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Archived 76561197980204486

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by GEЯRY ツ, Mar 16, 2013.

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  1. GEЯRY ツ

    GEЯRY ツ New User

    random dude did add me and asks me why i didn't pay for a hook ?!

    I never talked to the guy before and I dont even play dota2 or trade any of these items,

    I told him to check his trade history because he has the wrong guy,

    I did sell somone a buds trough sourceop, as you can see in the trade history,

    then 2 hours later the imposted used me rep thread on sourceop to scam a dota2 item from

    this victim, he had no idea that it was a imposter and reported me, later he found the guy

    that pretended to be me.. so I would like to ask any of the mods to get rid of the invalid

    report because I have nothing to do with this scam, and don't like to be flagged for something

    I was never a part of, I even helped the vitcim to contact steam support and he got his item

    back the same day, and they also trade banned the scammer / imposter.

    Best regards - Gerry

    the victim and the invalid report: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561197980204486.24834/

    the scammer: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198061115463

    Attached Files:

  2. SudasGalva

    SudasGalva New User

    The impersonator has been reported in another report and the mistaken case against you has been archived. As the 'Appeal a Judgement' forum is reserved for people who actually have a scammer tag, you do not have to make an appeal here. I'm not sure whether the invalid report would be removed, though. You might want to send a PM to an admin if you really want to have it deleted, although it shouldn't make any future impact on you.
  3. ForteSP

    ForteSP New User

    You aren't marked as a scammer....

    Also your appeal is invalid format :)
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