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Rejected 76561198026703489 Hairy Monkey Cake (SR Scammer)

Discussion in 'Archived Appeals' started by Hairy Monkey Cake, Oct 5, 2012.

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  1. Hairy Monkey Cake

    Hairy Monkey Cake Banned on SteamRep

    |steamID: Hairy Monkey Cake
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33218880
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026703489
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026703489

    I have been marked as a scammer for about 9 months now but i feel like its time this haunting fact goes away. I have stopped scamming for a long time now especailly after the 8 weeks of trading ban which really made me think and considr my actions. I have repaid the people I scammed more than what i scammed them of and we have made up. In one of the cases I was reported of doing raffles which i never scammed anyone on and the fake rep on my progile that i put clearly was a joke for i put "lol" by it and it clearly states I wrote that. All in all i have made many trades and in some cases have given people free stuff to make u for what i have done. I hope i can get rid of the scammer status because it makes it hard for me to trade when it is still there. Many get the wrong idea about me and i would like to just trade and have fun. My scamming days are long gone and I admit to what I have done. I don't know if this is muc proof but I is worth a try. Thanks for your consideration and time. :)
  2. Evanescence

    Evanescence New User

    So you added me recently, scared, asking me to remove my report so your appeal could be easier to handle?
    And you ended the conversation by telling me , "bye you mean".

    Actually, i'm am totally against your untag. For the following reason

    - Admitted scammer.
    -Fake rep (Posting yourself rep with the same account is a huge fail, and even if you claim it was a joke. NO WAY it can be considered as a joke, it's fake rep to me IMO.)
    -Previously TRADE BANNED by VALVe

    9 months so you say you never gonna scam anymore? Are you kidding me? Even people with CAUTION TAG have to wait more and many don't get it removed.

    Sorry but self-admitting scammer, even the report is clear. and the fakerep, LOL, the lol don't tell the difference between true or fake rep. Even if it's from your own account, it's fakerep.

    I'm not a steamrep admin, but i seriously hope to not see you again in trade servers, i'm pretty sure your appeal will be denied anyway.

    To me your fakerep yourself, to the report and your self-admittance, you scammed. Ewwwwwww. JUST NO!
  3. Mattie!

    Mattie! SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Sorry, we do not approve appeals for someone who steals and has a change of heart. The community wants to ban people for scamming and it's really a 1-shot deal-- everybody says they will stop scamming in order to get unmarked. :(

    I hope you continue to avoid scamming. Valve cracks down on people who scam with a trade ban sometimes, so be thankful that it's only our volunteer site that you were reported to.
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