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Declined 76561198002122406 (play.iZi pipo^___^)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ▧LZ▨Twine, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. ▧LZ▨Twine

    ▧LZ▨Twine New User

    steamID: ▧LZ▨Twine
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:16800687
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197993867102
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/twyne
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197993867102

    steamID: play.iZi pipo^___^
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:20928339
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198002122406
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pipoooooooooooooooooo0b
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198002122406


    Description: User posted in this trade on outpost with an offer of $60 on paypal for my searing plasma heavy duty rag, I added the user to discuss particulars, despite him having no rep he insisted on me going first. He also stated he removed rep from his profile by accident, but refused to provide me with someone I could talk to that had traded with him over paypal. He also gave no rationale for me going first. Note that no scam occurred, and I am asking for a caution tag for this user.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    play.iZi pipo^___^: hi
    ▧LZ▨Twine: hey, I'd like to take your offer on the searing heavy duty rag
    play.iZi pipo^___^: okk
    ▧LZ▨Twine: have you looked through my rep already, or would you like links?
    ▧LZ▨Twine: they're in my profile
    play.iZi pipo^___^: wait
    play.iZi pipo^___^: yeah
    play.iZi pipo^___^: and?
    ▧LZ▨Twine: :\ are you okay with going first?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: nop
    play.iZi pipo^___^: sorry
    ▧LZ▨Twine: do you have a rep thread?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: nope
    ▧LZ▨Twine: i have 70 pieces of rep on outpost, two pages on sourceop including a trade where I went second on 10 buds, and a bunch of rep on my profile
    ▧LZ▨Twine: whereas I haven't seen any for you
    ▧LZ▨Twine: we could get a trusted middleman if you'd like
    play.iZi pipo^___^: me deleted
    play.iZi pipo^___^: me comm
    play.iZi pipo^___^: D:
    ▧LZ▨Twine: what do you mean?
    ▧LZ▨Twine: I don't understand
    play.iZi pipo^___^: Eliminate the comments of my profile
    ▧LZ▨Twine: ok, well, that doesn't change the situation, do you have a middleman in mind that we can use?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: mmm
    play.iZi pipo^___^: You spend the unusual to me and I load my money
    play.iZi pipo^___^: or games
    ▧LZ▨Twine: no, we find someone we both trust, i send them the unusual, you send me the money, then they send you the unusual once i tell them I received the money
    play.iZi pipo^___^: no
    play.iZi pipo^___^: sorry :)
    ▧LZ▨Twine: so you're saying you had rep on your profile that got deleted?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: If, tape-worm many comments with + rep but nose disappeared
    play.iZi pipo^___^: çThe comments were eliminated alone
    ▧LZ▨Twine: could you send me a link to the profile of someone who did a cash trade with you?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: ME
    play.iZi pipo^___^: buying
    play.iZi pipo^___^: 2 mw3
    play.iZi pipo^___^: =
    play.iZi pipo^___^: 2 buds
    ▧LZ▨Twine: no, i mean a paypal trade
    play.iZi pipo^___^: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198002122406
    ▧LZ▨Twine: link me to someone I can talk to that did a cash trade with you and gave you rep, that got removed by accident
    ▧LZ▨Twine: can you let me know why you are refusing to trade with a middleman, even though that is the only way we both can guard ourselves from being scammed?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: me
    play.iZi pipo^___^: not scammed
    play.iZi pipo^___^: man ;)
    ▧LZ▨Twine: well, I'm sure you can understand that scammers would also say that. If we use a middleman, I have no way to scam you, and you have no way to scam me. would you like to do that?
    play.iZi pipo^___^: He forgives but if I load the money to paypal and to you do not spend the unusual to me I go out losing I: (
    ▧LZ▨Twine: but I would have already sent the unusual to him
    ▧LZ▨Twine: he would not have gotten the money from you, I would, so he would have no reason not to send it to you
    play.iZi pipo^___^: My offer was of that your you were spending the unusual and I it loads the money
    play.iZi pipo^___^: But if your you do not want not there problem good luck:)
    play.iZi pipo^___^: bye sorry
    play.iZi pipo^___^: need back
    play.iZi pipo^___^: bye ;)
    play.iZi pipo^___^ is now Offline.
  2. ▧LZ▨Twine

    ▧LZ▨Twine New User

    This user continues to, what seems to me, attempt to scam me. Most recently they tried to buy 26 keys from me for "me acc" for "mw3". Then they agreed to buy them for $35 usd in games, but when it came down to it they told me "pipo0nb: need first pipo0nb: keys". They wanted me to give them the keys first despite being able to trade games for keys in a single window. I didn't hear back from them for a while when they sent "pipo0nb: http://c.steelseries.com/dota2betakey?code=ewJ08ln4" to me, and when I asked them wtf it was and explained I already have dota 2 they said "subscribe pls", and said they wouldn't buy the keys from me for games.

    I suspect the link may be some sort of phishing site, but it could easily be some referral site that makes him money instead. IDK. Hide the link if you think it should be hidden, please.



    Never tell your password to anyone.
    pip00b: need
    pip00b: 26 key
    pip00b: how much
    pip00b: ¿?
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: 1.35 each
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: let me calculate
    pip00b: ok
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: $35.10
    pip00b: accept
    pip00b: mw3
    pip00b: ¿?¿
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: you mean, the steam gift?
    pip00b: me acc
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: could you buy me some games on steam worth $35 and trade them for the keys?
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: ones I specify
    pip00b: what
    pip00b: games.
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: give me a minute, deciding
    pip00b: ok
    pip00b has changed their name to pip000b..
    pip000b. has changed their name to pipo0nb.
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: 2 copies of binary domain ($10 each) and 6 copies of nexuiz ($2.50 each)
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: would you agree? don't buy them yet
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: well?
    pipo0nb: wait
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: what does it matter which games they are? either you'd buy me games from steam for your money or you wouldn't :\
    pipo0nb: ya
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: ok, could you actually make it 2 copies of binary domain ($10 ea), 4 copies of nexuiz (2.50 ea) and 1 copy of skydrift ($5)?
    You have accepted the trade request from pipo0nb.
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: me changing it was why i told you not to buy the games yet
    pipo0nb: need first
    pipo0nb: keys
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: no, you can buy the games and then we can trade the games for the keys all at once
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: i'm trading the keys for the games, not for nothing.
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: have you gotten the games yet?
    pipo0nb is now Away.
    pipo0nb is now Online.
    pipo0nb: http://c.steelseries.com/dota2betakey?code=ewJ08ln4
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: i already have dota 2
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: are you buying those games, or not?
    pipo0nb: no
    ▧LZ▨Twine S> Keys $1.35 USD each: why did you send me that link?
    pipo0nb: suscribe
    pipo0nb: pls
    pipo0nb: http://c.steelseries.com/dota2betakey?code=ewJ08ln4
  3. ▧LZ▨Twine

    ▧LZ▨Twine New User

    Turns out the link is a referral site. Not a phishing site.
  4. xyz.RaVe

    xyz.RaVe Caution on SteamRep

    looks cleary like a scam attempt to me.
  5. Bacon

    Bacon Retired Staff Partner Community

    Rather fishy to me. Thanks for the report, I'll move this to the appropriate subforum.
  6. Jailbait

    Jailbait New User

    I appreciate the report.
  7. CanadianInvasion

    CanadianInvasion Retired Staff

    While fishy, I cannot verify if it was a scam attempt. If any more evidence can be dug up, please post another report.