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Rejected 76561198012492348 Pinkie Pie™ (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Pinkie Pie™, Mar 10, 2012.

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  1. Pinkie Pie™

    Pinkie Pie™ Banned on SteamRep

    So the point is... I got tagged as a scammer like 6 months ago... I actually deserved it as I joined Team Deviate to try to scam someone with the name of The Killer (that was my past name before being a brony) that I actually changed every 2 minutes impersonating high rep people, like mostly rob, dmtdude, and others they told me to impersonate. I actually didn't get to scam anyone as I am a very bad "scammer" or whatever lol
    And after like a month of that, I learned about Steamrep and lot of other stuff cuz I couldn't join my fav servers like RAWR and many others.
    Then I wanted to clean my name, added Rob when he was still SR ADMIN and tryed to convice (is that actually a word?) him to take me the sr scammer thing off. It didn't pass enought time he said, and after a hour of chat he said he couldn't do anything to help me (as I perfectly understand).
    And well, I tryed lots of times to try to get "cleaned" lol adding several admins and boring them... you can ask rob cuz its true. lol
    And I think I should be untagged because I haven't done anything wrong since then and its been a long time, plus I actually have a alt account with the one I have good rep cuz I bought like 8buds by paypal with no problems at all. (I'm not going to say whats my alt account in this thread because if I don't get untagged as a scammer, that account will be tagged as the alt account of me, a "scammer" and I don't want that to happen as I got nice rep :3).
    I hope some admin understands my situation because I don't like being called a Scammer in whatever trading server I go to.
    (I'm sorry if u didn't understand something cuz the thing is I'm actually spanish)
    Regards, Pinkie Pie.
  2. Pinkie Pie™

    Pinkie Pie™ Banned on SteamRep

    Well I see I can't edit it again for some reason as I found some "errors" I could fix, but nvm I hope you can all understand what I wrote.
    Peace! ;)
  3. mekeon

    mekeon Banned

    no matter what happened or who told you to do that you impersonated someone and that deserves a scammer tag

    also you wouldnt complain about it now if you succeed to scam few unusuals arent you? youre just mad cuz you didnt get anything from deviate except a scammer tag.
  4. FreshKidPee

    FreshKidPee New User

    It is not very wise to not disclose your alts and still trade when you're supposed to be marked. You're avoiding your tag which is a big no no :).
  5. dmtdude

    dmtdude New User

    Wow, you value your rep on your alt account that u haven't disclosed. Yet you have impersonated me and others who have worked so hard to build their rep, all to try scam people and at the same time it makes people worry about trading with us therefore negatively reflecting on our reputation in the community. I have literally been abused/harassed by people that have been scammed by impersonators of me, had people post crap in my rep thread, I have wasted countless hours of my time helping people that have been scammed by impersonators of me. I'm sure you probably never thought about how it actually effects those you impersonate, the people that already give stupid amounts of hours each week to the community to try to help those that are scammed or help in trades to prevent people from being scammed.
  6. Pinkie Pie™

    Pinkie Pie™ Banned on SteamRep

    I'm really sorry about everything I did, I didn't have a clue of how everything worked. I was a "noob", I just traded normal weps and some scrap with some hats I bought from the tf2 market...
    Actually If I wouldn't joined the Vedetia group I would of never leaned anything about the real trading there is, and I wouldn't have the unusuals I actually have (that I legally bought with buds that I bought with my alt account :p).lol
    I don't really think I will get untagged, but could I at least be marked just with a caution tag or something like that?
    It would make my trading easier than having a scammer tag...
    Otherwise its been like 6+ months since I left that group...
    I don't know what else could I say, well I tryed to find out what was adrian's real steam account to tell rob, but I couldn't find it too..
    Well, regards.
  7. Pinkie Pie™

    Pinkie Pie™ Banned on SteamRep

    And about my alt account.
    I created it with the mission of get good rep and get this account untagged sometime, as I tryed to get good rep with this account in sourceop but I got banned instantly and coudn't do anything lol
  8. Pinkie Pie™

    Pinkie Pie™ Banned on SteamRep

    Btw, you actually middleman'd some trades for my alt account before being a "sr middleman"... just saying :3
    And if some admin wants to add me to talk I could give my alt info so you can have a look at it.
    And "Like this?" mm'd for me too.
    I'm saying this so you can all see I'm out of the "scamming business" and I would really like to get untagged.
  9. Spyromancer

    Spyromancer New User

    It's very, very common practise to disclose your alts when appealing, and certain appeals were denied in part because the appealers didn't do so iirc. I'd be wise to stop concealing yours, especially since you're trying to blackmail FKP and Like this? from the looks of it. (Hint: dealing with present scammers who weren't marked when the trade is not an offense)
  10. FreshKidPee

    FreshKidPee New User

    I honestly don't care if I middlemanned for you on your clean account or not. Making an alt to avoid a tag is a big no no either way and most of these guys on here make alts and get their appeal denied about 99.9% of the time. It's not in your best interest to make alts to avoid a scammer tag a scammer tag is given for a reason and once seen that you're trying to avoid it instead of appealing it just makes you look worse. Team vedetia is done either way they have decided to disban. You're still trying to justify making an alt. It is never ok to make an alt when you have a scammer tag. They don't care if you're not scamming or not. The point of the matter is that you're avoiding the tag.
  11. Noobinator

    Noobinator Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Pinkie Pie, it was nice of you to apologize and realize you had entered a life of crime in a wrong path before, but SteamRep policy dictates does not allow for untagging when there is evidence of hard scams such as this, in order to protect the TF2 trading community. I hope you understand that we must deny your appeal. Regardless buenos suerte y and hopefully you can chalk it up to a lesson learned en su vida.
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