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Accepted 76561197996453929 (Anon.)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Ghostly Hooplah!™, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. Ghostly Hooplah!™

    Ghostly Hooplah!™ New User

    |steamID: Ghostly Hooplah!
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40944399
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042154527
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198042154527
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): Hooplah

    |steamID: Anon.
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:18094100
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996453929
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197996453929
    SourceOp forum account (if applicable): N/A

    Description: This guy added me asking about my Stormy Storm Desert Marauder and offering $65 over paypal. Everything looked good until I noticed that the site he linked to for his rep was not sourceop but soureop. He asked me to go first and I, not being comfortable with that, told him we could use a middleman if he so desired. He mentioned that he had been a middleman a few times before and asked if I'd noticed that in his rep thread. Out of curiosity I took a peek and this is when I noticed the difference in the URL.

    Chat log:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: howdy
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: how can i help you?
    Anon.: heya u selling the stormy marauder?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: i sure am, what's your offer?
    Anon.: $65 for the marauder?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: do you have any rep?
    Anon.: ofocurse
    Anon.: http://forums.soureop.com/threads/42599-Anonymous-s-Rep-Thread/
    Anon.: So is 65 fine?
    Anon.: ?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: yeah, $65 is fine
    Anon.: ok
    Anon.: whats ur paypal
    Anon.: and rep clean correct?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: let me just do a little more looking and i'll get right back to you
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: yes, my rep is clean
    Anon.: Ok
    Anon.: So..?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: still looking, just a moment
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: people've tried to scam me in the past so i'm always extra cautious, i'm sure you understand
    Anon.: not a problem.
    Anon.: =]
    Anon.: ?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: looks good
    Anon.: Awesome. Glad you took your time :)
    Anon.: So what's your paypal
    Anon.: So $65 good?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: that's just my email, isn't it?
    Anon.: Yes.
    Anon.: So I can send to you.
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: lol, i've never recieved money. only sent it.
    Anon.: haha
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: email is [omitted]
    Anon.: So just to make sure $65 is fine?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: yeah, $65 works
    Anon.: Ok
    Anon.: USD?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: mhm
    Anon.: oh sorry man u mind going first since i have alot of rep?
    Anon.: justdont wanna get scammed again
    Anon.: =/
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: i'd rather not. if it helps we could use a middleman? i'd be more comfortable with that than going first
    Anon.: Well whos the MM?
    Anon.: Don't want the MM to be your acutal friend haha.
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: nah, we can use a sop middleman or whatever
    Anon.: Well you know that I MM free of charge haha
    Anon.: u saw my rep thread right?
    Anon.: I sometimes do MM but not muc
    Anon.: h
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: hooooold on
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: nuh uh
    Anon.: ?
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: soureop
    Ghostly Hooplah!™: nice one
    Anon.: wait let me re add u
    Anon. is now Offline.
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    Thanks for the report, I'll get an admin to review this asap.