Victim: Scammer:,fcocuKD,bH6cMfP#0 Basically I fell for a phishing scam. A user named foint placed a link with the header steamCONNmunity, the n's together kind of looked like an m, so I wasn't suspicious. When I tried to log in to add his "friend" it told me I needed to enter my steam guard info. Steam then closed and told me someone else was using my account. I thought nothing of it at the time, and restarted thinking it was a glitch and I restarted to troubleshoot. When I was done with restarting, I logged back in and only later noticed my unusual and two other items were missing. I then went to my trade history, and lo and behold I apparently "traded" all of those things to Noah :3 at 8:38. Oh boy. I have since changed my password and really hope I can get my stuff back.
Oh no, another one, sorry for your lost. I really hope to see Noah and the other linked account to the phish site banned.
Please change the subject following these guidelines Everything else you have done correctly Thank you!
Uh, I guess could the mods edit the subject to: 76561198043855587 (Noah :3) I think this is the correct format?