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Rejected 76561198001447804 StyleKrong (UTC Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by StyleKrong, Mar 7, 2012.

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  1. StyleKrong

    StyleKrong New User

    Entire Thread From UTC's Ban Appeal Forum:
    Username: StyleKrong
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20591038
    Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/StyleKrong

    Why do you think you were banned: Off of memory, there was an instance where I traded someone who was desperate for a pair of buds one of mine for two bills hats. About an hour later the user started messaging me saying he wanted to undo the trade, to which I declined. Upset with the mistake in price he had made, he filed a scammer accusation on what I believe was the old UHC forums. Having recently made a trade with Cloudy, he was the one to message me about the accusation. I got frustrated with the back and forth after a while, and eventually just dropped some smack talk and said "I don't care go ahead and ban me I don't need this server", ect. I made an appeal on the old forums in a rather impolite manner and was rejected.

    Why do you think you deserve to be unbanned: It's been at least a year, maybe more, since the scenario above took place. I've made some major adjustments to my personality and habits when it comes to trading. I also acknowledge that the way I dealt with the situation was unacceptable, and that additional patience would have likely changed the outcome of the ban decision.

    Any other words: It was only recently that I noticed I had a scammer tag on SourceRep. Because I've begun trading/selling lightly again, I thought I would make the effort to clear my name. I'd also like to apologize to Cloudy for the poor conduct shown during his inquiry about the scam accusation.
    I'm confused, does UHC even exist anymore, or has everything shifted to UTC?

    "We no longer deal with UHC bans", is that implying there is some other forum that does, or that the servers just aren't there to be unbanned from anymore? Thanks for the reply in either case.
    Follow Up Response to UHC Ban Appeal Thread:

    Most of the time people wait for a long duration before before submitting an appeal per request of admins. 3 Months is probably the minimum amount of time most users wait before submitting or resubmitting an appeal. Choosing to not deal with UHC bans is irresponsible, and IMHO renders SteamRep an invalid database due to lack of appropriate update practices.

    SteamRep indicates that this thread is meant to be an active location for ban appeals, although this is obviously not the case. Either measures to receive UHC appeals need to be in place, or UHC ban tags on SteamRep need to be replaced with UTC, since the original group no longer exists, rendering it's tag inactive and meaningless.
    In other words, anyone who was banned from UHC and chose to wait for a long duration before returning for a ban appeal got screwed. The UHC scammer tag needs to be removed, or replaced with a UTC scammer tag so that users are given their fair chance at an appeal. Having a UHC scammer tag applied to any individual is the same as saying "this user is a scammer on a trade server that doesn't exist". I find it very hard to believe that a more concrete solution to this problem has not been put in place yet for a banlist that effects almost every TF2 trade server.

  2. Starburst

    Starburst New User


    you did have your appeal you said, you didn't get shafted as your implying.

    just saying....
    (imo, i would deny this)
  3. StyleKrong

    StyleKrong New User

    Yes, that appeal was made over a year ago, and since then I feel I've made sufficient changes to render another appeal. Unfortunately patience isn't a virtue when it comes to servers shutting down and denying anyone that participated on them a chance to come back after a lengthy ban for an appeal.
  4. StyleKrong

    StyleKrong New User

    Apparently there's a two minute limit for editing, so I'll have to double post,

    Edit: And might I add that I was accused of baiting with someone, when in fact this was not the case and the individual that accused me simply realized "oh, hey, maybe I shouldn't have traded two bills for buds". So he start threatening to report me. And he did. And apparently his word beat mine. So I wait a year, and come back to "yea sorry you're going to be marked as a scammer forever because we changed a letter in our name".

  5. Starburst

    Starburst New User

    please then provide some sort of proof to back your claim.
  6. StyleKrong

    StyleKrong New User

    All "proof" of what happened is gone. There were some screenshots posted on UHC when it existed of me talking to the individual who accused me, in which I stated I would not be undoing the trade. Eventually I told him I was going to bed, and apparently the conversation was enough (coupled with my frustration induced poor conduct) to render a ban.

    But, if anything, this should be the other way around. Proof that I performed a scam of some kind didn't exist in the first place, and there's certainly none around now, yet I still have a scammer tag.
  7. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Krong I have read through your arguments and reasoning in this thread. There are clear processes which you have largely ignored. I will go through them and some may be followed up with some questions which you need to answer.

    1. You have already had your appeal at UHC which was denied. This was when the old forums were still up.
    (Question: If you believe the initial report had mere conversational evidence which wasn't proof of your scam and that your appeal was handled unjustly, did you approach another admin (possibly a head admin?) and elaborate on the lack of substantive evidence against yourself? Did you do this?)

    If the ban was so unjust at the time, I find it hard to believe you didn't do everything in your power to reveal the weakness of the evidence against you, judging from your responses here. I am also a UTC admin, but in regards to UHC admins (which have pretty much the same personnel) for the most part have bore the burden of evidence quite reliably.


    At Steamrep we do not interfere with the policies of affiliated communities. It is clear, if you had appealed at UHC, do not appeal again. You had your appeal and it was denied. We do not handle affiliated communities appeals here.

    2. Additionally your criticisms of UHC appeals are irrelevant to your own case as you have already conducted a UHC appeal (in some cases, marked scammers did not choose to conduct a UHC appeal). There was great publicity in the winding down of the community yet you made no attempt to possibly clear your name, seeing as you have repeatedly said in this thread there was no proof in the first place of your performance of a scam.
    (Question: Why wait a year? I read continual excuses that you were following the "status quo" and you had to make "personality adjustments" but if again, if the decision was so unjust on the UHC admin's part, wouldn't you draw attention to the offending thread before it closed down? A reasonable person would realise once a community closes down, there is a limited period of retaining applicable data. Your inaction at the time places question marks on the actual reason of your delay.)

    I want to draw attention to your quote from the UTC thread:
    This "patient waiting" doesn't make sense if your first appeal was so unjust due to lack of evidence. I believe a reasonable person wouldn't "wait patiently" if they were pinged with a SCAMMING ban falsely or with lack of evidence. I believe they would take as much as action as possible ASAP. Again your actions make no sense to the issues you raise now.


    What makes your situation any different to the above cases? There is set protocol and precedent which we do follow, what makes your case an exception?

    Think carefully of your response before posting.
  8. Starburst

    Starburst New User

    @ atom,
    your too nice, I would have killed this long ago.
  9. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Krong, you had a UHC scammer tag that I just revised to UTC per our current policy. Speaking of SR policy, if you have a UTC or UHC tag, you must first appeal to UTC before we can do anything. Until this is first filtered through UTC and they agree to a ban or untagging, there is nothing we can do at all and thus this appeal is denied for now. UTC had a time limit for any UHC appeals, which was 4 months after UHC went away. That time has come and gone a long time ago now, so just to let you know that waiting so long did not work to your favor. Should you get unbanned by UTC after or if you talk with them, then you may re-open an appeal here - but until then I am denying this per our policy. Regardless the very best of luck to you.
  10. atom-

    atom- Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Well looks like you won't be answering my questions Krong. My colleagues aren't as nice as me (I'm really not that nice).

    Refer Noobinator's above post which can shed light on any criticisms you may have. Yes your lack of initiative has been your undoing in this case.
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