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Invalid 76561198000710458 dasus (RAWR SCAMMER)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Batman2, Feb 3, 2013.

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  1. Batman2

    Batman2 New User

    steamID: dasus
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20222365
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000710458
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Batbro
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198000710458

    The reason i was tagged was because i was impersonating an admin. I don't even recall taking any items or anything, i was simply telling people that i was. It would make sense that they banned me, because they probably thought i was taking items from people and such. Though, i don't remember doing that. I don't think i should've recieve this tag, because in actuality, i didn't do any scamming. I just impersonated an admin. It is literally impossible to trade anything on any server, all because i did one stupid thing. I admit it was foolish and idiotic to do it, but since then i haven't done anything.Also, the RAWR SCAMMER Tag Appeal Page on the thread on how to appeal is not working, so i just used the standard SR tag. Hope it works. Please, remove this tag.
  2. VenGanZa

    VenGanZa User

    The word "scam" and the "scammer tag" are imposed for reasons outlined here:


    Do not confuse the word "scam" with a dictionary meaning.

    What do the various tags mean?
    Here's the breakdown:
    • SR DONATOR - Traders that support the cause by donating cash or items to SR
    • ADMIN - Admin belonging to the respective communities.
    • VALVE EMPLOYEE - An employee of VALVe.
    • MIDDLEMAN - Proved to the community that they can be trusted to middleman trades.
    • SOP TRUSTED SELLER - Belongs to the SOP Trusted Seller group.
    • CAUTION - Shady or deceptive trading behavior, but not a major offense.
    • VALVE PROBATION - You are on VALVe trade probation.
    • BANNED BY VALVE - You have been trade banned by VALVe.
    • SCAMMER - You were found to be guilty of one or many of the following:
      1. Trading with known scammers (see below)
      2. Charge-back or Reversal
      3. Quick-switching items
      4. Receiving the item and not paying
      5. Providing or soliciting fake reputation claims ("fake rep")
      6. Using fake middleman
      7. Impersonating and acting as an imposter
      8. Spycrabbing and then not paying
      9. Accomplice to a scammer (ignorance is not an excuse)
      10. Brokering (selling on behalf of) scammers and scammed items
      11. Hijacking or hacking other traders (also includes phishing)
      12. Alternate account of a tagged scammer
      13. Falsifying evidence to SteamRep
      14. Using game or Steam exploits to profit on trades
      15. Anything that is deemed as deceptive or fraudulent activity by SteamRep admins

    Impersonating an Admin is a offense which may result in a tag, irrespective of any scam that may or may not have occurred.
  3. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your tag originated from RAWR, so you will have to address it there regardless. Functionality of the site may have come back.


    They are responsible for clearing your tag. Not us. If your appeal is successful we will deliberate whether or not you are applicable for tag removal. Until then, you must appeal at RAWR.
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