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Invalid 76561198001015362 NeuTronas (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by NeuTronas, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. NeuTronas

    NeuTronas New User

    Okay. So I just saw that I was marked as a SR scammer and in Additional info I saw this:

    It's reporting me because I scammed him as a MiddleMan, while I haven't been middleman at all (just one time between two Lithuanians.). I don't have so much reputation to be Middleman, but somehow they reported me as that.

    I don't have that PartTimePimp in my STEAM friendlist, the victim added me and have written this post to my STEAM message:

    And then just ignored me.

    2nd step.
    I don't understand how could I be Middleman if he traded his unusual hat for PartTimePimp not for me.
    If I would be middleman, he would just send his hat to me and when PartTimePimp would pay his cash I would give hat to him, but somehow he traded PartTimePimp.

    Maybe victim (saiteK) have talked with my Impersonator (if I had or have one, I don't know. I shouldn't have anys). And just gave to you misinformation.

    3rd step.
    Trade was done in 26th of Feb (in the picture). I have victim in friendlist when he added me and have written to me. (Friends since March 1, 2012 ) http://steamcommunity.com/id/NeuTronas/friends

    I hope this misunderstanding will be solved and I will get my normal reputation status again
  2. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    Why you are trade banned anyway?

    Thanks for your cooperation.
  3. NeuTronas

    NeuTronas New User

    STEAM rule says:

    I was trading much with PayPal. I guess this rule I have break. Because It doesn't show the real reason of trade ban, just it expires on 16 MAR.

    Thank you for fast response.
  4. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    they dont trade ban for paypal transactions.
    just saying.
  5. Neko

    Neko New User

    Scammer Friends: 18
    You should really consider removeing all of those..
  6. Ðiego™

    Ðiego™ Retired Staff

    Hidden Content:
    **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Administrative, Moderating).**
  7. NeuTronas

    NeuTronas New User

    One lithuanian guy said and joked that 98% of Lithuanians are scammers.
    I am from Lithuania (it's shame for me because there are so many scammers here, that's why I am from UK in my Steam Profile). I can delete some my scammer friends if really needed to get normal reputation status again.
    It's sad, because I have done nothing bad (scamming, being middleman) and I have restrctions to enjoy my trades.

    Anyway in that thread there is no chat logs, screenshots any provement that he was talking with me, trading me. I just first time saw him when he added me to the friendlist.
    How can you to bring me in guilty without any provements?

    Thank you for understanding.
  8. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    I will be handling this. I have already done some preliminary investigation (with more to come) but will need you to answer some questions.

    Watch for my invite in the next few days. I am quite busy so be patient. In the mean time, ALL scammers must be REMOVED from your friends list ASAP if you want your appeal to go further. If they are not removed, I will recognise that as an act of withdrawing your appeal.

    Thank you for your patience.
  9. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Will need you to re-appeal after you have signed into the forums via steam to verify who you say you are. This avoids in any case someone appealing on behalf of someone else.

    Do not add me, I will add you when you have followed my instructions.
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