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Invalid 76561198066444900 (Elizabeith)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by (C.A.P) Ḏяεωтнℯмαη, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Victim:
    |steamID: Ḏяεωтнℯмαη
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:26963456
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014192641
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrewTheMan
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198014192641

    |steamID: Elizabeith
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:53089586
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066444900
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198066444900

    View attachment 12291 View attachment 12293 View attachment 12294 View attachment 12292
    Description: It wasn't really a scam but my little brother was angry with me because I took away his Ipad for not doing his homework. I let him chat with people using my account since our parents didn't let him have his own. He made friends with this person named Bobian and they've chatted together for a long time. So while I was out shopping earlier, he went on my account and Bobian asked him to lend him my buds. My lil bro actually thought I would never give him back his Ipad so he thought it would be fair if he took one of my items and gave it away and it's not wrong since this person was his "good friend" that he made online. I was going to give him back the Ipad tomorrow if he behaved but now he gave away my Earbuds to someone I don't even really know. I was going to ask my lil bro what was his name on my friends list. I searched my list and he wasn't there. Turns out he deleted me but he didn't block me so I was able to find his profile page. He changed his name and his profile pic so it would be harder to find him. I checked his inventory for buds but for some reason it's not in his inventory either and he has a bunch of new items that my lil bro didn't see before in his inventory. He said he was sure he gave it to this guy and he did say this person wanted to get rich so he must've sold my buds for the new items in his inventory. He's sure the Bill's wasn't there, the strange grenade launcher, all the items at the end of his backpack. If there is some way to retrieve my buds it'd be really appreciated!
  2. I can also confirm that he sold it to tf2wh.com because the bill's, strange widowmaker, Strange degreaser, Strange Grenade Launcher, Strange minigun, Strange dead ringer, Genuine Deus Specs, Strange Flare gun, and Strange Axtinguisher from his backpack all show an item history from tf2wh bots very recently. Strange WidowMaker.JPG Strange Minigun.JPG Strange Grenade Launcher.JPG Strange Flare Gun.JPG Strange Degreaser.JPG Strange Dead Ringer.JPG Strange Axtinguisher.JPG
  3. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    No idea what SR Staff will say.... however it seems to me YOU are responsible for your account, and your brother "gave away" the bud, I see no evidence of the recipient "scamming it".
  4. TommY

    TommY Retired Staff

    Unfortunately, you dont have screenshots to prove your point. And even if you do have, this isn't scam.
    Archiving this report. Thank you for reporting.