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Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by zby, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. zby

    zby New User


    One more question, how do you explain another claim on your webmoney profile.
    He must be another victim who was scammed by you before. But he doesn't know how to report a scammer, so he just leave some comments on your webmoney profile.
    But I know how to do after being scammed, and I have done all I could do.
    I posted all the evidence I can get, but unfortunately, I forgot to take a screenshot on our steam chat log, so now I am asking steam support center for help to find if I can get the chat log.

    Dear SR Administrator,

    I am sorry, because I didn't take a screenshot on the chat log. And now the scammer has blocked me, and I can't get the chat log.
    Now I have sent a message to steam support center to ask if they can give me the chat log between the scammer and me.
    If I get the chat log, I will post it here as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your accepted on my report.
  2. MoRe

    MoRe New User

    Because you were hoping that the Web Money will believe you and will give you back the money, but it never happened. Are you trying to fool everyone. After refusing to refund sredv Web Money you decide to even be here embarrass me.

    You have been blocked because it started to spoil my entire trade
  3. zby

    zby New User


    Before you blaming me, you should show some evidence. I have shown all the evidence i can get now, and I am still waiting for steam support center to get our chat log.
    By the way, I still remember some words in our chat log, if I get the chat log, I am willing to see your explanation on your own words in the chat log.
    You always say that I want to defame/embarrass you, but why I need to do that. I have done trade with my other people, and why I never tried to embarrass them?
    Everything has a reason, you scammed me first, so I reported you. If you want to see, I can show you my webmoney transaction history, I have done many transactions, and have never been scammed before I met you.
    You taught me a lesson, I will be more careful.
    And you blocked me before I reported you. After you blocked me, I knew I was scammed by you. And then I asked my friend for help, so he added you to ask why you scammed me. But he was blocked by you immediately when he mentioned my id.
    And I have blocked you already.

    Dear SR administrator,

    Thank you again for all your work on my report.
    If I get the chat log, I will show it ASAP.
    Have a nice day.
    Thank you
  4. zby

    zby New User

    Do not try to make a fake chat log between you and me, because we have blocked each other.
    And I am happy to see that many friends are so warm-hearted to helping me when I was scammed. Thank you all, my friends!
  5. MoRe

    MoRe New User

    Your friend added me and started to say something to you that I have, and began to threaten with punishment in court. And therefore has been blocked. I no longer carry on a conversation with you. I will wait for the response of the Administration Steamrep.

    You bought me a hook on zavyshshenoy price and in this I will not argue with you.!
  6. Skyrider

    Skyrider Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    If you wish to appeal your tag, please use the appropriate section for that:

    You are welcome to link this report in your appeal, but please don't spam up this report thread. ~Closed & moved to archive.
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