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Rejected 76561198021618682 GamerFlake (SOP SCAMMER)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by GamerFlake, May 26, 2013.

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  1. GamerFlake

    GamerFlake New User

    steamname: GamerFlake
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30676477
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021618682
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GamerFlake
    steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198021618682

    I've been marked down with two offences;
    - Fake Reputation
    - PayPal Scam on alt

    Fake Reputation:
    All reputation on my rep thread is fully legit. Every single rep was a transaction that was made for TF2 items. The last rep posted was from my brother in which I bought his whole TF2 backpack from him since he no longer plays TF2 as much. We made an agreement that I'd pay him $5.00 and he'd give me his backpack (That was how much backpack.tf priced his backpack for). This transaction took place on the 14 May:

    Paypal scam on ALT:
    I've been trading on TF2 since 2011 when trading was first developed and I have never scammed let alone been marked as one. These are the accounts that are marked down as my alt accounts that I have apparently scammed on;

    76561198064747868 - 76561198000348244 - 76561198033711132

    76561198064747868 - I don't know who's account this is (I take it it's my brothers).

    76561198000348244 - 76561198033711132 - These both are my brothers account (76561198033711132 is his main account he uses for gaming and 76561198000348244 he says he uses for storage). I have no affiliation with these accounts since I only ever use my main account GamerFlake. I buy TF2 items from my brother for real money everytime he's in stock. I never have asked where he gets it from (he's always sold it to me for a decent price so I never thought to ask questions) and it seems he's sold me scammed items. I wasn't aware the items were scammed when I bought them and now I regret not looking into it more.

    I feel bad for the people he has scammed and I'm willing to repay whatever my brother has scammed to the victims. I will be talking with my brother when he returns and hopefully get my money back. Sorry for the trouble this may have caused. If there is anymore evidence you need please tell me.
  2. GamerFlake

    GamerFlake New User

  3. GamerFlake

    GamerFlake New User

    I have talked with my brother and he says they are his accounts but is denying he scammed on them. He says he only uses them for idling on TF2 (which I find hard to believe).

    That is all the evidence I have at the moment for this case.
  4. GamerFlake

    GamerFlake New User

    It's been 3 months, any news regarding this?
  5. GamerFlake

    GamerFlake New User

    4 months now... Hope to get this reviewed so I can find out the result soon, I wish to get back into trading again.
  6. GamerFlake

    GamerFlake New User

    I have plenty of profile reputation (http://steamcommunity.com/id/GamerFlake/), TF2 Outpost reputation (http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/68642) and a some SourceOp reputation (http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/113921-GamerFlake-s-Rep-Thread?highlight=) that I've earned throughout my whole time trading on TF2... I've been apart of several Australian TF2 communities and middlemaned many times for friends. This is my first ever offence throughout my whole time trading in TF2... Like I stated in my last post 3 months ago, I wish to get back into trading as soon as possible. I hope this can reviewed as soon as possible.
  7. You Are The One

    You Are The One SteamRep Admin

    Their is no indication that you are a different user nor does the trade history match the time of the rep comment or can you provide any proof of payment being made. On top of that, the scamming you did (and all but admit the other account did scam) on your other account. The bro excuse will not grant this appeal for you, appeal denied.
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