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Declined 76561198011797935 UMadBro?! Fuchen ( SOP scammer )

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$, Jun 14, 2012.

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  1. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    steamID: UMadBro!??! Fuchen
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:25766103
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011797935
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198011797935

    Hello, fuchen here, im appealing on my SOP scammer tag because i fixed everything i made wrong yesterday. I charged backed a guy named " Carter " was his name, not to take the money from him, because im not a thief, but to show Paypal that they make bad decisions when someone charges me back. I lost more than 200$ on the last chargeback. So i decided i didnt wanted to happen again. I was a known trader on SOP, had 10 pages of flawless rep, but i made the mistake of charge backing this guy " Carter". I should have talked to him and explain to him what my intetions were. I made a mistake here. I admit it. That way was the only way i found that i could show Paypal my point of view. Im really sorry because know i realise that i was damn stupid. I found out aswell that " Carter " is a known scammer from SOP, so this complicated stuff a lot more because i didnt know he was a scammer in the 1st place. Never did, he told me he was a donator / even showed me a link ( that i dont have right now), so i didnt check his Steamrep. Bad decision there. I talked to Carter already, hes got his money, im not deleting him until i have this issue solved because besides being a scammer, he is involved directly and he can prove he got the money. I think i deserve a second chance to make things good like their were 3 days ago. So this is my appeal. If you have any questions, dont hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you.
  2. Dignity

    Dignity New User

    If you saw he is a Donator, you saw his Scammer Tag.
  3. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Nop sir, i didnt ever checked his sr. He told me he was a donator, and gave me a link to some tf2 website, where his name was written on it. So i supposed he was telling me the truth.
  4. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Anyone there.... :S
  5. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User


    For a such big trade?

    Also, you should remove tall those scammers in your friends list. too.
  6. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Yup, it was dumb of me never to check his sr -.-. FAIL. But i cant delete those 2 scammers out of my friend list. One is Carter, ( the guy envolved in this). the other is a dude that scammed me a couple of weeks ago. Keeping him added to know who he is.
  7. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Huh..... Mind asking why no one saw this already? :O
  8. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    We have a very large backlog of appeals and we usually address them in the order they are made
  9. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    kk thank you for the quick reply. Can u leave me an ETA of a future review? :p
  10. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

    4-5 weeks based on amount of current appeals :(
  11. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Oh God... xD k lemme know if anything changes. ;)
  12. Jailbait

    Jailbait New User

    That is very interesting.

    When I spoke to you you seemed to be adamant that you charged back Carter because he scammed your friend Reaper. I remember you were very adamant about how your actions were just. Nobody would steal $200 US from someone who had held up their end of the transaction, because they have a concience and morals. You don't get as far as you have, with 10 pages of SOP rep if you have none of those. You didn't care about what happened to Carter, because you think he is just another filthy scumbag scammer who deseves to be taught a lesson. So, you took matters in to your own hands and scammed him.
  13. Scalia

    Scalia Retired Staff


    Your wording is not clear, so I have a question to clarify.

    Did you do the charge back to show Carter what it is like to get a charge back? Am I understanding that correctly?

    Have you returned the items to the person that you scammed? If not, have you paid for the items? Either one or the other must be done for us to even consider your appeal. Returning the scammed items or paying does not help you in getting your appeal granted, but instead will have us at least review your appeal. If you have given back the items or paid for the items, please post a screen shot here. Otherwise, I will be marking this appeal invalid and you can attempt to appeal after you provided proof of payment or giving back the items.

    Your appeal is not being reviewed at this time. These questions are to 1) clarify your statements, and 2) ensure you are eligible for an appeal.
  14. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Jailbait :

    1st- Reaper isnt my friend, i never told you he was. I was never " adamant" or whatever dont even know what that means. And yes i cared about what happened to Carter so i gave him his money back. Your facts are wrong. Whatever i could have told you i was mad at the time so i speak withouth even thinking.


    Sorry for my " wording" i dont speak English properly so please excuse me.
    1st: I never charged backed Carter to show him how was like to be scammed, that wasnt my intention.
    2nd: I returned the full ammount to Carter, i already asked him to come here to provide a screenie of his paypal account and so you guys could see that im telling the truth. I cant provide anything as far as i know since he is the one that got the money back, and has the history of the money.

    So, with this said, i think i am way more than eligible for an appeal.

    Thank you
  15. UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$

    UMadBro?! Keys-1.48$ New User

    Dunno if changes anything, but Carter deleted from friends list.
  16. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    locked until an admin takes the appeal.
  17. Skyrider

    Skyrider Retired Staff Partner Community

    SteamRep Admin:
    Hey Fuchen. As you already know, I've recently talked to you regarding your appeal. I've let you do most of the talking so you can share your entire story in truth. However.. your story is quite differently from the one of what you mentioned to butane and Jailbait.

    On top of that:


    Rather than "seeing" what paypal would do, you charged-back everything rather than a "few". As such, I very much (and the other users) suspect that you knew he was a scammer beforehand, as a real trader always checks the reputation page of everyone he or she trades. Anyone can be a donator and scam afterwards. And if someone claims to be a donator or any other status, It's very obvious to check the steamrep.

    I feel like you are holding the truth from me in order to get your tag removed on SteamREP. I'm sorry, but I'm going to deny your application. I feel like you could be a continued threat to trading and you would keep this up, you might inevitably scam someone who he thinks is a scammer and who really isnt.
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