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Invalid 76561198026927775

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by brake™, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. brake™

    brake™ New User

    Scammer name : NoName | Hell-Man


    steamname: brake™
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:63499910
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087265548
    customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/brake_id
    steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198087265548


    steamname: -|DICE|-
    steamID32: STEAM_0:1:33331023
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026927775
    steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026927775


    Im sorry i tried to take a screenshot of the chat but it doenst work,but i have the chat log itself copy pasted:

    18 юли 2013 г.
    03:00 ч. - brake™: sup
    03:00 ч. - -|DICE|-: waht ?
    03:00 ч. - brake™: what?
    03:01 ч. - -|DICE|-: you want my weapon strange ?
    03:01 ч. - brake™: i dont know what,maybe you added me and maybe i won your raffle
    03:01 ч. - brake™: ofc i want it
    03:01 ч. - You cannot trade with -|DICE|- because they are currently trading with someone else.
    03:02 ч. - -|DICE|-: yes but i don't give it
    03:02 ч. - brake™: you dont give it?
    03:02 ч. - -|DICE|-: my item
    03:02 ч. - brake™: hm
    03:03 ч. - brake™: i won your raffle and you dont give it?
    03:03 ч. - brake™: why did you added me if you dont wanna give it?
    03:03 ч. - -|DICE|-: because i trade it !
    03:03 ч. - brake™: give you 1 min to trade me and im calling an admin also saving the chat with you
    03:04 ч. - You have accepted the trade request from -|DICE|-.
    03:06 ч. - brake™: are you fooling me around?
    03:06 ч. - brake™: you inv me and wont you put item?
    03:06 ч. - brake™: ok im calling an admin
    03:06 ч. - brake™: sick of trolls like you
    03:07 ч. - -|DICE|-: why you calladmin ?
    03:07 ч. - brake™: how long i wait mark and trade
    03:07 ч. - brake™: .....................
    03:07 ч. - -|DICE|-: you talk me bad so you don't give that !
    03:07 ч. - -|DICE|-: i'm not a s✿✿✿ !
    03:07 ч. - brake™: i talk bad?
    03:08 ч. - -|DICE|-: you talking to me bad !
    03:08 ч. - brake™: you created a raffle and then fooling me around?
    03:08 ч. - brake™: rly?
    03:08 ч. - -|DICE|-: yes
    03:08 ч. - brake™: listen up
    03:08 ч. - -|DICE|-: Bye
    03:08 ч. - brake™: reported
    03:08 ч. - -|DICE|- is now Offline.

    I have won a raffle from TF2 Raffle House and the raffler added me himself. Then he said he won't give me my winning because he traded it. After that he invited me to trade and put in the trade window exactly the same item i have won (the item he claimed he cant give me ,because he traded it) and then refused to give because he felt "offended" because i called him troll.
    Fooling me around all the time (probably just because he only wanted to receive a reputation from the raffle but not really to give it). A person should not create a giveaway( no matter if its an item or game etc.) and then refuse to give it . By registering and agreeing with the site rules, that person on purposly delude people just to receive something and not giving (which is also against the site rules) . Hope that person learn his lesson because tryin to scam for something little could give him opportunity to try and scam other people with even bigger losses.
  2. HelenAngel

    HelenAngel Retired Staff

    Please report this over at TF2R. They have tags with us and they will be able to tag him if a scam has occurred. It's better to have the involved site handle the report. Thanks! :)