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Declined 76561198011043592 (insолент)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by PyroNeedsHelp, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. PyroNeedsHelp

    PyroNeedsHelp New User


    |steamID: PyroNoMoreProtectMe

    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:5201122
|steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970667972
|customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/fanaticgamer

    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197970667972


    |steamID: insолент
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:25388932
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011043592
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/B0oR
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198011043592

    Stolen/HiJacked Scorching Tower


    My steam account was Hijacked at appx 1:04am EST on 11/5/2012
    BP Valued $7500 Look: i45.tinypic.com/96x4ph.jpg
    See for yourself: http://backpack.tf/id/fanaticgamer
    Notice the items drop in a matter of minutes. The most notable items are 9 Unusual Hats, appx 50 earbuds, and appx 50 keys.

    I was logged on steam for several hours (over 12+) and I was in TF2 and in my trading server when I saw a little steam notification on the bottom right of the screen. It said something to the fact of my account has been logged onto from another computer. So my TF2 closes and steam becomes inaccessible. I try to log-in and it fails. I try to retrieve my password and it does not forward to my associated email account. I Immediately suspect HiJacked account and start a Steam Ticket for my HiJacked account. I also changed my email passwords as a precaution. Then I notice using backpack.tf my items start to disappear from my BP and then my BP is made private.
  2. DataStorm

    DataStorm Retired Staff

    1. If/when hijacked is still active you cannot know to whom those where traded. That those users got certain items from you, doesn't mean that there where no intermediary accounts (alts) of the hijacker, via which he has sold those items to the unsuspecting current owners. That a certain user has a item now, is only circumstantial.
    2. Reports should come from the victim account.
    3. The highest that might come from this for those is that they probably traded with a hijacker's alt account, which is probably hijacked as well, or a account whose backpack wasn't accessed on Outpost.

    I see no good reasons to accept these reports, for conclusive proof isn't there. Once you regain your account, you can prove with the trade history what really happened. For now, your issue is to be with Steam Support.

    Closing report