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Archived 76561198017404989 (Kondzik)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by UltiMario, Jan 29, 2013.

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  1. UltiMario

    UltiMario New User

    |steamID: Kondzik Polska
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:28569630
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017404989
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Sebior
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198017404989

    A very bad shark attempt by this guy. He added me saying he wanted to buy my unusual (Blizz Jefe), and he opened up the trade window. He then added a Sandvich and said... whatever that is. Called him a shark (not screencapped, sorry) and he quit the trade and responded in the window before un-adding me. Checking his backpack, he didn't have enough to buy it anyways so it's more likely a shark attempt than a misunderstanding.

    UltiMario [TF2x10]: hello?
    Kondzik: Hello sir
    Kondzik: Sir you have Unusual
    Kondzik: you sell ?
    UltiMario [TF2x10]: Yeah I've been trying to sell it
    UltiMario [TF2x10]: I'm obviously looking more for pure but good 1:1s or unusual + pure/sweets is acceptable.
    Kondzik: listen is one issue I do not have the good stuff does not give me any free what?
    UltiMario [TF2x10]: I don't understand. It's fine if english isn't your first languange man but you gotta try and make something understandable haha
    You have accepted the trade request from Kondzik.
    Kondzik: sorry
    Kondzik: I stupid
    Kondzik: ja kocham koszatki
    Kondzik is now Offline.
    Don't have the text for the trade.

    Attached Files:

  2. Sjru

    Sjru User

    Unfortunately this seems to be a shark report, Steamrep doesn't directly ban on these kind of reports but they're appreciated. However I'll have to archive your report due to this.

    I invite you, to report this kind of event into outpost and/or other trade servers such as Mann Co trading and Ace Fortress, who handle them.

    Regardless, thank you for your report!
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