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Evidence Provided 76561198028146896

Discussion in 'Pre-2017 Reports' started by Paranoid android, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Paranoid android

    Paranoid android New User

    | steamname: Paranoid android
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:19515550
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999296828
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/yespeace1
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197999296828
    | steamname: [ 420 ] Azkardi
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:33940584
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028146896
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198028146896

    Returned a payment.

    He added me to buy 79 keys, claiming they were for a sam and max set. I contacted the person selling the set and he confirmed this guy wanted to buy it, but he didn't want to trade with him due to a low value backpack. That was good enough for me so I went on with it.
    I went on a 6 day vacation and when I returned, I saw the payment was already returned.

    A picture I took during the transaction, containing some chat
    Pictures showing other stuff

    Chat afterwards:
    03 August 2013
    20:21 - Paranoid android: got it
    20:21 - Azkardi: Apparently my mastercard didn't update for a sec
    20:21 - Azkardi: And I forgot to leave the message.
    20:21 - Azkardi: >_>
    20:21 - Azkardi: So thats what I was concerned about
    20:21 - Paranoid android: gasp
    20:22 - Paranoid android: no keys for you
    20:22 - Paranoid android: nah, just joking
    20:22 - Azkardi: Thanks.
    20:22 - Azkardi: Sorry about that :S
    20:23 - Paranoid android: you should be getting 79 items, tell me if if you get a different number
    20:23 - Azkardi: Ok
    20:24 - Azkardi: Got the right amount
    20:24 - Azkardi: Thanks
    20:24 - Azkardi: See you bro.
    20:24 - Azkardi: Can you add +rep for me?
    20:24 - Paranoid android: bye
    20:24 - Paranoid android: on your profile?
    20:24 - Azkardi: Yeah
    20:24 - Paranoid android: alright
    20:24 - Paranoid android: please don't add any on mine though
    20:25 - Azkardi: Ok.
    17 August 2013
    20:27 - Paranoid android: you did read my trade description, right?
    20:27 - Azkardi: Yess.
    20:27 - Paranoid android: and you know I have a screenshot of everything
    20:27 - Azkardi: But my mother retracted the sale.
    20:27 - Azkardi: Because I was not eligible.
    20:27 - Paranoid android: and you not adding the desctiption doesn't change a thing
    20:28 - Paranoid android: you're still getting banned and I'm getting my money back
    20:28 - Azkardi: Ok. Well that was my bad
    20:28 - Paranoid android: after at least an hour of writting appeals
    20:28 - Azkardi: I wasn't eligible to spend the money.
    20:28 - Azkardi: My mom made paypal take it back
    20:28 - Paranoid android: well, I will not send any reports your way if you give back the money
    20:28 - Paranoid android: of course she did
    20:28 - Azkardi: She did.
    20:28 - Azkardi: I'm only 14.
    20:29 - Paranoid android: doesn't matter anyway, tell your mum she'll be losing that money and probably getting her account banned if she/you don't send the money this way
    20:29 - Paranoid android: also the credit card bloacked
    20:29 - Paranoid android: and your account on steam as well
    20:30 - Paranoid android: that's not supposed to happen
    20:30 - Azkardi: Well that sucks for me most importantly because I can't send it.
    20:30 - Paranoid android: okay, alternative
    20:30 - Azkardi: I just can't.
    20:30 - Paranoid android: you're giving me the stuff back
    20:30 - Azkardi: The credit card was already cancelled.
    20:30 - Azkardi: I can't give it back because I traded it away.
    20:30 - Azkardi: For lesser crap.
    20:30 - Paranoid android: of course you did
    20:30 - Azkardi: Check my bp
    20:31 - Paranoid android: sorry for your account
    20:31 - Azkardi: Its ok.
    20:31 - Paranoid android: actually, I'm not sorry
    20:31 - Azkardi: It happens.
    20:31 - Paranoid android: I don't give a crap about it
    20:31 - Azkardi: Well, that was my bad.
    20:31 - Azkardi: Yet again.
    20:31 - Paranoid android: I only give a crap this will take me hours of work and reports
    20:31 - Azkardi: Ok, well I will always be sorry.
    20:31 - Paranoid android: no you won't
    20:31 - Azkardi: Yes I will.
    20:31 - Paranoid android: you got your money
    20:32 - Azkardi: I dont have my account anymore though.
    20:32 - Azkardi: And I have spent way more on that.
    20:32 - Azkardi: At least I can still play League of Legends.
    20:35 - Paranoid android: okay, another alternative because I really am in a good mood for now
    20:35 - Paranoid android: your backpack
    20:36 - Azkardi: I'd just really prefer to be banned even if it wastes my bp.
    20:36 - Paranoid android: why's that?
    20:36 - Azkardi: I deserve that.
    20:36 - Azkardi: Because then nobody can have my items.
    20:36 - Paranoid android: and I deserve losing 150 usd for nothing? I don't think so
    20:37 - Azkardi: I am getting banned.
    20:37 - Azkardi: It doesn't matter.
    I tried talking and threatening him into paying back, but for this not clearly explained reason he refused. I asked him several times later why he wouldn't give the items back (which are worth significantly less than what I lost), and he kept giving unclear answers. He persisted even after I somehow convinced him he will be losing his entire account, and the items with it.

    Please let me know if I should add any additional info.

    Attached Files:

  2. Paranoid android

    Paranoid android New User

    This has been up for two weeks, and I haven't gotten a single reply here, it probably even hasn't been reviewed by an administrator at all. The rate at which these are processed looks like there's only one person active twice a week who actually reads these. I can't help but wonder where all the massive donations go, if they're not used to hire more people to handle reports.

    Excuse me for my temper but I can't restrain it considering I lost $150, which is not a negligible amount.
  3. duhhulloDK™

    duhhulloDK™ New User

    Can you try to get the pictures full size rather not a thumbnail?
  4. Paranoid android

    Paranoid android New User

    I don't know how I did that, but the full versions are at the bottom of the post, in the attached files.
  5. Sjru

    Sjru Retired Staff

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thank you for your report! An SR admin will review yours in a while!