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Rejected 76561198009629194 Skela (SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Skela, Sep 14, 2012.

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  1. Skela

    Skela New User

    My SteamRep Page: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198009629194

    steamID: Skela
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:24681733
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009629194
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SkelaAndNafets
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198009629194

    Nearly two years ago, I was involved in several trades back when it wasn't possible to trade steam games safely. Over that period, i had many successful trades and I met alot of new people, and made many friends. My life became a little better when I knew I had friends online, when I didn't in the real world. I experienced a lot of bullying and harassment in my life and I often relieved the stress in many ways, usually on my computer.

    At one point in my life, the abuse became too much and I wasn't able to cope. My behavior changed dramatically and I started doing things that I usually didn't do. I adopted a very violent behavior and, what I regret the most, I began scamming other players. It started off unintentionally, when one my trades went wrong and the other trader didn't receive what he wanted. From then I couldn't stop. I became obsessed with behaving badly to others and eventually I scammed one or two other people of a few of their items. I knew I had a serious problem and decided to visit psychiatrist.

    A while later, another trader added me to trade for a game I supposedly had. He happened to be a very kind and respected trader, and offered to go first in all of his trades. We agreed to trade and right before trading me his items, I told him what I actually was doing and I cancelled the trade. No matter how much I had the temptation, I couldn't steal from this person. I explained everything to him and instead of becoming angry and reporting me, he thanked me for my time and eventually left. What happened between me and that other person possibly changed the way I think. I was once again was reminded of the great feeling of being friendly and actually helping people.

    A week later, I logged into my account and noticed it was banned. It was an influence in my decision to get a job and take part in activities that weren't on the computer. Even though it was a nice change, I felt as if a large part of my life was missing. I hesitated many times but eventually, a few months later I decided to send a message to steam support and see if anything would happen.

    Other those few months, I was making great progress with my psychiatrist and I changed drastically. Alot of months after, I was a person better than before. I had regained the previous passion to be kind to other people and somewhat 'recognized' for my good actions. After awhile I felt as if I was ready and I decided to check the status on my steam profile. The ban was lifted.

    I'm not even sure how long ago that was but other time I regained more items, caught up with some old friends and began trading with other members of the tf2 community.

    I'm not sure how this wall-of-text will help in my appeal, but I just felt it was useful to know my story. I previously lied about trading for this account previously a month or so again, as I really wasn't ready to share my experiences yet as I was afraid it would sound like something I thought up. I really hope something can be done as I think I am ready to be recognized as a normal person again.

    And if it helps in any way, I saved this picture awhile back: http://oi45.tinypic.com/25upand.jpg

    If i've done something wrong and this appeal is invalid, let me know and I'd be willing to change it.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. Skela

    Skela New User

    Please excuse the spelling/grammer mistakes.
  3. Skela

    Skela New User

    One more thing, not sure if it helps, I have never visited SourceOP.
  4. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

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  5. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

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