Subject: 7656119806666666666 =Pb=playboy Victim: steamID: ☤Redline steamID32: STEAM_0:1:48227040 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Scammer: steamID: =Pb=playboy steamID32: STEAM_0:0:22157698 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: Screenshots: Description: Hello, I have very shocking new to put on the community, the owner of many wonder full and fun saxton hale/trade server is a typical scammer. On 9/18 we trade from my clean Burning "A rather Festive Tree" for his Duped Noble wit hearts, and about 2-2.5 buds in vintages. He said in trade chat [Picture below} that he will give me 5 buds/ or unusual in equivalent value back for the Noble in a while. After the trade, I tried to contact him for 5 DAYS! but he kept ignoring me. Finally on day 6 he chatted ill trade/talk to you when I want to, and he blocked/unfriended me. I trade him for a while threw TF2 he finnaly answered. Me begin ignored and disrespected, I wanted the hat back and to call the deal off, mainly because he said if he felt like he wanted to call it of he could {Picture below}. He said hes not giving it back, went A.F.K and banned me from his server which I was a admin on. Please this can not go without penalty.
So where did I scammed you?. I blocked you because you are stalking me. You tried to pm me every hours. Congrats on making a fool on yourself.
And Redline still have the trade open after 1 week. He got a good offer and now he wants his hat back and thats how he threaten me.
Redline asked me to look at this. There is certainly no "scam" here per se, and the "cooling off" period contractually speaking pertains to the buyer. However I must say the buyer has not lived up to the deal in respects to pure promo, and appears to have broken his own server rules and been otherwise rude. I have no idea how SR will treat this, but from my perspective, the buyer has demonstrated exactly the qualities a good Admin should NOT posses and I hope our paths never cross.
VenGanZa here said it best- no scam took place but the whole thing is not the cleanest of trades by far. Because there wasn't a scam here, I'm marking this as rejected. My best advice to you, Redline, is to avoid Playboy's servers & not trade with him. Thanks for the report.