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Accepted 76561198028423028 (BBoothie)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by WaylaidWanderer, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. WaylaidWanderer

    WaylaidWanderer Unconfirmed Reports

    Victim: None in this case, because he was just really stupid. A quite interesting conversation though.

    |steamID: Pyromaniac
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:34078650
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198028423028
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BBoothie
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198028423028

    Description: This guy found me from TF2Outpost, wanting to trade his unusual plus a bunch of sweets for my Steaming Brain Slug. He offered what my hat was worth, plus an additional $15 from his PayPal on top of that. I thought it was a good deal, so I accepted. He didn't want a middleman, which I found suspicious, but trusting my judgement, we proceeded. He would give me $15 worth of items and then pay me, and I would return his items. I agreed. I asked him to explicitly state which of those items would be collateral just to be safe.
    He asked me to teach him how to send money as a gift, since he didn't know how. I agreed.
    We traded, and everything went fine. However once he went to his PayPal, he claimed he only had $3 left because he had bought keys with the money. This was slightly suspicious because I wasn't sure if he meant he bought keys from the black market with that money or from the Mann Co. Store, so I was on my guard.
    He then went onto do something... well, see for your self in the screenshots.

    http://puu.sh/1hHem - Here's me telling him to list which items were collateral for the $15.
    http://puu.sh/1hHgn - Here I tell him to state what I'm trading him and what he would be giving me in return.
    - Screen shot of profile page if the offender is impersonating admins, middleman, or trusted traders. (showing steam community link, pic, nickname, friends and groups)
    http://puu.sh/1hHi0 - I tell him my PayPal address, and he warns me I have to return the items after he pays. He also attempts to remove the Silver BK Scattergun and the Balloonicorn, but I stopped him from doing so.
    Here's where things get weird: He claims a guy is telling him he can dupe hats, and that he would do it for him. Then he says "I'm gonna do it". Here's the screenshot of this. It's worth seeing. http://puu.sh/1hHIT
    After he tells me that the guy went offline, I went to check his inventory, confirming my suspicions. Sure enough, the unusual I just traded him was still there. I wasn't sure what he was trying to pull, so I just acted nonchalant to mess with him a little.
    http://puu.sh/1hHJ4 - Here's his big reveal. You can see what he's up to, as what he says speaks for himself.
    http://puu.sh/1hHJj - Here I ask him for his motivations. Why would he do something this stupid?
    As you can see, he claims to have done this to many people already. I consider this scamming, as I said in chat with him.
    http://puu.sh/1hHMn - Here's the hat still in his inventory after all this happened.
    http://puu.sh/1hHTR - Here's my inventory history. You can see the trade I just made. Note that he changes his name to Pyromaniac.
    http://puu.sh/1hHUJ - Here's a screenshot of his profile. Heh, he would be a member of the NighTeam group...
    http://puu.sh/1hHV8 - Here's a screenshot of his previous names.

    There's no chat transcript since I took screenshots of everything. I am aware he is already marked as a SR Scammer, but he needs to be marked as a TF2OP scammer as well, and whatever else you feel is applicable. He does this just to get views on his stupid channel/videos (which I didn't even bother clicking because that would just give him money), and apparently even gets the items he traded back, and more. He is the scourge of TF2 and kids like him shouldn't be allowed to play. I'm considering reporting him to Valve to get him trade-banned or just banned outright if possible.

    In this case he didn't manage to scam me (in fact I came out on top since he overpaid me in items), but it's going to be a hassle reselling everything instead of getting the pure $15 promised... I am merely reporting him for the reasons stated above (he admits to scamming multiple people).
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    Thanks for the report, marking as ready for review.