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Declined 76561197990564831 (Keron)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by =TooM= PR3DATOR, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. =TooM= PR3DATOR

    =TooM= PR3DATOR New User

    This man scammed $47 dollars from me.
    A few weeks before I was going to buy something from him, but then he claimed that he had to leave for school, so he went offline, and came back in 3 hours(obviously didn't go). Then today I was going buy 1 bud and a genuine apocofist for $47, but then I asked him how old he was and if he was even old enough for a PayPal account, and then he said that he was 18 years old, so I knew he was lying because he said that he went to school the other day, and then quickly to react he said, I'm just joking I'm actually 16. I was not sure if I should do the trade or not, I was desperate for the genuine apocosists. I asked him who is going first, and he said that I had to go first. I decided to do the trade and so he gave me his email to pay and transfer $47 into his paypal account. I paid it then he claimed that he did not get it. The name I sent it to was Devin Smith, and he claimed that it wasn't his name, and he said his name was not even Devin, but his email included his name(Devin). Please report him, I am frustrated that I lost $47. This man need to be reported and banned for a while. :mad::(

    steamID: Keron
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:15149551
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990564831
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Keron
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197990564831
  2. Dignity

    Dignity New User

    Do you have any proof whatsoever? Put screenshots of your inventory history, and your sending the payment to him.
  3. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    Are you sure this is the person that scammed you and not an impersonator? Also this is the incorrect format. Please use the formatting found in this thread. I would suggest you reveiw your trade history and click on the profile you traded with and give us the information of that individual, and screenshots of the following:

    1) Trade History
    2) Chat showing the trade agreement
    3) Screenshots of your paypal history
  4. Adambel2006

    Adambel2006 Caution on SteamRep

    I believe you were scammed by an imposter. The same thing just happened to my friend. That sucks man.
  5. [SC]Y2K95

    [SC]Y2K95 New User

    Now a bit off topic. In scams like this where the buyer sent money and hasn't gotten the promised items. Does he have a right to chargeback after the report has been accepted?