| steamname: Nork | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:14756790 | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989779308 | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/swebas | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197989779308 http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/76561197989779308-nork.8982/#post-34488 Hello up there, I scammed 1 person 2 years ago, i admit it. I had a lesson. After that i was trading at D2L with no reports or so on, now i`m banned on it becouse of SR tag. I`m realy sorry, i think i can make compensation to person that i got items from. I think we can work smth out of it
Bumping the thread won't help you get a faster reply, on the contrary. Also, I believe SR doesn't give second changes for real money scams, but you will have to wait for an Admin for a definite answer.
Did you repay what you stole? Also, please disclose all other accounts belonging to you and all that can be linked to you, even if not yours (bro/dog/fish).
Unfortunate, i can`t add victim to my steam friends, how i can contact him otherway, or maybe steamrep admins can contact him?
And i think i`m only one Nork in steam, who played 4000hrs Dota2, if i understood you right about theese dog/fish/bro
he means anything that can be linked to you. This could be alts, friends that have been on your internet, brothers accounts, etc...
i`m the onlyone using my computer, no brothers nor friends were connected on my PC. IP :
I am declining to grant this appeal, 1. very very rare any RWC related appeals are granted, 2. repayment is a requirement, its been 2 years and no proof provided. Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**