1. SteamRep is shutting down at the end of 2024. See announcement.

Evidence Provided 76561198027015736 (james hetfield)

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Hyperthrough, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. Hyperthrough

    Hyperthrough New User

    | steamname: Hyperthrough
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:40947578
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198042160885
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hyperthrough
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198042160885

    | steamname: james hetfield
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:33375004
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027015736
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198027015736

    He added me around two days before we chat. He wanted to buy my Genuine Crosscrom items for $90+ via Paypal. He suggested for me to go first because I have less reputation than him. I checked his Steam Page and knew the rep on page was likely fake because most of them were made by scammers marked on Steamrep and the low hours in playtime for trading. I suggested that we ask a middleman to handle the trade but refused. I couldn't trade the day we chat and haven't met again yet. He thinks I'll do the trade when he sees me online again.

    Although there wasn't any scam involved, it was likely he was attempting to scam.

    d20fc4fabf238582944b1f87947886af.png a42a510810df88f3aa975571480148ce.png d20fc4fabf238582944b1f87947886af.png a42a510810df88f3aa975571480148ce.png 1f0af9fadc87a806b1e0dcc0637cce89.png d20fc4fabf238582944b1f87947886af.png a42a510810df88f3aa975571480148ce.png 1f0af9fadc87a806b1e0dcc0637cce89.png

    Attached Files:

  2. Hyperthrough

    Hyperthrough New User

    I forgot the transcript of the chat.
    I changed my name that day so apology for the inconvenience.
    He was making stories on the go, as well.

    james hetfield:: hi
    Slammer: Hey, do you need something?
    james hetfield: yes
    Slammer: Well, what do you need?
    james hetfield: weren't you selling something on tf2outpost ?
    Slammer: Yes.
    james hetfield: i forgot
    james hetfield: what was it again?
    Slammer: It was some hats.
    james hetfield: you were selling it for money?
    Slammer: Well, via Paypal?
    james hetfield: yes
    Slammer: How much do you want it for?
    james hetfield: well
    james hetfield: i would like to know the hats
    Slammer: It was some of the new hats in the summer crate.
    james hetfield: well
    james hetfield: are you also selling the cross com,
    james hetfield: ?
    Slammer: That depends.
    james hetfield: well
    i need offers
    Slammer: Oh yeah, which Cross-Crom?
    james hetfield: genuine
    Slammer: I got two of them with the similar name.
    james hetfield: the genuine one
    james hetfield: would u want 90 $ for all that?
    james hetfield: or more
    Slammer: It seems too much for you.
    james hetfield: nah i got my paycheck last month
    james hetfield: and got leftover
    james hetfield: i am the ceo assistant
    Slammer: CEO of what?
    james hetfield: one of the many wallmart
    Slammer: Ok, who goes first?
    james hetfield: well you got less rep than i
    james hetfield: mind if i check your steamrep?
    Slammer: Not at all.
    james hetfield: okay
    james hetfield: btw nice photo
    james hetfield: hunterxhunter was my favorite show when i was a kid
    Slammer: Ah, I see.
    james hetfield: okay
    james hetfield: you are good
    james hetfield: now
    james hetfield: i think you should go first
    james hetfield: you have less rep than i
    Slammer: Should we call a middleman?
    james hetfield: im doing a quickbuy
    james hetfield: i have been scammed
    james hetfield: alot of times
    james hetfield: i don't fell comfortable
    james hetfield: wait
    james hetfield: im doing a trade now
    Slammer: Ok.
    james hetfield: ok i just did a paypal trade
    james hetfield: let's continue
    Slammer: I think it would be more secure if it's with a middleman.
    james hetfield: im not comfortable with it
    james hetfield: thee fact that i get scammed alot is uncomfortable
    james hetfield: im a PP trader
    james hetfield: and trading with people that have less rep makes me more of a vigilante
    Slammer: Middlemen make sure people don't run away with money/items.
    james hetfield: but what if the middleman does
    james hetfield: i just don't trust anything
    james hetfield: not after the loss of an unusual data mining light
    Slammer: A low chance they would run away with it.
    james hetfield: with nuts and bolts
    james hetfield: even if
    james hetfield: i did loose that unusual
    james hetfield: that teaches me not to be a fool
    Slammer: Middlemen should be trustworthy.
    james hetfield: i don't just trust nobody
    james hetfield: im always scared
    james hetfield: some guy tried this on me
    james hetfield: he said an unusual for money
    james hetfield: i gave it to the middleman
    james hetfield: he ran away
    james hetfield: and bother blocked me
    Slammer: You didn't do a further investigation on the middleman, then.
    james hetfield: i did
    james hetfield: he had rep
    james hetfield: alot of rep
    james hetfield: i checked
    james hetfield: he was not a scammer
    james hetfield: so i trusted him
    Slammer: He should be banned, then.
    james hetfield: he didn't
    james hetfield: instead
    james hetfield: i got trade banned
    james hetfield: i was so messed up there
    Slammer: You're not marked.
    james hetfield: no im not
    james hetfield: steam did ban me for no clear reason
    Slammer: You're not banned from trading.
    james hetfield: no
    james hetfield: it was just a week ago
    james hetfield: let's skip this story
    james hetfield: and get to trading k?
    james hetfield: anyway
    james hetfield: now you know im afraid of middlemen
    james hetfield: well
    james hetfield: i will prepare the money right now
    Slammer: I can't trade where I am.
    james hetfield: Why?
    You have accepted the trade request from james hetfield. (I accepted the trade but I couldn't access the trade page.)
    james hetfield: u can trade
    Slammer: I'm at work.
    james hetfield: ooh
    james hetfield: well
    james hetfield: its night time here
    james hetfield: go to the toilet
    james hetfield: well when u gonna trade?
    Hyperthrough: It has to be really early in the morning for me.
    james hetfield: when u gonna trade specifically
    Hyperthrough: It has to be around night for you.
    james hetfield: yea it is
    Hyperthrough: So around the same time but earlier.
    james hetfield: well trade me
    james hetfield: so we can start sendign money
    Hyperthrough: Work blocked the website.
    Hyperthrough: So I can't access it.
    james hetfield: okay
    james hetfield: trade me when ur done working
    Hyperthrough: I just started an hour ago.
    james hetfield: wow
    Hyperthrough: It will take me around 10 more hours.
    james hetfield: then
    james hetfield: in the morning
    james hetfield: u will be at night
    james hetfield: wich means u can trade
    james hetfield: at night
    james hetfield: phew

    Last part of the chat. Some parts of the chat may be missing.

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  3. Hyperthrough

    Hyperthrough New User

    Apologies for the messy transcript as well. It appears I can't fix the error.
  4. Nero Chinki

    Nero Chinki New User

    Thank you for reporting, Pretender will look into this when he can.

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