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Invalid ? (?)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Sir Herpicus Derpington®, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. Sir Herpicus Derpington®

    Sir Herpicus Derpington® New User


    A week or two ago, my hat was scammed. I found the current position of it on TF2 Outpost and the scammer.

    I will post the links and tell the story.

    http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/3955478 <- Current Position
    http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/99920 <- Scammer

    Here is what happened...

    I was spycrabbing it with a guy who had a trusted middleman. I won, but they both ran away with my hat.
    I found ( well, my friend found it for me ) on TF2 Outpost. It is the same hat. Same level, hat, effect, name, description, paint, and I'm in the trade history.

    I need help on retrieving it. The man who has it in the link, "WubWub," payed for this hat. Little did he know it was technically in illegal possession. I need help on obtaining it from him.

    I hate to say it, but I frankly have no proof of the incident. I hope you can trust me out of the goodness of your hearts, though, and help me retrieve the prize of my Pyro collection.

    Thank you all, and have a nice day.

    -Sir Herpicus Derpington
  2. Clive

    Clive SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
  3. I suggest you take a picture of

    -Trade History
    -Item History ON The Hat [Got that for you] http://gyazo.com/7a57289f70bce3dd32840d18422b3c38

    You also have to proove he did steal it. For all we know you could have actually lost and your just sad
  4. Cool Ranch

    Cool Ranch New User

    He may or may not choose to give it to you. We cannot help you in that department. We can, however, put a scammer tag on the 2 thieves if you have sufficent evidence.