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Rejected 76561198026134545 Babo (SOP Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Babo, Apr 19, 2012.

  1. Babo

    Babo New User

    steamID: Babo
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32934408
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026134545
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rockpaperscissors
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026134545

    First of all, i tried logging in via Steam all night but it kept saying "invalid Login. Is your profile Private ?". My profile is never private. That's why i had to sign up and use this forums account to appeal.

    Yesterday, I was banned from SOP for "fake rep" and marked as a Scammer because of that:
    Yesterday, was also the first time I created a rep thread and a trade thread on SOP. As a newbie on the forums, after realizing that I must have some reputation there for my trade not to be ignored, I was eager to have some. Then I decided to use another account to help myself with one fake rep, i must admit it.

    It was a stupid thing that I did, and I learnt an expensive lesson when I got banned as marked a scammer for giving myself one fake rep. Before that, I had never known SteamRep and SOP rules with this case, I had always thought scammers are those who impersonate, steal or rip people off. I know giving myself one fake rep is wrong, but never knew it could be a big deal and make me a scammer, i know that now.

    I played TF2 for 1700 hours in less a year, got many friends, received a lot of love and 250 positive comments from traders and friends on my profile, that is my life. The steam account, TF2 and its trading means so much to me. I've never done anything such as stealing, impersonating or ripping people off, I hate those people as much as everyone here does, and never want to be one of them. Now I ruined everything in a minute, with a stupid action that makes me one of them.

    I can just hope, maybe you guys would consider my honesty and please give me a chance to come back. The lesson has been learnt, and it hurts so bad.

    Thank you for reading.
  2. Starburst

    Starburst Guest

  3. Babo

    Babo New User


    Dear SR and SOP admins,

    Today, after talking with Glados about the above appeal and telling Glados that i have an alternate account which i've been using for trading, Sourceop admin was invited to our chat, he told me that i was banned then i can't come back, and banned my alt right away, getting it a scammer tag too . .it was another shock for me.

    I never knew what i did wrong. When Babo was banned from SOP for fake rep, I asked SOP admin, he told me that i will have to appeal at SR but unbanning the SOP is always a big no. So for trading, I thought what i can do is creating another account on SOP, with my alt Steam account and not violating rules again, because there's no other way to keep trading and i didn't know that i am not allowed to do that. I was a moderator on a forum in my country, when a member there violated rules, I had to ban them, and they came back as another account without violating rules then no body would ban them again. Because having to stop using an account and the email attached with it is already a serious punishment. In my case, I had to stop using my original Steam account with friends, traders, games and other personal stuff on it as i want to keep trading, I thought that already punished me well enough. I never knew that I can't even come back with a new account. Moving myself to an alternate account for trading is hard enough, i couldn't think of anything worse than that until now. And with the new account, I haven't violated any rule again, instead, i got a decent rep with it, on Sop, Outpost, my Steam profile, any where i went to, people who traded with me said that they feel good to have a reliable trader like me on their list, which made me proud. I've been trading nicely, making everyone happy and earning a profit that helps with my living, to me that's a good thing to do, I helped myself and traded honestly, I felt nothing wrong with it. And today, after building everything and investing a lot into my business, getting ready for a new week, I got banned and marked as a scammer again, everything is ruined again, i'm facing with financial problem from now on. this is too hard for me to handle. i don't know what to do anymore.

    Here's my alt:
    steamID: Hana selling keys @ $1.40
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43984866
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198048235461
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/junghana
    steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198048235461

    I've been thinking about this everyday since my original account got tagged, scammers are out there, trying to steal from people everyday, making many people want to quit playing or trading, we all know that and we're all mad. So i just want to be legit, earn profit, help myself while giving people a fair deal that make everyone happy, fix my stupid mistake and prove my honesty, yes it makes me so happy to make enough profit without having to scam people like those scammers, without having to underpay sellers and trying to make buyers overpay for my stuff. People who traded with me respect me and are always happy, why am i not allowed to this. I understand that all admins have to be strict to protect the community and i respect that, but I also think sometimes, we should be flexible too, in a click, you can help the whole community avoid a scammer, but you can also change people's life too, to many of us here, trading and reputation is life. With the lack of knowledge, i made a stupid mistake, but it never harmed anyone. As i learned that faking rep is taken seriously, when i used my new account, i didn't let it happen again, i told people not to do that stupid thing like i did. And i had good rep not only by trading, but also by helping the new guys, being nice and polite and most importantly, being completely honest to everyone including admins whenever you want to question me. Everyone who have traded with me can confirm that, anyone who has talked with me can vouch for that too. Can you guys please stop for a second and consider it because we're not machines, we shouldn't be cold like machines. We want to get rid of scammers, if you know someone is not really a scammer, please give him a chance and don't just get rid of him too, please don't. Give me 5 minutes of your time, take a look at my SOP rep thread, my profile, outpost,..any site that i had my trades on, let me link you to them if u need , ask traders personally if you even have more time, see what people talk about me, see my attitude when doing business with people and see if i am a good trader or a scammer that doesn't deserve to come back.

    Thank you so much and i'm sorry for the long text, I ust want you guys to understand my thoughts..
  4. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    I'll be handling this appeal, watch for my request.
  5. JJJJ

    JJJJ Retired Staff

    Appeal denied, as per our policy regarding fake rep.
    Feel free to come back in six months, and if you are clean up until that point, your tag may be reduced.
    Good luck!