you just post the key here on chat, and i will redeem. once redeem i will send the game via trade window or send as a gift directly to steam if you haven't own it yet
    Fiez: xcom key EB6Z0-76ZGB-D9ALF i don't own max payne 3
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok wait tnx
    Fiez: okay
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: this is the code right EB6Z0-76ZGB-D9ALF ?
    Fiez: yes
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: it is showing up as duplicate code. can you try it again. maybe a little mistake i will activate again
    Fiez: its what i got from greenmangaming i'll check again
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok tnx
    Fiez: EB6Z0-76ZGB-D9ALF still doesn't seem to be any mistake
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: ok i will try that again
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph: still appears as a duplicate code. =/ , i need to go offline now. got to reboot the computer
    CloudXSquall-zephiroth.zeph is now Offline.
  5. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User

    Yes, he does, because he doesn't activate them on this account, and he's most of the time offline, and also if you look he didn't play anything in the past weeks.
  6. Fiez

    Fiez New User

    I just read the forums rules i got to submit my own report on it now...
  7. CloudXSquall

    CloudXSquall New User

    someone told me i was reported. well you 2 might know each other and the other backed up each to make the accuse more reliable. i don't know if it will be coincidence that both of you have used keys but clearly I didn't manage to activate your keys. you do not have proof, and yes i am not playing much this last few weeks becuse i am just focus into trading. i do not have your games in my library as well. and you do not have proof that i have another account
  8. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User

    Steam has that proof. Enjoy your stolen games, low-life trash.
  9. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User

    And nobody told you that, you just saw my youtube reply.
  10. Fiez

    Fiez New User

    Well if you haven't done anything wrong why did you remove/block me from friend immediately after i say someone has reported you. You even made your steam account private as soon as you got your next victim today. Hmm... suspicious
  11. Posedatul

    Posedatul New User

    As a general idea, the only reason why someone would exit steam directly after receiving a key is to activate it on a different account. Doesn't that sound suspicious to anyone? I have also been scammed a few times, and EVERYTIME that happened, the scammer immediately exited Steam to enter his real account and grab the key. The text and his disappearance seems more than evidence.
    It might sound subjective due to the fact that pBratva is my friend, but I know him, traded many times with him, and he is a honest person, he would not scam anyone.
    Nonetheless, I hope Steam will look into this and prove the who the scammer is
  12. BoboFatt

    BoboFatt New User

  13. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User

    Thank you! This is very helpful, i really tried to find more about him, i came up with his name, i will have to check if it's his real name. I have some friends in his country...
    May i get an answer from steamrep officials? Why is this thread still pending ,and not "ready for review" or anything else?
  14. pBratva | Green Arrow

    pBratva | Green Arrow New User

    I added that Joker, and he immediately told me:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    JokerKV: hello green arrow
    JokerKV: i understand someone scammed you right. i do not know if it was really my brother. he is denying it but i do not do anything not good to you. now this is a problem of mine too. i was punished in a thing i didnt do.
    JokerKV is now Offline.
    Of course, the same thing, instant blocking. Seems very legit.
  15. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    I'm marking him now- thanks for the report. :)