1.victims main http://gyazo.com/d922bcfddecb0b1782b56826b15cf6e7 2.scammer’s alt http://gyazo.com/c8a22a54ffa236222f7639614a82de13 scammer’s main http://gyazo.com/8434fa702322ed28a2f014766e0e6fe9 3.full trade history : http://gyazo.com/9fba731583ed16748b1c959077b40681 4.no paypal transaction http://gyazo.com/21b8278b187b22c081fb103533c1f63
Learn to correctly format and submit a report next time, please. It only delays the process of marking/deciding. Also, without screenshots of the actual trade agreement and chat logs there isn't usually much that can be done. Good luck.
Hello, please follow this format http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/...-look-at-acceptable-format-before-posting.51/. Please provide screenshots of chat, trade, and trade history. Thank you for your time
yes i know. But you need screen shoots of chat and trade if possible. Please resubmit a format following the one I gave.