1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Evidence Provided 76561198025783301 & 76561198035298133 - Best scam attempt in my gaming career :o

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Klad, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Klad

    Klad New User

    Scammers - 76561198025783301 and 76561198035298133

    | steamname: Klad
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:30629115
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021523958
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198021523958

    Scammers - Working in a Team:

    | steamname: Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl)
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32758786
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025783301
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheHoooker
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198025783301

    | steamname: Lennon
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:37516202
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035298133
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/legendarylennon
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198035298133

    Chat: http://imgur.com/77nVwpQ,WSkLC1A,3o4OOCx,iBL1xSa,Gyvl1T7
    Fake-Jessica Profile Screenshots: http://imgur.com/5r30iaY,tXUY5Lr

    So i was looking to sell my Karambit Fade over paypal, and this guy Lennon added me. Chat shows everything.
    I have read so much about scammers so i am really careful when it comes to paypal deal etc, i wanted some kind of reputation of him and he linked some forum post. But it was only 1 rep, not enough in my mind.

    So we agreed to take a middleman, i knew about this awesome site so i linked him a middleman but that guy did not accept / was offline maybe, so he linked this "Jessica" and i saw on the list that she was there so i didnt spend much time thinking about it. He made a group-chat with "Jessica" and i checked the profile and everything looked legit and fine.
    So we moved forward with the deal, he payed the middleman the money but it took 10-15 min. Under that time i saw in Lennons profile that "Jessica" had given him ++REP for a TF2 or Dota2 trade - Now the questions came - The profiles of the REAL Jessica and the FAKE Jessica - They were EXACTLY the same - Except for a few things that i noticed - Gamehours did NOT match, they were close but not exactly and same goes for Steamlevel - Real Jessica has level 6 and Fake Jessica had 10.
    Friends didnt match and Fake Jessica had more games.

    As you see in the screenshots - i REALLY dodged a bullet in the last second when i realised this was not the Real Jessica who has TheHooker as steamID and the Fake Jessica have TheHoooker with one more O.

    Easily the best scam attempt in my life - They are without a doubt working with each other and have this in a system to scam people and im SURE they succed alot since it was so perfectly done. I mean, i noticed the profile didnt match exactly at the last seconds before the trade.

    I hope i still can post it here even though they failed with ME but i am sure they have done it to others.

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Klad: hi
    Lennon: are you still selling your knife?
    Klad: The fade?
    Lennon: yes karabit
    Klad: Whats ur offer?
    Lennon: 350$ usd on paypal
    Klad: Do you got any paypal reputation?
    Lennon: i only have 2 paypal transactions through steeam
    Klad: Well, from other games then?
    Lennon: no only steam games
    Klad: Paypal is paypal, can be used in alot of games or transactions
    Lennon: i have only done cs and tf2
    Klad: Any rep from tf2?
    Lennon: yes but only 1 paypal
    Lennon: mostly pety items
    Klad: Where is the rep?
    Klad: Can you link?
    Lennon: yes 1 minute
    Lennon: http://forums.sourceop.com/threads/121546-LegendaryLennon-rep-thread?highlight=
    Klad: i must be logged in? ;o
    Lennon: oh
    Lennon: idk guess you have to make an account real quick
    Klad: okok
    Klad: Okey
    Klad: Read your comments on your profile aswell
    Klad: Seems legit and not a new account
    Lennon: yeah i have been around for a while :p
    Klad: You promise that you wont try and re-fund the money on paypal? And can you write in the note "I wont revoke this money"
    Klad: Just heard that it can help, writing that
    Lennon: yeah of course
    Klad: Read it in some be-careful scam thread or something :P
    Klad: Alright
    Klad: How come you dont have any items in your cs go inventory? :D
    Klad: Never played cs?
    Lennon: nope, my friends just got me into it
    Klad: Okey man
    Lennon: i quit a while back
    Klad: So, how should be do the deal?
    Klad: we*
    Lennon: ok first i will get all your paypal information and ill go to the conformation page
    Lennon: then before i send u will trade me the knife
    Lennon: and then after that i will send money
    Lennon: and whenever u get the money let me know
    Lennon: also you should make a rep thread to
    Lennon: that way i can post in it
    Klad: And what insurence do i get? Thats a huge risk for me
    Lennon: Well..
    Lennon: I have more rep than you
    Klad: You must know from my perspective
    Lennon: and i dont have many cs items :/
    Lennon: and to be honest, I have a lot of reputation in the community atleast the tf2 one
    Klad: Got a guy that payed me 60$ up front before the trade, could see if he is online and you could speak to him?
    Klad: He trusted me and traded without any issue
    Klad: Yea, i can see that you have 3000+ hours in TF2
    Klad: What do you think about a 50/50? We both take the same risk
    Lennon: Yeah, honestly i would prefer just to do all the money at once
    Lennon: there are risks on both sides of this
    Lennon: I have a ton of reputation
    Lennon: if you want a middleman thats fine
    Lennon: but as of right now, I need you to go first
    Lennon: because I have several pages of rep, and hours
    Lennon: This trade would go alot smoother without having to get a middleman
    Lennon: but whatever you choose is fine
    Klad: Hmm
    Klad: i mean, i hope you understand it from my view
    Klad: So 50/50 is not an option for you? Would feel alot safer for me
    Klad: 50% first, i give the knife and 50% afterwards
    Lennon: I really don't want to do that :/ , from my point of view that is just to risky
    Lennon: i have been scammed before
    Klad: Me to
    Klad: Most people have
    Klad: So no one trusts anyone sadly thats the world we live in :/
    Lennon: I understand what you mean
    Lennon: but there is reputation because of this
    Lennon: I have a lot of it
    Lennon: because I trust the rep system
    Lennon: I can't do 50/50 because you have no rep
    Lennon: and I risk trading with someone with no rep
    Lennon: i hope you understand :/
    Klad: People dont leave reps in profile over normal trades without money
    Klad: and you got one rep over paypal
    Klad: rest is item by item i suppose?
    Lennon: yeah it is
    Klad: So you basicly got 1 rep that matters, correct?
    Lennon: yes that's right
    Klad: Thats how i see it
    Lennon: none of that other rep really matters
    Klad: If i asked for rep for every item-item trade i would have a few pages aswell
    Lennon: yeah i understand
    Lennon: but I can't go first because you have no rep
    Klad: 50% not 100%
    Lennon: but still, if i lose 185 dollars
    Lennon: thats lot
    Klad: That way its fair and we both trust each other.
    Klad: You aint going to loose anything man, im not a 12 year old kid that scam people
    Klad: 24 year old from Sweden
    Lennon: look im sorry but i can't just trust talk
    Klad: yea, i loose 185 dollar aswell if you scam me after the knife? correct?
    Klad: if you would scam me
    Klad: So the way i see it, its the only way.
    Lennon: yes your right
    Klad: I have had 50+ people add me about the knife, giving it first always
    Lennon: honestly, losing money is much much worse than losing an internet item
    Lennon: so i am taking more risk
    Lennon: o really?
    Klad: Yes
    Klad: Had it on Steam Market for 3-4 hours
    Klad: Got spamm added
    Lennon: o wow haha
    Klad: People wanted to buy over paypal
    Klad: traded for items etc
    Klad: Had 22 invites when i came back from dinner
    Lennon: wow haha
    Klad: I have traded many knifes and had many up on market
    Klad: People are trying to scam
    Klad: Every day
    Klad: Everyone wants the knife first, no one wants to do 50/50
    Lennon: ok, i hope you understand but i am not going to give money first since you have no rep
    Lennon: if you want we can use a middleman
    Lennon: it complicates the trade and makes it longer
    Klad: Guess thats the only way then
    Lennon: but if it means we can both feel safe and get the trade done i would be happy to look for one
    Lennon: ok
    Lennon: i am going to look for one
    Klad: http://steamrep.com/list/M
    Klad: Maybe there
    Klad: Looked at http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197997100108
    Klad: Him before
    Klad: Reddit admin etc, look serious
    Lennon: ok
    Lennon: is he online?
    Klad: Online yes but Busy status so i dont know
    Lennon: ok
    Lennon: i added jess and she accepted
    Lennon: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TheHoooker/
    Klad: Alright
    Lennon: oh and its a boy haha
    Lennon: im talking to him right now
    Klad: :D
    Klad: Group chat?
    Lennon: sure
    Your chat with Lennon is now a multi-user chat.
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl) entered chat.
    Lennon: Hey jessica thanks for accepting!
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): no problem, what do you two need
    Klad: Hey Jessica, Thanks from me aswell :)
    Klad: Well, i got a Knife - Karambit Fade
    Klad: That Lennon wants to buy from me over PayPal
    Lennon: yes
    Klad: But as you probably has experience with - People cant really trust each others
    Lennon: but nobody wants to go first so would you be willing to middle man it?
    Klad: due to the risk of getting scammed
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): What are the exact terms of the trade?
    Lennon: I was going to send 350 dollars on paypal to klad for the knife
    Klad: I got the knife - Karambit Fade Factory New and he wants to buy it for 350$
    Klad: over paypal
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): I assume you want Lennon to pay the transaction
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): ?
    Klad: Hm, its going to be 2 fees
    Klad: One to you and then to me
    Klad: So what about we take one each?
    Klad: If you meant the paypal fee?
    Lennon: Are you sure, i dont mind paying both fee's since it wont be that much
    Lennon: atleast compared to the 350
    Lennon: and i am talking about the paypal fee
    Lennon: so i will pay both fee's
    Klad: Totally up to you of course but since we both agreed to use a middleman i figured that i could take one fee
    Lennon: Ok, I am going to pay the first fee when I give it to the middleman. That way its a bit more simple
    Lennon: when jessica gives it to you. Then you can cover those fees
    Lennon: it's probaby easier that way
    Klad: Ok!
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Ok, are these the final terms? I am going to wait till I get an email confirmation from paypal before getting anything fom you Klad
    Klad: I have never used a middleman before, so i have to ask - do you take any fee Jessica?
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): No, I am a vontuneer for the community
    Klad: Okey. Yes im good with those terms. Lennon?
    Lennon: Yes i am good
    Lennon: So i send money first to middle man right?
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Yea, go ahead and send the payment to me
    Klad: So you trade me when you have recived the payment from Lennon?
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): my paypal is [email protected]
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Yea, I am going to wait to recieve email confirmation
    Lennon: Ok, i am going to send the money now
    Klad: Sounds good! Thanks again Jessica for doing this :)
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): no problem
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Ok Klad, when I get the email confirmation I am going to go ahead and screenshot it
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): and give it to you
    Lennon: I just sent the money
    Klad: Ok Jessica, sounds good
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): when you are satisfied I am going to get the knife from you
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): then both of you are going to get the money/knife
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): sound good?
    Klad: Yes
    Lennon: yes sounds good
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): ok, give me a few minutes while the money makes it to my account
    Lennon: Have you got the money yet?
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Ok Klad. You there?
    Klad: Im here.
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Ok, I recieved the payment
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): I am going to put the reciept sceenshot in here
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): Just to confirm that the amount of money is correct
    Klad: I have questions.
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): http://i.imgur.com/RSXSSrx.png
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl): sure
    Klad: Why your profile Jessica not the same profile as on the steamrep?
    Klad: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198046493175
    Klad: if i press that steamcommunity link, it does not match your profile
    Klad: Games missing etc.
    Klad: Steam level is not the same
    Jessica (The 13 Year Old Girl) left chat.
    Lennon: wait what
    Klad: Hours, acgivements
    Klad: LOL
    Lennon: f✿✿✿
    Klad: WTF?
    Lennon: wtf
    Lennon: he removed me
    Lennon: wtf
    Klad: I noticed that you guys knew each other.
    Klad: He left rep on your profile
    Klad: So i have no clue if he is your mate or not.
    Lennon left chat.
  2. ryaneus

    ryaneus New User

    Hey there! Could you upload those screenshots? Use the "Upload a File" button. Thanks!
  3. Klad

    Klad New User

    Ok! Uploaded now in this post, i thought imgur would be OK. Saw other posts with that, but now you got both :)

    Attached Files:

  4. LegendaryLennon

    LegendaryLennon New User

    Hey I hate to bump this thing back up from so long ago but can I get a final verdict on my account? I'd really like to not have the report just sitting there pending forever :/
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @LegendaryLennon Do you wish to explain how you know the middleman used in this report? I'll process the report however response I get but if you wish to lay it all out on the table now perhaps it will speed things up.
  6. LegendaryLennon

    LegendaryLennon New User

    Yeah me and him played tf2 together, we're good friends and we still are and he got banned for this, and he switched accounts so I no longer have his banned account added but I do have him added
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Ok so you do admit that this was the story going on here that you did in fact partner with him to take advantage of another person "the victim here" using the fake MM.
  8. LegendaryLennon

    LegendaryLennon New User

    Yes I went in with a full intention to scam him
  9. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I'll move this to review as is.